Allan Greissman, M.D., B.S.’83
Where Business Meets Medicine
By Jim Sciancalepore, M.A.’93

Allan Greissman, M.D., was – at one time – Allan Greissman, business major.
He credits his faculty advisors at UAlbany for encouraging him to think beyond the traditional application of his degree in business administration -- and to pursue his interest in medicine. “They were 100 percent behind me,” remembered Greissman. “And that meant a lot to me at the time.”
As it turns out, this business background would serve Greissman well in his medical career. He is currently president of Pediatric Critical Care of South Florida – a position that combines both medical care and administration.
“I love that I get to practice medicine and, in particular, get to help children and families,” Greissman said. “But I also love that I am able to nurture my entrepreneurial side, too.”
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