A student conducting research in a UAlbany nanotechnology lab.

Bachelor of Science in
Nanoscale Engineering

Program of Study


The bachelor’s in nanoscale engineering curriculum brings together foundational knowledge of physics, mathematics, chemistry, biology and materials science. You’ll discover how these disciplines converge at the atomic scale to understand the origins of nanoscale phenomena and learn to design engineering solutions. 

Math and Science Courses

  • Chemical Principles of Nanoscale Science and Engineering I & II
  • Chemical Principles of Nanoscale Science and Engineering Laboratory I & II
  • Physical Principles of Nanoscale Science and Engineering I, II & III
  • Physical Principles of Nanoscale Science and Engineering Laboratory I, II & III
  • Calculus I & II
  • Calculus of Several Variables
  • Ordinary Differential Equations
  • Linear Algebra

Nanotechnology Courses

  • Nanotechnology Survey

Choose one:

  • Societal Impacts of Nanotechnology
  • Economic Impacts of Nanotechnology
  • Disruptive Nanotechnologies

Engineering Design and Skills Electives

  • Introduction to Nanoscale Engineering Design and Manufacturing
  • Introduction to Computer Programming for Engineers OR
  • Introduction to Nanoengineering Electronics

Nanoscale Engineering Courses

  • Thermodynamics, Kinetics, and Statistical Mechanics of Nanoscale Systems
  • Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Properties of Nanomaterials Mechanics of Nanomaterials
  • Fluid Mechanics and Transport Processes
  • Micro and Nano Materials Processing Technology
  • Fundamentals of Nanoelectronics
  • Thin Film and Nanomaterials Characterization
  • Industrial Nanomanufacturing
  • Capstone Research I, II & III


Six credits of any 400-level Nanoscale Science or Nanoscale Engineering courses


Choose one of the concentrations below.


This concentration focuses on the application of nanoscale science to electronic components and improvements to electronics such as display, size, power consumption or speed. 


  • Micro and Nano Devices and Circuits 
  • Nanoscale Optical and Optoelectronic Devices  
  • Applications of Fields and Waves to Nanoscale Systems 
  • Nanoelectronic Devices
Nanoscale Engineering for Energy & Environment Applications

You’ll study new and emerging applications of nanoscience to various areas of the energy and environmental fields, including solar cells, fuel cells, renewable and alternate energy.


  • Introduction to Solar Cell Nanotechnology 
  • Introduction to Fuel Cell Nanotechnology  
  • Renewable and Alternate Energy Nanotechnologies  
  • Nanoscale Chemical and Biological Sensors
Nanobiosystems Engineering

This concentration involves nanoscale engineering in health, medical, life science and pharmaceuticals through courses that focus on topics such as biomanufacturing and chemical and biological sensors.


  • Nanoscale Chemical and Biological Sensors  
  • Advanced Materials Processing for NEMS/MEMS 
  • Nanobiological Systems 
  • Introduction to Pharmaceuticals and Biomanufacturing
Nanoscale Lithography

The Nanoscale lithography concentration involves patterning, etching or printing on a microscopic level. You’ll study various nanoscale lithography methods, including optical and electron beam of technology from electronic to biomedical.


  • Nanoscale Patterning 
  • Light Optics for Nanoengineering 
  • Charged Particle Optics for Nanoengineering 
Research and Facilities

The Albany NanoTech Complex, the most advanced facility of its kind in North America, is an intellectually vibrant powerhouse for research, education, development, tech acceleration, business incubation and prototyping.  

You will have opportunities to work with faculty or industry leaders on specialized research in areas as diverse as semiconductor engineering, fuel cell design, devices and algorithms for quantum computing, photonics, nano-bio applications, RNA engineering, plasmonic sensors, and advancing the design and manufacturing of next generation microelectronics. 

In addition to the Albany NanoTech Complex, UAlbany’s College of Nanotechnology, Science, and Engineering (CNSE) also is home to other research labs and programs:  

  • The Advanced Cybersecurity Research Lab (ACRL) focuses on cybersecurity, machine learning and autonomic computing approaches.  
  • The New York State Data Center is a partnership between the New York State Office of Information Technology Services (ITS), and New York State Office of General Services (OGS), to make government IT operations and services more efficient and reliable.  
  • Center for Advanced Semiconductor Power Electronics Research (CASPER) aims to advance power electronics based on wide bandgap materials.  



A student conducting research in a UAlbany nanotechnology lab.
Career Outcomes

With a bachelor’s degree in nanoscale engineering from UAlbany, you’ll be prepared to pursue a career as a scientist, researcher, professor or engineer in diverse fields such as semiconductor manufacturing, transportation, government, energy, medicine, sustainability, agriculture and aerospace.

Our graduates also pursue advanced degrees at some of the nation’s most prestigious institutions.

Recent graduate employers include:

  • GlobalFoundries
  • Intel Corporation
  • IBM
  • Johnson & Johnson
  • Meta
  • Micron Technology
  • Northrup Grumman
  • Performance Logic
  • Regeneron
  • Tokyo Electron




Academic Program Accreditation

The BS Nanoscale Engineering program is accredited by the ABET Engineering Accreditation Commission.

International Students

This degree is designated as a STEM program. International students maintaining F-1 status are allowed to apply for up to 12 months of post-completion Optional Practical Training (OPT) following completion/graduation from their degree program. Currently, this degree program is also designated by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) as an eligible degree for the F-1 STEM OPT work authorization extension; students who secure qualifying employment may be eligible to apply for the STEM OPT extension for a cumulative total of up to 36 months of F-1 OPT work authorization.

What Makes The University at Albany Great

Student move-in day.

Living-Learning Communities

Live and take classes with other incoming freshmen who share your personal interests, passions or intended academic major.

A student abroad visiting a monument.

Study Abroad

Become a global citizen: international experience is crucial to success in business, education, research, and public policy.

A student conducting undergraduate research.

Undergraduate Research

Research, scholarship, and creative activities at the University at Albany is an option for all students, across all academic disciplines. You will be able to learn more about a specific academic field or career path all while building a long-lasting mentoring relationship with a faculty member or principal investigator.

Explore Minors

Build competency in a passion or strengthen your resume.

A minor consists of 18–24 graduation credits which must include a minimum of 9 graduation credits of advanced coursework at or above the 300 level. Most undergraduate degrees require completing a minor and it has to have a different title from your major.

Full List of Minors
  • Acting
  • Africana Studies
  • Anthropology
  • Art
  • Art History
  • Atmospheric Science
  • Bioethics
  • Biology
  • Broadcast Meteorology
  • Business
  • Chemistry
  • Chinese Studies
  • Cognitive Science
  • Communication (Fully Online Option)
  • Computer Science
  • Creative Writing
  • Criminal Justice Studies (Fully Online Option)
  • Cybersecurity (Fully Online Option)
  • Documentary Studies
  • East Asian Studies
  • Economics
  • Educational Studies
  • Electrical and Computer Engineering
  • Electronics
  • Film Studies
  • Emergency Preparedness, Homeland Security and Cybersecurity (Fully Online Option)
  • English
  • Forensic Science
  • French
  • Game Design and Development
  • Geographic Information Science
  • Geography
  • Globalization Studies
  • Hebrew
  • History (Fully Online Option)
  • Informatics (Fully Online Option)
  • Instrumental Performance
  • International Studies
  • Italian
  • Japanese Studies
  • Journalism (Fully Online Option)
  • Judaic Studies
  • Korean Studies
  • Latin American and Caribbean Studies
  • Law and Philosophy
  • Leadership
  • Legal Studies
  • LGBTQ Studies
  • Library and Information Science
  • Linguistics
  • Machine Learning
  • Mathematics
  • Medical Anthropology
  • Music
  • Musical Performance
  • Musical Theatre
  • Philosophy
  • Physics
  • Political Science
  • Portuguese
  • Pre-Education
  • Psychology (Fully Online Option)
  • Public Health
  • Public Policy
  • Religious Studies
  • Russian
  • Russian and Eastern European Studies
  • Social Welfare Studies
  • Sociology (Fully Online Option)
  • Spanish
  • Statistics
  • Sustainability
  • Theatre
  • Theatrical Design/Technology
  • Urban Studies and Planning
  • U.S. Latino Studies
  • Vocal Performance
  • Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies