Frequently Asked Questions


How do I reserve space on campus for a meeting or event?
A: Please visit our event planning page for more information about procedures and available venus.
I applied for a Student Organization Web Account (SOWA). Now what?
The following tutorial will help you upload pages to the server:
How do I use the ropes course?
The University at Albany Low Ropes Challenge Course provides a fun and interactive team-building opportunity in a safe environment. This opportunity is available to all University at Albany student groups and offices throughout the year. Space is limited so please submit your on-line request. Workshops for outside organizations are available during the University’s summer session, June 1st – August 15th (fees apply). Please visit our ropes course webpage for further information.
How do I change the password on my group’s web space?
Please download this form and submit to Beth Conrad in Campus Center West B92.
How do I get funding for my group?
To receive funding your group must hold permanently recognized student organization (RSO) status with the Student Association or Graduate Student Association. Once your group is permanently recognized you can complete a funding request form, available in the Student Association (Campus Center 116) or Graduate Student Association office (Campus Center 307 & 308). Additional funding, regardless of recognition, may be obtained via University Auxiliary Services (UAS) Program Funds.
How do I get a banner approved?
Please see our banner policy. Banners will be approved for hanging in the Campus Center only for those organizations who have registered with the Office for the current academic year. Academic/administrative departments need not register with the Office, but will still need to follow all other guidelines.
How do I reserve a table?

The Office of Campus Center Management oversees the tabling process for the Campus Center small fountain and lobby, as well as the Lecture Center concourse. Registered student organizations may submit tabling requests through Virtual EMS.  If you have additional questions regarding tabling, please contact the Office of Campus Center Management in Campus Center 137 at (518) 442-5491.



How do I start a student group?

To seek recognition for a new undergraduate student organization, visit the Student Association. To form a new graduate student organization, visit the Graduate Student Association.

How do I post flyers on campus?
The Office of Student Involvement the posting process for flyers posted on the Podium. Only posters announcing programs/events sponsored by recognized campus organizations and University departments will be authorized for posting on the Podium. Read more about posting guidelines.
What student groups do you have? And how do I reach them?
Please go to for the list of active student organizations. Contact information is provided for each organization.
How do I find out about intramurals?
You can find out information about intramurals on the intramural web page, or by contacting Campus Recreation at (518) 442-2627. More information about intramurals can also be found at
What's there to do on campus?

Find out what’s going on at any time at UALBANY GO! - your source for up-to-the-minute information on events and activities and all that is going on campus and off. UAlbany GO. Get Involved. Stay Active. Go.

How do I lodge a hazing complaint?
If you have been hazed, have witnessed hazing, or suspect that someone you know has been hazed, you can report your observations confidentially via the hazing webpage or you may contact the Office of Student Involvement at (518) 442-5566 to speak to someone directly. If you feel the situation requires immediate attention and/or an individual’s safety is at risk, please contact the University Police Department at (518) 442-3131.
What fraternities and sororities do you have on campus?
There are more than 30 general, cultural, pre-professional and service-oriented fraternal organizations currently active at the University at Albany. Please visit Fraternity & Sorority Life for a complete list of recognized fraternities and sororities:
I feel that I’m being discriminated against in class. Who can I talk to?

If you feel you are the target of discrimination, either in class or anywhere else on campus, please contact the Office of Intercultural Student Engagement, the Office of Diversity and Inclusion, Disability Resource Center, or the Advocacy Center.  The University is committed to creating and maintaining a campus community where everyone feels welcome and included.  Discrimination of any form is expressly prohibited.

How do I join a fraternity/sorority?
All chapters on campus have distinct processes in order to join their group. Some participate in what is known as "recruitment" which is a series of events that introduces interested students to specific chapters in the Greek community. Some chapters participate in what is known as “Membership Intake” which can be slightly different in that the chapters host most of their events individually. Most chapters have a new member education program (a.k.a. pledge program) where new members learn what it means to be a member of the chapter. This is usually a 4-6 week program. Once the program is completed, new members are initiated into membership.Prospective members must be matriculated students who have completed at least 12 credit hours and hold a minimum cumulative 2.65 grade point average. First semester freshmen students are not allowed to participate in new member education programs (“pledging”). Please visit Fraternity & Sorority Life to learn more about the recruitment activities for each council.
What exactly is hazing?
Hazing is prohibited by the University at Albany’s Community Rights & Responsibilities and New York State Law. All national organizations ban hazing and have policies against it. Many institutions and national/international organizations adhere to the following definition of hazing developed by the Fraternity Insurance Purchasing Group:"Any action taken or situation created, intentionally, whether on or off fraternity premises, to produce mental or physical discomfort, embarrassment, harassment, or ridicule. Such activities may include but are not limited to the following: use of alcohol; paddling in any form; creation of excessive fatigue; physical and psychological shocks; quests, treasure hunts, scavenger hunts, road trips or any other such activities carried on outside or inside of the confines of the chapter house; wearing of public apparel which is conspicuous and not normally in good taste; engaging in public stunts and buffoonery; morally degrading or humiliating games and activities; and any other activities which are not consistent with fraternal law, ritual or policy or the regulations and policies of the educational institution."If you wish to report a hazing complaint, please file an anonymous report (click on "Report an Incident") or contact the Office of Student Involvement at (518) 442-5566 to speak to someone directly. If you feel the situation requires immediate attention and/or an individual’s safety is at risk, please contact the University Police Department at (518) 442-3131.
Where can I pray on campus?
The University at Albany is pleased to offer several opportunities for worship across many faiths. There are a variety of Christian groups as well as Jewish and Muslim prayer opportunities. For specific meeting and prayer times, please visit our Interfaith Council page for more details.
Where does my student activity fee go?
All students pay a student activity fee which funds the undergraduate student government (Student Association) and graduate student government (Graduate Student Association). Both organizations use the fee to fund student groups and campus events.
Where can I record my community service hours?

In addition to logging service hours, students can find service opportunities via Engage UAlbany, to be launched in Fall 2018!