Support the Department of Philosophy

Your tax-deductible donation to the UAlbany Foundation can support student opportunities beyond the classroom

Make a Gift to the Department of Philosophy!

The fund is used by the department in many ways throughout the year, and any gift is appreciated.

  • Any gift contributes to the ongoing activities of the department, supporting undergraduates and graduate student activities.
  • $100 can pay for graduate students to have dinner with a visiting colloquium speaker.
  • $200 can fund the annual Undergraduate Prize, given each Spring to an outstanding graduating philosophy major.
  • $200 can fund the annual Graduate Essay Prize, awarded for the best paper from a philosophy graduate student.
  • $500 can send a graduate student to present a paper at an academic conference.
  • $1000 can bring in the keynote speaker for the annual Graduate Student Conference.

You can make a donation on-line.