External Client Services

The Ion Beam Lab (IBL) offers a range of ion implantation and materials analysis services for External Users utilizing a variety of research techniques. Our services fall into two categories:

  1. Relatively predictable techniques that are priced in a general fashion

  2. Techniques with too many variables to fit on a fixed price sheet

Techniques within the second category — which includes ion implantation, High-resolution RBS (HIRRBS) and Microbeam analysis — requires an individualized quote. In those cases, we ask you to please contact the laboratory at [email protected] or 518-442-4480 for pricing. 

Pricing for the techniques within the first category are outlined below:

Rutherford Back Scattering (RBS) & Particle Induced X-ray Emission (PIXE) Spectrums

The IBL staff can provide the client with a clean RBS or PIXE spectrum in a format the client can use to analyze the data. One of the several free software packages available online, such as RUMP, can be used to perform analysis.  

We can either format the spectrum for the software you plan to use, so there is a seamless transfer of parameters needed for the analysis, or we can deliver it in a comma separated format suitable for most software packages. 

The current cost of this service is:

  • First sample: $275

  • Additional samples: $125 each

The cost for analysis on the above spectra is:

  • First sample: $150
  • Additional samples: $100 each

There is a $650 minimum charge, translating to a minimum of four samples. However, if this service is ordered in conjunction with other services and the net cost is above $650, then the above list prices are applied directly for the benefit of the user. 

The complete analysis can also be performed for an additional fee. Given the number of variables at play, pricing for analysis services is handled on a case-by-case basis. Please contact the laboratory at [email protected] or 518-442-4480 for a quote. 

The hourly consultation rate ($125) will be included in the analysis quote. We do not charge fees for helping clients determine the most suitable services for their needs.

Nuclear Reaction Analysis (NRA) with RBS Check

A combination of NRA with RBS is a successful technique pioneered at the IBL, as evidenced by our research

It provides an analysis for both light and heavy elements. It provides a wealth of information about a sample that’s difficult to study with other techniques. 

The current cost for this service is:  

  • First sample: $750

  • Additional samples: $300 each


User Rates

Ion Beam Lab (IBL) facilities area also available to faculty, students and external users once they have been properly trained. Training is offered for a fee to any qualified prospective researcher. 

General training usually takes five to 10 hours. It allows users to run the Dynamitron accelerator and qualifies them for training on other systems at the IBL.

Please contact the IBL at [email protected] or 518-442-4480 for more information.   

Dynamitron Accelerator

Rates are charged in 15-minute increments.

  • Standard Rate: $250 per hour

  • Internal Rate: $187.50 per hour

Please contact the laboratory at [email protected] or 518-442-4480 to inquire about available ions before reserving equipment time. Fees are charged for unavailable ions or special setups. Visit the Equipment & Instrumentation page for more information.

Extrion Ion Implanter

Rates are charged in 15-minute increments. The minimum charge is $200.

  • Standard Rate: $160 per hour

  • Internal Rate: $120 per hour

Researchers must undergo additional training to run experiments on the Extrion unassisted and pay a fee for additional assistance. Visit the Equipment & Instrumentation page for more information.

  • Operator Training: $100 per hour

  • Post-training Technical Assistance: $75 per hour

E-Beam Evaporator

The E-Beam Evaporator is only available to Internal Users. Visit the Equipment & Instrumentation page for more information. 

  • Set-up Charge: $100 per cycle 

  • Run charge: $5 per minute 

  • Special Configuration Charge: $50

Poster Printing

Poster printing is only available to Internal Users. Visit the Equipment & Instrumentation page for more information. 

Our printer uses a 42-inch roll and users are charged $1 per inch.

XRF Handheld Device

Rates are charged in 15-minute increments.

  • Standard Rate: $160 per hour

  • Internal Rate: $120 per hour

  • Portable use outside of the IBL - get quote

Operator Training

Fees are as follows:

  • Operator Training: $100 per hour
  • Post-training Technical Assistance: $75 per hour

Basic training on certain tools may only take 3 to 5 hours, while other tools and procedures could require a few weeks.

Which user rate will I be charged?

UAlbany employees & students (Internal Users)

UAlbany employees and students completing UAlbany-related work are considered Internal Users and are charged the Internal Rate. Employees and students completing work deemed external are charged the Standard Rate. 

While we encourage faculty members to seek grant support for all research projects, we understand that many worthwhile projects are unlikely to attract external funding without data. In such cases, the IBL director is authorized to allocate modest amounts of accelerator time at a reduced or no charge. Any discounts must be approved by the IBL director before the project starts.

Employees & students from other universities (Academic Affiliates)

Employees and students from other universities who have been granted affiliate status are considered Academic Affiliates and are charged the Standard Rate with a 20% discount. 

If a researcher from another university is working with a UAlbany researcher on a subcontracted grant, they may qualify for the Internal Rate. Adjustments are determined on a case-by-case basis.

All others (External Users)

Anyone who does not qualify to be an Internal User or Academic Affiliate is considered an External User and is charged at the Standard Rate. External Users must also provide their own liability insurance.


Billing Information

All standard Ion Beam Lab services will be billed monthly. Invoiced procedures are billed after the completion of the work. Payment is net 30 days, 5% per month thereafter. Ion Beam Lab services rates are adjusted annually on January 1.



Payment by RF accounts

We can process payments for you with the RF accounting office. Please provide an account number to us when you log your usage, or at the time you receive your invoice.

Payment by electronic transfer

External users can pay by electronic transfer or check.

Payment by check

Checks must be made payable to The Research Foundation of SUNY. "SUNYA Ion Beam Lab" and our invoice number must be noted on the check.

Mail checks to

Ion Beam Laboratory
University at Albany
1400 Washington Avenue
Albany, NY 12222

Note: Minimum payment by check will be $200 to cover check processing.

Payment by Credit Card

Please call 727-631-5584 for payments to be completed by credit card.