The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: Past, Present, and Future

The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: Past, Present, and Future

Rockefeller College Lunch & Learn 

The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: Past, Present, and Future

Wednesday, December 6, 2023  •  2:30-3:30pm  •  Via Zoom

Please join us for a discussion of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict on Wednesday, December 6th at 2:30pm via Zoom. Arash Azizi, a faculty member at Clemson University, will give a brief presentation on the historical background of the conflict, how the present round of fighting got to where it is now, and explore some of the potential futures. The presentation will be followed by a Q&A with participants moderated by Rockefeller College Dean Julie Novkov. Register in advance to receive the Zoom link.


Arash Azizi, Senior Lecturer, Departments of History and Political Science, Clemson University

Arash Azizi is a historian of the 20th century social and political movements, with a particular interest in global socialism. Specializing in the Cold War era, his work highlights the crucial role of non-state actors such as leftist parties and trade unions in waging of this global contest. His first two books covered Iran's regional entanglements and its social movements. He is currently working on a new book project focused on the communist movement in the Middle East during the Cold War with particular attention to the working alliance between communist parties in Iran, Iraq and Israel/Palestine. What Iranians Want: Women, Life, Freedom is expected to be published in February 2024.

Audience Q&A:

Moderated by Julie Novkov, Dean, Rockefeller College, Professor, and Collins Fellow.
Please submit questions you may have for the speaker on the registration form.


Click here to register. (Zoom link will be sent to registrants the morning of the event.)