Applied Spatial Analysis

Professional Development
Academic Level
Applied Spatial Analysis badge

This microcredential introduces geo-spatial analysis in an applied, hands-on setting. Unlike conventional approaches to data analysis that treat units as independent of each other, spatial analysis redirects our attention to the connections, interdependence and interaction among units. You will learn how to work with spatial data and appropriate techniques for examining data, programming through use of templates and hands-on reproduction of published findings (replications), coding in the free, open-source programming language R, and communicating research findings effectively to a range of audiences, especially through visualization and mapping. You will also demonstrate good practices in research transparency and reproducibility. You will engage in critical thinking, challenging ideas related to interdependence and the interactive complexity of social phenomena. 


Module 1: 

This module introduces key ideas about interdependence, geographic connectivity and working with spatial data. You begin to work with a real-world example in the first session, including working with the data and generating some basic maps and other visualizations of the data. 


Module 2:

This module introduces exploratory analytic techniques, including the detection of “hot spots” and other clusters, and develops more advanced visualizations and maps, including maps of statistical findings. 


Module 3: 

This module introduces explanatory techniques, focusing on diagnostics to inform model selection and the implementation of core spatial models. The module closes with a brief orientation to more advanced models. 

What are Microcredentials?

Whether you’re a current student or a working professional, microcredentials will help you develop new, relevant and demonstrable skills that can give you an edge in a competitive job market. 

Microcredentials at the University at Albany are a collection of courses and experiences that teach industry-aligned skills and competencies, which are documented by digital badges. 

Being able to clearly articulate your skills means you’ll be better positioned to bridge the gap between college and career, or between your current job and your dream job. You can also stack microcredentials into larger skillsets and credentials.

Our programs are developed using established faculty governance processes and endorsed by UAlbany, so the skills you learn are portable, meaningful and high quality. The programs are offered at the undergraduate or graduate level, or as an opportunity for continuing education. Many are conveniently offered online.