Rock Your Career: Courtnee Denton, MPA ’22

Courtnee Denton

What was one of the most meaningful experiences you had during your time in the MPA program? 

One of the most meaningful experiences I had in the program was during the summer of 2020 when I, like everyone else, began taking courses fully remote. Without the added morale of having classmates by my side, I found it challenging to manage the course load and stay motivated to complete assignments. A few students in my classes decided to start a Zoom study group where we would review the materials, work on homework assignments, and discuss the concepts learned in class. We met several days per week for multiple hours at a time, often discussing classwork, but also talking about our lives and becoming friends. That experience proved that we could create a community and do well in our classes, despite never meeting in person. Learning that skill so early into COVID carried throughout the rest of my MPA career and now I have friendships with people I have still never met in person!


Where did you complete your internship requirement and what knowledge, skills, and abilities did you develop as a result of this experience? 

I completed my internship on the Communities and Local Government team at the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA). One of the most important parts in fighting climate change is making renewable energy technologies and energy efficiency measures accessible to municipalities. My team's primary goal was to work directly with local governments to improve the energy efficiency of their buildings, reduce energy costs, and implement renewable energy technologies. Because of COVID-19 and related supply chain issues, many of the communities we worked with experienced delays in their projects. While helping the communities manage these delays, some of the main skills I learned were project management and data entry and analysis. I also assisted my team in the development of a new Clean Energy Communities Program Opportunity Notice (PON), hosting scoring committees and developing requests-for-proposals (RFPs). Overall, I spent just over a year as an intern at NYSERDA. I am so grateful I was a part of implementing the country's most ambitious energy goals, because it directly correlates with my present-day and future career aspirations. 


What specific skills or experiences through the program have prepared you for your transition to post-graduate employment?

A few skills that I learned during my MPA education that have helped me immensely in my current role is my ability to interpret legislation and communicate its impact effectively to my superiors. I write memos and read legislation at least once per day in my current role. Because I was able to tailor my MPA education and internship experience to align with my desire to study energy policy, I am able to comprehend legislation and specific energy/environment related jargon that I would not have understood prior to my MPA. Additionally, without the quantitative coursework I engaged in at Rockefeller, I would not have had the necessary Excel and math experience that has served me well in my role as an intern, applying grants, and now in my role as a Budget Examiner for NYS. 


Where are you currently employed and what is the focus of your position? 

I am currently employed as a Budget Examiner at the NYS Division of the Budget. I am on the Energy and Climate Team and my portfolio consists of the Department of Public Service, the Long Island Power Authority, and the New York Power Authority. 


What advice do you have for students who are considering employment in the public sector and pursuing an MPA degree? 

If you're considering an MPA or employment in the public sector, my greatest piece of advice is to lean in. Simply take every opportunity, engage with your networks, show up to events, and join organizations that reinforce your values. Surrounding myself with like-minded people and experiences reminded me that my ambition and passion are my most useful assets. If you're already a student at Rockefeller College, my advice on navigating the job search is to utilize the Career Services office to hone your resume and cover letter, and join the Rockefeller listserv to learn about job and internship opportunities!