Alumni News & Notes

John Johnston
John Johnston was recently named a National American Association of Physics Teachers Fellow. Inducted as a Science Teachers Association of New York State Fellow in 2004, he is the only person in New York State who holds both titles.
Class Notes Councilor: Doris Hische Brossy, [email protected]
Christina Noring Hammond retired from the chemistry department of Vassar College in 2006 after teaching for 42 years. She co-authored an organic-chemistry laboratory text in 1998; its fourth edition was published in 2014. Christina now lives in a retirement community in Millbrook, N.Y.
Class Notes Councilor: Mel Horowitz, [email protected]
Marie Zongrone Robinson enjoys her annual meetings with the sisters of Kappa Delta, including Anita Pepe Disansa ’64. Marie works part-time at Nassau Community College. She and her husband Gene take cruises throughout the year.
Class Notes Councilor: Peter Fisher, [email protected]

More than 300 alumni and friends gathered at Saratoga Race Course for UAlbany Day at the Races.
A note from your class councilor: Anyone who graduated more than 50 years ago can certainly appreciate that our contribution is a tad behind schedule. Our biggest news concerns the very successful 50th class reunion, held Oct. 10-12, 2014. It was led by class councilor Alan Minarcik and guided by Loida Vera Cruz and her alumni office staff. Planning committee members Sandy Baburchak Condojani, David Crystal, Bob Fairbanks, Bob Gibson, Columba Defrancesco Heinzelman, Evelyn “Corky” Petrick, Bill Robelee, Dave Simington and Norma Youse worked well together. The Yellow Jackets buzzed around uptown and downtown campuses for activities that included the Welcome Wine Tasting, the Half-Century Club Breakfast, a tour of “our” downtown campus and an enjoyable dinner. Due to the generosity of our many classmates who sent donations, those attending the class meeting as part of the dinner gathering voted to give $8,000 towards the renovations to the Pierce Hall student lounge, which will be completed as the University prepares to celebrate the 80th anniversary of the building during Homecoming 2015. Contributions are still welcome and can be sent to the University at Albany Alumni Association, Alumni House, 1400 Washington Avenue, Albany, NY 12222-0001, clearly marked “Class of ’64 Gift.” There are a few copies of the updated directory ($7 per copy) and the class photo (3” x 5”, $3; 8” x 10”, $6) that can also be ordered. Make checks payable to the University at Albany Alumni Association. Committee member Corky Petrick left UAlbany’s reunion team to join Binghamton Central High School’s Reunion Committee. Corky has also re-immersed herself in Facebook-posting on political issues. Bill Robelee and wife Margaret recently enjoyed lunch with David Siver ’66 and Carol Darby Siver ’65. We encourage all of you to submit news for future editions of this publication. (Yes, we really do want to hear about your accomplishments, retirement plans and grandkids!) Enjoy, stay healthy and keep in touch.
Class note councilors: Alan Minarcik, [email protected], and Bill Robelee, [email protected].

Ira Rubtchinsky
Ellen Jacobs LeClair is now retired in Hawaii after teaching French in a special immersion program at Commack High School for 30 years. She has a home facing the Pacific Ocean. She stays busy tutoring English, volunteering for events at Kauai High School and volunteering for the Kauai Humane Society. In addition, Ellen has a small dessert-catering business. The UAlbany Class of 1965’s 50th reunion is next month! Reunion activities will be held during Homecoming Weekend, Oct. 9-11, when you will have a chance to relive memories, catch up with your college friends, and become reacquainted with your alma mater.

Judy Koblintz Madnick
If you haven’t received an email regarding this milestone reunion, please contact class councilors Judy Koblintz Madnick ([email protected]) or Ira Rubtchinsky ([email protected]) so that we have your email address for future reunion communications. We’re looking forward to seeing you in October! Learn more and register at:
Class notes councilor: Judy Madnick, [email protected].
Gary Mattson was recently reappointed by Kentucky Gov. Steve Beshear to the Banklick/Lower Licking River Watershed Council.