Rock Your Career: Kathleen Tsantes, MIA ’22

Kathleen Tsantes

What was one of the most meaningful experiences you had during your time in the MIA program? 

My capstone experience was amazing. I was able to utilize the opportunity as a Research Assistant at West Point’s Combating Terrorism Center to really work on my analytical and quantities skills, which were a real weakness for me. I asked as many questions as I could and was able to use it as an extremely valuable learning experience. It meant a lot that I had a great support system from my supervisors at West Point and from the staff at Rockefeller. 


Where did you complete your internship requirement and what knowledge, skills, and abilities did you develop as a result of this experience? 

I was able to complete my internship requirement at the New York Division of Human Rights (NYSDHR), as an Investigations Intern, and at the United Nations Joint Sustainable Development Goals Fund (UNJSDGF). I was able to gain legal experience, related to New York State law, which helped me become familiar with the human rights so many people are entitled to but not always know how to exercise. My experience at the UNJSDGF has given me amazing insight into the of the unquiet working world of the UN. I was able to work on country specific programs, which each aim to achieve a bigger stride in the race to meet the SDGS by 2030. I attended the 76th UN General Assembly, COP-26, COY-16, and spoke at The UN Secretary-General's Envoy on Youth's 4th Youth SDG Summit at UNITE 2030. I also helped in drafting talking points for the UNJSDGF Secretariat, the UNDSG, and I worked on a campaign featuring the popular Korean band, BTS, during the UNGA. 


What specific skills or experiences through the program have prepared you for your transition to post-graduate employment?

Learning how to utilize LinkedIn, Handshake, and all the other amazing tools available to network and make the most out of my graduate experience. Learning how to present myself and my ideas has helped me during the job hunt and interview processes, post grad. 


What kind of opportunities are you considering for post-graduate employment?  

As I concentrated in Diplomacy & Global Governance, my research prioritizes gender inequalities, institutions, and forcible displacement of native peoples. In the future, I hope to pursue a career where I am able to champion human and environmental rights. I currently work at BritishAmerican Business (BAB) as the Membership Coordinator. BAB is the leading transatlantic trade organization committed to strengthening the economic corridor between the United States and the United Kingdom by supporting policies and actions that protect and enhance the environment for transatlantic trade. 


What advice do you have for students who are considering employment in the public sector and pursuing an MIA degree? 

My biggest piece of advice? Be yourself! In my experience, having the energy and curiosity of wanting to learn and work, has been my greatest asset. I recently interviewed for a position that I was under qualified for. I reassured them that although my resume was a little junior that I was able and willing to learn. They didn’t offer me the position, but they did create a position for me, because they liked my energy and eagerness! 

Start researching who the “big players” are in those sectors. Become familiar with the types of roles that are available and what the qualifications are. If there is something that sounds interesting to you but you feel like you may not have the experience or skills, start building up those weaknesses now! It’s just as important knowing what you don’t want to do, rather then just knowing what you do want to do! Reach out, network, ask all the questions!