Kate S. Coddington

Kate S. Coddington

Associate Professor
Department of Geography, Planning, and Sustainability
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Arts & Sciences 207

PhD with distinction, Geography, Syracuse University (2014)

Certificate of Advanced Study (C.A.S.), Women’s and Gender Studies, Syracuse University (2012)

MA, Geography, Syracuse University (2009)

BA with distinction, Carleton College (2003)

Kate Coddington

I research approaches to public policy dealing with migrants and postcolonial governance that influence processes of bordering and citizenship. My work is grounded in feminist epistemology, and uses literature from geography, anthropology, and interdisciplinary scholarship on migration, mobility, and governance to understand the everyday consequences of public policies for migrants, non-governmental organizations, and policy-makers. 


Guest edited special issue journal/ online series

Micieli-Voutsinas, J. and Coddington, K. (2017) Spatializing Shattered Subjects: Mapping Geographies of Trauma, Emotion, Space and Society (equal participation in guest editing process)

Coddington, K., Conlon, D. and Martin, L, (2018) Destitution economies: mapping relations of enforced precarity. Society and Space, http://societyandspace.org/2018/12/11/destitution-economies-mapping-relations-of-enforced-precarity

Refereed publications

Coddington, K. (2019)Fractures in Australia’s Asia-Pacific border continuum: deterrence, detention, and the production of illegality, in Jones, Mitchell and Fluri (eds) Handbook on Critical Geographies of Migration. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Press: 232-243.

Lenette, C., S. Banks, C. Nunn, K. Coddington, T. Cook, S.T. Kong, and N. Stavropoulou (2019) Brushed under the carpet: Examining the complexities of participatory research (PR). Research for All, 3(2).

Coddington, K. (2018) The slow violence of life without cash: borders, state restrictions, and exclusion in the U.K. and Australia. Geographical Review. https://doi.org/10.1111/gere.12332

Coddington, K., Conlon, D. and Martin, L, (2018) Introduction: Mapping relations of enforced precarity. Society and Space, http://societyandspace.org/2018/12/11/destitution-economies-mapping-relations-of-enforced-precarity/

Coddington, K. (2018) Landscapes of refugee protection, Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 43(3): 326-340

Coddington, K. (2018) Settler colonial territorial imaginaries: maritime mobilities and the ‘tow-backs’ of asylum seekers, in Peters, K. Steinberg, P. and Stratford, E. (eds) Territory Beyond Terra. London: Rowman & Littlefield International: 185-202.

Coddington, K. (2017) The re-emergence of wardship: Aboriginal Australians and the promise of citizenship, Political Geography, 61: 67-76

Burke, S., Carr, A., Casson, H., Coddington, K., Colls, R., Jollans, A., Jordan, S., Smith, K., Taylor, N. and Urquhart, H. (equal authorship, paper co-authored with undergraduate students) (2017) Generative Spaces: Intimacy, Activism and Teaching Feminist Geographies, Gender, Place and Culture, 24(5) Special issue on Emergent and Divergent Spaces in the Women’s March: The Challenges of Intersectionality and Inclusion: 661-673

Coddington, K. and J. Micieli-Voutsinas. (2017) On trauma, geography, and mobility: towards geographies of trauma, Emotion, Space and Society, 24: 52-56.

Coddington, K. (2017) Contagious trauma: Reframing the spatial mobility of trauma within advocacy work, Emotion, Space and Society, 24: 66-73

Coddington, K. (2017) The mobility of carceral logics: enclosure tactics and violent consequences for Aboriginal communities and asylum seekers in Australia, in Turner, J. and Peters, K. (eds) Carceral Mobilities: Interrogating Movement in Incarceration. London and New York: Routledge: 17-29.

Coddington, K. (2017) Intimate Economies of Erasure and Ambiguity: Darwin as Australia’s 2011-2012 ‘Capital of Detention,’ in Hiemstra, N and Conlon, D (eds) Intimate Economies of Immigration Detention: Critical Perspectives London and New York: Routledge: 140-154.

Coddington, K. (2017) Voice Under Scrutiny: Feminist Methods, Anticolonial Responses, and New Methodological Tools, The Professional Geographer, 69(2): 314-320.

Steinberg, P. and K. Coddington. (2015) From Ice Law to ICE LAW: Constructing an Interdisciplinary Research Project on the Political-Legal Challenges of Polar Environments, in L. Heininen, H. Exner-Pirot, and J. Plouffe (eds.) Arctic Yearbook 2015, Akureyri, Iceland: Northern Research Forum, pp. 445-451.

Coddington, K. (2015) The “entrepreneurial spirit:” Exxon Valdez and nature tourism development in Seward, Alaska, Tourism Geographies, 17(3): 482-497.

Coddington, K. (2015) Feminist geographies ‘beyond’ gender: de-coupling feminist research and the gendered subject, Geography Compass, 9(4): 214-224.

Coddington, K., and A. Mountz. (2014) Countering isolation with use of technology: how asylum-seeking detainees on islands in the Indian Ocean use social media to transcend their confinement. Journal of the Indian Ocean Region, 10(1): 97-112.

Coddington, K., R. T. Catania, J. Loyd, E. Mitchell-Eaton, and A. Mountz. (2012) Embodied Possibilities, Sovereign Geographies, and Island Detention: Negotiating the ‘right to have rights’ on Guam, Lampedusa, and Christmas Island. SHIMA: The International Journal of Research into Island Cultures, 6(2): 27-48.

Mountz, A., K. Coddington, J. Loyd, and R. T. Catania. (2012) Conceptualizing detention: mobility, containment, bordering, and exclusion. Progress in Human Geography, 37(4): 522-541.

Coddington, K. (2011) Spectral geographies: haunting and everyday state practices in colonial and present-day Alaska. Social & Cultural Geography, 12(7): 743-756.