Two UAlbany researchers working on a New York State Mesonet tower.

Bachelor of Science in
Atmospheric Science

Program of Study


Learn from faculty who are world leaders in their fields of research and have close collaborations with the Albany National Weather Service, located right on campus. In addition, you will have access to the New York State Mesonet, a collection of over 100 advanced weather observation stations located across the state.

In this major you will study introductory and advanced atmospheric sciences, as well as mathematics, physics and chemistry. A mentor will guide you through elective options to align your program with your career goals in subjects including short-term and seasonal forecasting, climate change and extreme weather.

Atmospheric Science Courses

  • Weather Workshop
  • Atmospheric Structure, Thermodynamics, and Circulation
  • Weather Analysis and Forecasting
  • Environmental Statistics and Computation
  • Dynamic Meteorology I and II
  • Atmospheric Thermodynamics
  • Physical Meteorology
  • Meteorological Data Analysis and Visualization
  • Applications of Numerical Weather Prediction
  • Severe and Hazardous Weather and Forecasting OR Water and Climate Change
  • Choose one:
    • Climate Variability and Change
    • Water and Climate Change
    • Climate Laboratory
    • Paleoclimatology
  • At least 9 additional credits from 301 and higher level courses (excluding Air Quality and Air Pollution Policy)

Math Courses

  • Calculus I and Calculus II
  • Calculus of Several Variables
  • Ordinary Differential Equations

Chemistry and Physics Courses

  • General Chemistry I
  • Physics I: Mechanics
  • Physics Lab I
  • Physics II: Electromagnetism

Honors Program

Students who have by the end of their fourth semester attained a cumulative grade point average of at least 3.25 and a grade point average of at least 3.50 in courses required of the major in atmospheric science may apply to the department chair for the program leading to a B.S. degree with honors in atmospheric science.

Applied Learning

The department is collocated with the National Weather Service and the New York State Mesonet, which offer internship opportunities. The University's location in the state capital provides access to other internship programs and career opportunities with organizations including:​

  • The New York State Office of Emergency Management
  • Center of Excellence in Atmospheric & Environmental Prediction and Innovation​
  • Area TV stations

Past students have taken advantage of opportunities for coordinated study abroad involving departmental collaborations with universities in Argentina, Brazil and Taiwan. Students also have opportunities to travel to conferences to present their research and participate in professional development.​


Undergraduate Research Opportunities
Research Interests of Atmospheric and Environmental Sciences Faculty

If you’re interested in pursuing research, you can come up with your own project idea and speak to a faculty member about overseeing the project. Alternatively, you are welcome to approach a faculty member whose research interests match yours.  A project can be developed if the professor has time to dedicate to working with you in the given semester. One to three credits of ATM 497 (independent study) or three credits of ATM 499 (Honors research) can be taken and used towards atmospheric science major elective requirements. 


Dr. Lance F. Bosart 

My interests are in convective scale weather systems (e.g., derechos and convectively driven vortices), mesoscale weather systems (e.g., intense frontal systems and lake- and ocean-effect snowstorms), middle latitude synoptic-scale weather systems (e.g., cyclones and anticyclones), tropical weather systems (e.g., hurricanes and organized rainstorms), large-scale weather systems (e.g., atmospheric blocking and continental weather systems), and planetary-scale teleconnections (e.g., the Arctic Oscillation and the Pacific-North American pattern). 


Dr. Kristen Corbosiero 

My research interests are the structure and intensity change of tropical cyclones. I have worked on projects involving the rapid intensification of tropical cyclones, lightning in hurricanes, and the origins of tropical cyclone trains with undergraduate students. I am interested in continuing these projects with interested students, as well as those concerning lightning more broadly. 


Dr. Robert Fovell 

My research focus is on numerical weather prediction (NWP) and mesoscale dynamics. I use NWP models to understand the dynamics of hurricanes, thunderstorms and windstorms. I am interested in identifying, understanding and mitigating model forecast errors.


Dr. Daniel Keyser 

My research specializations are synoptic-dynamic and mesoscale meteorology.  I am interested in designing and advising research projects concerned with the diagnostic application of selected equations from dynamic meteorology to midlatitude weather systems, including fronts, jets, extratropical cyclones and baroclinic waves. Individual projects will be designed to appeal to undergraduate atmospheric science majors with a strong interest in applying concepts learned and technical skills developed in their mathematics, computer science and atmospheric dynamics courses to visualize and interpret the structure and evolution of midlatitude weather systems. Projects will be conducted using numerical representations of weather systems in reanalysis and forecast datasets. 


Dr. Andrea Lang 

My research focuses on understanding the linkages between synoptic scale weather systems and variability in the stratosphere. My work mainly focuses on the cool-season and involves understanding the role of the stratosphere in sub-seasonal forecasting. 


Ross Lazear 

My research interests are in the analysis and predictability of synoptic- and mesoscale phenomena. With students, I’ve worked on case studies and climatologies of midlatitude weather phenomena (e.g., tornadoes, squall lines and lake-effect snow). I would be happy to work with a student on any of these subjects. 


Dr. Justin Minder 

My research interests include mesoscale meteorology, mountain weather and climate, regional climate change, lake-effect snow and environmental issues in the Adirondack Mountains. I am open to working with student interested in studying any of these topics. My research approach uses a combination of mesoscale models, fundamental theory, and data from radars, research aircraft, surface mesonets and satellites.


Dr. Sujata Murty 

My research interests are in examining climate and ocean dynamics of the past, present and future using corals, observations and models. I use coral paleoclimate records to examine changes in climate and ocean circulation over the past few centuries. I then synthesize these coral records with high-resolution ocean models and coupled climate model simulations to understand the mechanisms driving changes in climate and ocean systems. I am open to working with students on coral paleoclimate reconstructions, analyzing model simulations or a synthesis of both. 


Dr. Brian Tang 

My primary research interests are in tropical cyclones and severe weather. Possible research topics include case analyses of extreme events and climatological analyses of environmental parameters that affect tropical cyclones and severe weather. 


Dr. Oliver Elison Timm 

My research interests are in paleoclimate dynamics and future climate change studies. Most of my paleoclimate research concentrates on the glacial cycles in the Quaternary period. I am also conducting research on the Holocene epoch (the last 11,700 years). In paleoclimate research I conduct climate model experiments, analyze existing paleoclimate model simulations and compare the model simulations with paleoclimatic proxy data archives in order gain better insight into past climate variability. 

My interest in future climate change research is concentrating on the regional impacts of climate change, particularly on scales and processes not resolved by the global climate models. In this type of research I am using statistical downscaling methods to refine the coarse-resolution climate model output to scales relevant for stakeholders and decision-makers.


Dr. Ryan Torn 

My research interests are in synoptic and mesoscale dynamics, predictability and data assimilation.  With students, I have worked on case studies to understand why the atmosphere is less predictable and what dynamics are responsible for the lack of predictability. I am open to working with students in any of these areas.


Dr. June Wang 

My research interests are in creation and analysis of climate datasets to study climate changes and variability, Mesonet data quality assurance and analysis, In-situ sounding data quality and technologies, Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) measurements and their application to weather and climate studies. I would work with students on using New York State Mesonet Data to analyze special weather events and study climate variability in NYS and investigating data quality and instrument issues.


Dr. Liming Zhou 

My research interests are in the understanding of land-human-climate interactions through a synthetic analysis of surface observations and remotely sensed data with climate modeling. Land surface processes related to land cover/land use change such as deforestation, urbanization, desertification and renewable energy are my emphases. My latest research projects are focused on environmental impacts of operating wind farms, drought impacts on tropical rainforests and consequences of global warming on arid and semi-arid ecosystems. 

Accelerated Undergraduate/Graduate Options

You can save time and money by beginning your graduate degree coursework while still enrolled as an undergraduate student. Up to 12 academic credits, billed at the undergraduate rate, will count towards both degrees – so you’ll complete your combined program in only 5 years and spend less than you would if you completed each program separately. Choose to combine your Atmospheric Science undergraduate degree with the following graduate programs:


MS in Atmospheric Science
This master’s program advances your knowledge of climate systems and processes that govern the atmosphere to prepare you for a robust career in the public or private sector in areas like meteorology, education or climate analysis.

MS in Information Science 
This ALA-accredited master's program covers a broad range of interdisciplinary topics related to library science, information processing, information management and data analysis.

MS in Secondary Education
This New York State-approved teacher preparation program provides you with initial certification to teach a specific subject to students in grades 7-12 in New York State public schools.

UAlbany graduate at Commencement

Career Outcomes

With a Bachelor of Science in Atmospheric Science degree you will be equipped for a wide variety of career paths in both the public and private sectors, or to pursue an advanced degree. Our graduates have obtained positions in organizations such as the National Weather Service and the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, as well as television broadcast, energy utilities and insurance companies.

Potential Atmospheric Science career and job titles include:

  • Meteorologist
  • Research scientist
  • Data scientist
  • Forecaster
  • Risk management
  • Emergency manager
  • Broadcast meteorology
  • Pilot
  • Secondary and elementary education



Students conducting research at a NYS Mesonet tower.
Atmospheric Science Majors Find Success on Many Fronts
Pamela Cubias

"The watershed moment in my life was making the decision to pursue my undergraduate degree with DAES. My time here was valuable and fulfilling. I’ve cultivated and enhanced technical and soft skills, participated in notable internships such as the National Weather Service and the NYS Mesonet, and I’ve been able to engage and shed light to important matters such as diversity and equality, with students, staff, committees and AMS local chapters. Now, I have graduated with the confidence and qualifications to strive for higher education and reach for ambitious career goals."

- Pamela Cubias '23, BS Atmospheric Science

David Moore

"As a non-traditional student, my four years at UAlbany provided me with the necessary tools and resources to become an all-around atmospheric scientist. From an academic standpoint, I was able to experience personal growth, acquire knowledge and gain valuable advice from top experts in their respective fields. However, from a social aspect, UAlbany’s rich culture allowed me to create invaluable connections with both professors and colleagues alike, connections that will last me a lifetime." 

- David Moore ‘21, BS Atmospheric Science




Student Learning Objectives

Learning objectives that UAlbany students are expected to attain through their course of study within their academic program.

Bachelor of Science
  • Effectively communicate with colleagues or others via clear and efficient writing or presentation technique.
  • Cogently describe the fundamental physical and dynamical processes operating in our atmosphere utilizing appropriate mathematical formulation.
  • Access, interpret and analyze a broad range of meteorological data, most typically for the purpose of generating an operational weather forecast.
  • Apply data, concepts, and models to the solution of problems in the atmospheric sciences.

What Makes The University at Albany Great

Student move-in day.

Living-Learning Communities

Live and take classes with other incoming freshmen who share your personal interests, passions or intended academic major.

A student abroad visiting a monument.

Study Abroad

Become a global citizen: international experience is crucial to success in business, education, research, and public policy.

A student conducting undergraduate research.

Undergraduate Research

Research, scholarship, and creative activities at the University at Albany is an option for all students, across all academic disciplines. You will be able to learn more about a specific academic field or career path all while building a long-lasting mentoring relationship with a faculty member or principal investigator.

Explore Minors

Build competency in a passion or strengthen your resume.

A minor consists of 18–24 graduation credits which must include a minimum of 9 graduation credits of advanced coursework at or above the 300 level. Most undergraduate degrees require completing a minor and it has to have a different title from your major.

Full List of Minors
  • Acting
  • Africana Studies
  • Anthropology
  • Art
  • Art History
  • Atmospheric Science
  • Bioethics
  • Biology
  • Broadcast Meteorology
  • Business
  • Chemistry
  • Chinese Studies
  • Cognitive Science
  • Communication (Fully Online Option)
  • Computer Science
  • Creative Writing
  • Criminal Justice Studies (Fully Online Option)
  • Cybersecurity (Fully Online Option)
  • Documentary Studies
  • East Asian Studies
  • Economics
  • Educational Studies
  • Electrical and Computer Engineering
  • Electronics
  • Film Studies
  • Emergency Preparedness, Homeland Security and Cybersecurity (Fully Online Option)
  • English
  • Forensic Science
  • French
  • Game Design and Development
  • Geographic Information Science
  • Geography
  • Globalization Studies
  • Hebrew
  • History (Fully Online Option)
  • Informatics (Fully Online Option)
  • Instrumental Performance
  • International Studies
  • Italian
  • Japanese Studies
  • Journalism (Fully Online Option)
  • Judaic Studies
  • Korean Studies
  • Latin American and Caribbean Studies
  • Law and Philosophy
  • Leadership
  • Legal Studies
  • LGBTQ Studies
  • Library and Information Science
  • Linguistics
  • Machine Learning
  • Mathematics
  • Medical Anthropology
  • Music
  • Musical Performance
  • Musical Theatre
  • Philosophy
  • Physics
  • Political Science
  • Portuguese
  • Pre-Education
  • Psychology (Fully Online Option)
  • Public Health
  • Public Policy
  • Religious Studies
  • Russian
  • Russian and Eastern European Studies
  • Social Welfare Studies
  • Sociology (Fully Online Option)
  • Spanish
  • Statistics
  • Sustainability
  • Theatre
  • Theatrical Design/Technology
  • Urban Studies and Planning
  • U.S. Latino Studies
  • Vocal Performance
  • Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies