Three women reading in the grass together Three women reading in the grass together

Initiatives For Women

Initiatives For Women (IFW) benefits women students, faculty, and staff and the University at Albany and our community as a whole by providing them the means to advance their educational and professional goals. Through individual donations, corporate and foundation contributions, IFW supports women in a variety of ways.

An all volunteer Committee runs the Initiatives For Women Program under the auspices of the University at Albany Office of the Provost. The Committee members are absolutely dedicated to the IFW motto: SUPPORT HER DREAM.

IFW Committee

Since being established in 1993, the Initiatives For Women (IFW) program at the University at Albany has grown by leaps and bounds. From its modest beginnings of providing 10 grants in its first year, IFW has raised over $1,000,000 in funds to date that are doing one thing - supporting the dreams of hundreds of women students, faculty and staff at the University.

Initiatives For Women's leadership structure has consisted of a single chair, who was responsible for general oversight of the entire organization, a steering committee, who served as committee chairs and co-chairs for projects and events, and associate members, who provided general support whenever possible.

In response to the growth the organization has experienced over the past several years, in the spring of 2005, IFW adopted a shared leadership model. The Leadership Council will split the tasks that historically where managed by the single chair. Calling on the expertise that already exists in the organization, 8 women will spearhead the membership: awards application process, fundraising, finance, public relations and events committees. In addition, the Council also includes a primary spokesperson and Leadership Council chair and a campus leadership liaison. Former IFW Steering Committee members and Associates ow volunteer to work on these subcommittees.

If you are interested in volunteering on any of the IFW subcommittees, please contact Carol Anne Germain.

To Give

Support Her Dream

You can “support her dream” and give to Initiatives For Women by making a general donation to IFW or by contributing to one of the IFW existing endowment funds.

To make a gift, please send a check made payable to The University at Albany Foundation to: 

The University at Albany Foundation
UAB 226
1400 Washington Avenue
Albany, NY 12222

Thank you for your interest in supporting her dream!