Off-campus Student Services Newsletter: April 2024

A crowd of people wearing eclipse glasses looks up at the sky under the UAlbany Carillon ahead of the 2017 solar eclipse.

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A student wearing sunglasses and a light coat smiles as she stands in front of the New York State Capitol building.


Financial Literacy Month: Empowering You for Financial Success

As April unfolds, so does a golden opportunity to embark on a journey toward financial empowerment. Welcome to Financial Literacy Month, a dedicated time to enhance our understanding of personal finance and strengthen our financial well-being.

Why Financial Literacy Matters: Financial literacy serves as the cornerstone of a secure and prosperous future. It equips individuals with the knowledge and skills necessary to make informed decisions about money management, budgeting, investing and more. By cultivating financial literacy, we pave the way for greater financial stability, resilience and opportunities.

Here are some proactive steps you can take during Financial Literacy Month and beyond:

  • Educate Yourself: Dive into resources that demystify financial concepts and empower you with practical knowledge. Explore books, online courses, podcasts and workshops tailored to your interests and learning style.
  • Set Financial Goals: Define clear, achievable objectives for your financial journey. Whether it is building an emergency fund, paying off debt or investing in retirement, setting goals provides direction and motivation.
  • Budget Wisely: Take control of your finances by creating a budget that aligns with your priorities and values. Track your income, expenses, and savings to ensure you are making the most of your money.
  • Invest in Yourself: Invest in your skills, education, and personal development to enhance your earning potential and long-term financial success. Consider pursuing certifications, acquiring new skills, or exploring entrepreneurship opportunities.
  • Seek Professional Guidance: Do not hesitate to seek advice from financial professionals, such as financial advisors or planners, who can offer personalized guidance tailored to your unique circumstances and goals.


Azaleas bloom in an Uptown Campus sculpture garden.


Spring Cleaning Tips: Refresh Your Space for a Renewed Outlook

As the days grow longer and the air carries a hint of freshness, it is time to embrace the age-old tradition of spring cleaning. Say goodbye to winter's clutter and welcome a rejuvenated living space that revitalizes your mind, body and spirit. Here are some tips to kickstart your spring-cleaning journey:

  • Declutter with Purpose: Begin your spring-cleaning adventure by decluttering with intention. Assess each room and identify items that no longer serve a purpose or bring you joy. Embrace the KonMari method and keep only those possessions that spark happiness in your heart.
  • Organize & Prioritize: After decluttering, organize your belongings in a way that maximizes space and efficiency. Invest in storage solutions such as bins, baskets, and shelves to keep items neatly tucked away. Prioritize areas that tend to accumulate clutter, such as closets, cabinets, and drawers.
  • Deep Clean from Top to Bottom: Roll up your sleeves and dive into the deep cleaning process. Start from the top of each room, dusting ceiling fans, light fixtures, and crown molding. Work your way down to surfaces, floors and baseboards, ensuring every nook and cranny is sparkling clean.
  • Freshen Up Fabrics: Revitalize your home by freshening up fabrics and textiles. Wash curtains, blankets and linens to remove dust and odors. Consider steam cleaning upholstery and carpets for a thorough refresh that leaves your home feeling cozy and inviting.
  • Let the Light In: Open your windows and let the natural light flood in. Clean windows, blinds and curtains to enhance brightness and clarity. Welcome the beauty of the outdoors into your home, creating a serene atmosphere that lifts your spirits.
  • Tackle Outdoor Spaces: Extend your spring-cleaning efforts beyond the confines of your home to outdoor spaces. Sweep patios, decks and porches to remove debris and grime. Prune bushes, trim hedges and spruce up flower beds to cultivate a vibrant outdoor oasis.
  • Embrace Eco-friendly Practices: Make environmentally conscious choices throughout your spring-cleaning journey. Opt for non-toxic cleaning products and reusable cleaning tools to minimize your ecological footprint. Consider donating gently used items to local charities or hosting a neighborhood swap meet to give new life to unwanted treasures.
  • Reward Yourself: Celebrate your spring-cleaning accomplishments by treating yourself to something special. Whether it is a relaxing bubble bath, a rejuvenating spa day or a leisurely stroll in the park, take time to appreciate your hard work and bask in the serenity of your freshly cleaned space.


Two students collect litter on UAlbany's Uptown Campus for Earth Day.


Earth Day Initiatives: Uniting for a Greener Tomorrow

As Earth Day approaches, we are presented with a profound opportunity to join hands in safeguarding our planet for generations to come. Let's channel our collective energy and passion into initiatives that promote sustainability, conservation, and environmental stewardship. Here are some inspiring Earth Day initiatives to ignite your eco-friendly spirit:

  • Community Clean-up Events: Gather friends, family and neighbors for community clean-up events aimed at beautifying local parks, and natural habitats. Armed with gloves and trash bags, we can make a tangible impact by removing litter and restoring the beauty of our shared spaces — like the one we do every Sunday! Check out Engage UAlbany.
  • Energy Conservation at Home: Take proactive steps to reduce energy consumption in your off-campus housing. Turn off lights and unplug electronics when not in use, switch to energy-efficient LED bulbs, and use power strips to easily disconnect devices. By conserving energy, you can lower utility bills and lessen your environmental impact.
  • Sustainable Transportation Options: Opt for eco-friendly transportation methods such as biking, walking or carpooling to campus and other destinations. Reduce your reliance on single-occupancy vehicles to minimize carbon emissions and promote cleaner air in your community. Explore public transit routes and incentives for sustainable commuting.
  • Waste Reduction & Recycling Practices: Implement waste reduction strategies in your daily routine by minimizing single-use plastics and packaging. Utilize reusable water bottles, coffee mugs and grocery bags to reduce waste generation. Set up a recycling system in your home to properly dispose of paper, plastic, glass and metal materials.
  • Eco-friendly Meal Planning & Shopping: Embrace sustainable eating habits by incorporating plant-based meals into your diet and supporting local, organic food sources. Plan meals to minimize food waste and use leftovers creatively. Choose reusable containers for storing food and avoid single-serving products with excessive packaging.
  • Environmental Education & Advocacy: Raise awareness about environmental issues and inspire action among your peers through education and advocacy. Organize Earth Day events, film screenings or discussion panels to promote sustainability initiatives on campus and in the local community. Advocate for policy changes and sustainable practices at your university
  • DIY Eco-friendly Projects: Explore do-it-yourself (DIY) projects that promote sustainability and creativity. Upcycle old furniture, clothing or household items into new and useful products. Create homemade cleaning products using natural ingredients to reduce exposure to harmful chemicals and minimize environmental impact.