Last Look
By Christine A. Doyle, M.B.A.'04
Photos by Island Photography, Gary Gold and Mark Schmidt
Spring 2012 Commencement
UAlbany's Spring Commencement ceremonies, held May 19 and 20, celebrated the success of 872 graduate students and 2,010 undergraduates.
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Judge Judith Scheindlin, A.K.A. “Judge Judy,” waves to the 14,000-plus degree candidates and family members as she processes onto the stage at the undergraduate ceremony. She advised the new graduates:
• “Listen to many people, but ultimately follow your instincts as to what’s right.”
• “That first impression can alter the course of your life. Don’t blow it.”
• “Academic excellence is nice, but it doesn’t always define you. What defines you is a passion for what you do, and a steady moral compass.”
• “Listen to many people, but ultimately follow your instincts as to what’s right.”
• “That first impression can alter the course of your life. Don’t blow it.”
• “Academic excellence is nice, but it doesn’t always define you. What defines you is a passion for what you do, and a steady moral compass.”

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