Alumni News & Notes

Jo-an Haluska
Jo-an Haluska is residing in the Eddy Village Green in Cohoes, N.Y. She is a great-grandmother seven times and is visited by her sons regularly. Although wheelchair bound, she has an active social life with her family and friends and would enjoy hearing from friends at [email protected].
Miriam Newell-Biskin is now an octograndma, with five great grandchildren in Israel, three in the United States and another on the way. Her beloved husband, Irving, passed away in 2005. Fully retired from Cohoes High School, she is doing some freelance writing to express her “leftist leanings.” Miriam’s book My Life among the Gentiles, which has been reprinted, “is still relevant, unfortunately,” she says. A note from your class councilor: It has been 70 years since the Class of 1941 graduated. Our numbers are fewer all the time. Charlie Quinn was under the weather but is recovering well. His wife, Marion Duffy ’42, is holding her own in a care center. I turned 93 Oct. 4, and my wife Margaret was 95 Nov. 2. We celebrated our 69th wedding anniversary Nov. 21. Members of the Class of 1941 are welcome to contact me.
Class councilor: Vince Gillen, [email protected]
A note from your class councilor: Opening on a very sad note, we have just been informed of the death of Dr. Arthur Collins of Lenox, Mass., professor emeritus of English at the University at Albany. I had sent about 28 e-mail messages to our classmates, and the first response was from Amy, Arthur’s daughter, telling us that he had died Dec. 2, 2011. Arthur joined our class in 1946 after discharge from the Air Force. He earned his B.A. in English in 1948 and in 1951 returned to the State College for Teachers to teach English, retiring from this position after 35 years. Amy assured us that he loved the University and that he cherished staying in touch with us. He always replied to my requests for news about himself whenever I contacted him. We have lost three other classmates during 2011: Arliene Riber Boochever, Florence Mace and Lorraine Malo Zaremba.
Doris Wester Miga was inducted into the Utica College Sports Hall of Fame. As a mentor for the men’s basketball team for over 20 years, she and husband Walter have attended almost all home basketball games for over 45 years. She is a professor emerita of sociology. Helen Schick writes that she is living in the Atria in Bay Shore, but still remains active in West Islip affairs. She serves on the board of the Sagitos Manor Historical Association and the West Islip Association and is a member of the West Islip Bicentennial Committee, which has sponsored a fair for 36 years. She celebrated her 85th birthday with 16 of 18 members of her “clan” present, and for Christmas, all 18 family members were together. Her address is 53 Ocean Ave., Apt. 231, Bay Shore, NY 11706.
Joan Sittner Sherwood from Richland, Ore., writes that she lost her husband, Frank, in May 2011. The weather in Richland last fall was wonderful; there were no major problems like some of the country experienced. Joan continues to volunteer at the library book sale and remains a docent at the CREHST Museum. She reminds us that Richland is the third city of the Manhattan Project; it was there the plutonium was produced for the bomb that ended World War II. The museum tells its story. Ruth Doran of Baldwinsville, N.Y., has been recovering from a serious illness but still keeps abreast of the news. In a Syracuse newspaper, she recently read an article that highlighted an award presented to Sam Dickieson and wife Dorothy ’47 at the “It’s a Wonderful Life” festival in Seneca Falls, N.Y. Sam and Dorothy, both retired Seneca Falls teachers, were presented with the annual George Bailey Award, which is given to people who embody the spirit of the movie character by contributing to the lives of their neighbors and improving the community. The presenter of the award said, “You are the essence of what Bedford Falls is all about.” Lucille St. Priest Horton is busy as the organist and pianist for the Sullivan County Choral Society. After 35 years with the society, she will retire. Rita Shapiro Schwartz has been recovering from back surgery but remains active with AARP, helping the aged disabled. Gari and Eleanor get together twice a year and often keep in touch by telephone.
We are working with the other class councilors of the 1940s to plan a reunion of all our classes. When you receive your letter from the Alumni House, please respond ASAP. Thank you.
Class notes councilor: Eleanor Holbig Alland, [email protected]
A note from your class councilor: It was great getting a two-page letter from Leah Hunter Olendorf. Summarizing briefly, she has two daughters and five grandchildren. Her husband died in 2008, seven months after celebrating their 50th anniversary. One daughter is a professor at Hartwick College and has been published extensively in the field of nursing. Her other daughter is head of sales for a Japanese company. In November, Leah started radiation at St. Peter’s Hospital in Albany for a brain tumor that has returned after initial surgery in 2006. We wish her a full and speedy recovery. Audrey Schmay Jones reports that she and her husband celebrated their 58th anniversary in 2011. She still keeps in touch with ’49er Audrey Adolfron, Lee Cheatham, Glenny Jones and Helen Califano.
It was great to hear from Ursula Neuhaus Schiff for the first time. She and her husband celebrated 61 years of marriage in 2011. They have two sons and five grandchildren, all of whom live in California. Ursula loves cruises and went on three in 2011. In September 2011 she was named the Unsung Hero by the Glenridge Advisory Committee. Her responsibilities include providing ushers and greeters for the Glenridge Theater, and recruiting and scheduling volunteers. Ursula sent a picture of Abby, her cute toy French poodle, who is a certified therapy dog. She would like to hear from any ’49ers who live in the Sarasota, Fla., area. Barbara Houck Von Tilburg and husband Gerry have much to celebrate in 2012. They will be great-grandparents in May, their grandson is getting married in August, and they will be attending three graduations – a grandson from high school, a granddaughter from high school, and a grandson from Penn State.
Millicent (Milli) Robinson Tubbs reports that she and her husband, who have two daughters and one granddaughter, have lived in the Finger Lakes Region for 44 years. They have taken several trips abroad and have spent many winters in Arizona and Mississippi. Milli states that she is a cancer survivor and in reasonably good health. Until recently she worked extensively as a volunteer but is now spending considerable time at home caring for her husband. Abe Trop is still going strong! His Habitat for Humanity crew just completed a yearlong renovation project (seven houses) in Delano, 30 miles north of Bakersfield, Calif. As of November, his crew was building a playhouse for the Ronald McDonald House in Bakersfield.
Congratulations to Bill Sheehan, who celebrated his 90th birthday Dec. 11. Bill retired from teaching at SUNY Albany in 1985 and from his private law practice the same year. He enjoys writing articles on sports and national holidays for a local Mechanicville newspaper, The Express. If you want to drop Bill a line, his e-mail address is [email protected]. Horty Zeilengold Schmeirer had a delightful visit with Betsy and Jake Schuhle in Cortland in July. Horty enjoyed a wonderful tour of Italy in October; it included a stop in Pompeii, where she spent her birthday. The tour included a private evening visit to the Sistine Chapel, which Horty said was great for an “old” history teacher. On Nov.13, her oldest granddaughter was married, with the two younger sisters serving as maids of honor.
Gerry Reisner spent much of 2011 recuperating from a series of small strokes and a damaged right knee. By December, he was progressing well with the help of doctors, nurses and Estelle. We wish you a full and speedy recovery, Gerry. In November, Anne Sulich Raser traveled to northern California for the wedding of her grandson. She is continuing her participation in two research studies: Women’s Health Initiative and the California Teachers’ Study. Freddy Laemmerzahl Miller spent a couple of weeks in December in the Black Forest of Germany with her brother and sister-in-law. Bob Kittredge reports that his recovery from knee-replacement surgery in September has gone very well. He and Diana attended a Rhodes Scholar (Elderhostel) program in Tiburon, Calif. (the Bay Area). Their granddaughter, Lauren, has enrolled in a 12-month Montessori training program. When Lauren finishes the program, she will be a certified International Montessori teacher and will have completed an M.A. degree through Loyola University in Baltimore, Md.
In the fall, Jean Pulver Hague once again visited France, one of her favorite countries. She traveled with her sister, brother and sister-in-law, and they had a great time together. Jerry Dunn is the principal author of a recently published book on the history of the Methodist Church in East Greenbush. The three-year project not only covered the 138-year history of the church, but also interweaves the growth of the Town of East Greenbush. Larry Appleby attended a SUNY Albany alumni mixer in Buffalo and said there were three “oldies” from our era, and the rest were “youngies.” In September, Bonnie Totten Adkins’ husband, Lee, baptized their first great-grandchild. Also in September, Bonnie and Lee, with two other Vermont couples, hosted a group of 14 from nine different states in an Elderhostel-like program that combined learning and light volunteer work. Bonnie stated that the devastation caused by Hurricane Irene made travel with the group quite a challenge. If any of you know of volunteer teams interested in coming to Vermont this spring or summer, Lee and Bonnie are part of the volunteer-coordinating system and can be contacted at [email protected] for further information.
Robertson Baker and Isabel are proud to welcome their fourth great-grandchild, Noah Robertson Vormer, born in October. There may be a multi-class reunion for the 1940s classes sometime this year; you will receive information about this. Our reunion committee chose not to participate in the planning but rather to concentrate on our own 65th anniversary in 2014. I’d like to close by expressing my appreciation to those of you who are cooperating so well in sending news about your lives to share with your classmates. Thank you so much.
Class councilor: Joseph Zanchelli, [email protected]
A note from your class councilor: Irwin Baumel, Elise Deseve Brown, Marjorie Lyons and Sparky Vaughn met over dinner for a mini-reunion in an Italian restaurant just outside Washington, D.C. Irwin and Elise were visiting from California, a prolonged visit, and Marjorie for a brief visit from Florida.
Class notes councilor: Audrey Koch Feathers, [email protected].
Stuart Gates and wife Elinor are enjoying their three grandsons and “slowing down” after 51 years. Stuart has been blessed to serve 13 years as an elected officer of the Firemen’s Association of the State of New York and as president of 10 volunteer fire organizations (local, county, sectional and state levels). He remains a “Top 10” responder to fire alarms in the Stony Point, N.Y., community.
Seventeen members of the Class of 1951 celebrated an unforgettable
60th milestone reunion at the Alumni House Oct. 1.
A note from your class councilor: It was nice to hear from Evie Kampke Johnson who let us know she’s been married to Rube for 59 years. They have been blessed with three sons, eight grandsons, and one great-granddaughter. All were at Evie and Rube’s home at Tellico Lake near Knoxville, Tenn., in July. Kitty Kloser Irons and husband Marty are as active as ever. In September, they were in Quebec at an interesting Rhodes Scholar program; they stayed at a hotel built into the side of a mountain, explored the old city and enjoyed an excursion down the St. Lawrence River. They were in Vermont with their son for Thanksgiving and had a chance to see the devastation caused by Hurricane Irene. Kitty and Marty lost their phones for two weeks due to the storm.
Jeanne Seymour Earle had some good news: Her son has set a wedding date of Sept. 29, 2012, and Jeanne is excited about that. She continues to enjoy substituting in local and neighboring schools. Jane Minckler Jennings reports that her Virginia granddaughter, who just graduated from Sweet Briar, is working for the CIA in Virginia. (Congratulations on having a job!) Her other granddaughter is working at her father’s electrical engineering firm and teaching part time at a local community college. Jean Faville Smith writes from Florida that she and Smitty are looking forward to our reunion in September. She has contacted several friends to encourage their attendance – a good idea for all of us! Let’s all be cheerleaders. Tom Holman is also planning to attend the September reunion. In the meantime, he spent Christmas at home in Naples, Fla., with family coming in from Japan, Virginia and Connecticut. Shortly thereafter he flew off to St. Maarten, where he has spent the winter for the last 25 years.
Vicki Eade Eddy sent enthusiastic greetings to all her classmates. She stayed in Olean several months longer this year before returning to her place in Yuma, Ariz. Joan Bennett Kelly has four grandchildren in college – one in West Point, one in Binghamton, one in Wilmington and one in Springfield. Kayla, who graduated last year, is trying to make it in theater. She had a walk-on part in two TV plays, so that’s a beginning. Good luck, Kayla. Joan and Charlie are planning to attend the reunion and report that the Wileys will be there, too. Bert Jablon is still working with adult students in the healthcare program at Empire State College. This is Bert’s 32nd year there, and he said working with students “keeps me up on all the new medical, technological, and quality advances occurring in this fast-moving industry.” His son, Brian, and Brian’s wife are now posted in New Delhi, India, with the American Embassy. As for Bert, he’s still playing tennis, running, and racing every weekend somewhere on Long Island.
Some reminders from your councilor: 1) UAlbany magazine is now being printed in a limited run. However, all alumni for whom we have a good e-mail address will receive a copy electronically. If you have a computer but are not receiving the magazine electronically, let me know. 2) If you want to earmark any contributions to the Class of ’52 Scholarship Fund, please write “University at Albany, Class of 1952 Scholarship Fund Program” on your check. We continue to award scholarships honoring our professors in a different department each year. 3) Plans for our 60th reunion, to be held Sept. 6-9, are moving right along. In the meantime, mark your calendar.
Class notes councilor: Joyce Zanchelli, [email protected]
A note from your class councilor: At its reunion in October 2011, the Potter Club Alumni Association declared John Paul Ward to be Potter Club Man of the Era. For the past 60 years, since pledging Potter Club in 1950, Paul has exemplified the legacy of Edward Eldred Potter and the Potter Club’s motto: “Friendship, Faith, Sincerity, and Service.” Milan Krchniak spoke at the award presentation, citing Paul’s service to the University, the community and his fellow Pottermen. Congratulations, Paul.
Class councilor: Doris Wilson, [email protected]

Thomas Hoppey
Thomas Hoppey was inducted into the Port Jervis School District Alumni Hall of Fame. Thomas impacted the lives of three decades of students at the Port Jervis Middle School – first as a science teacher and later for 22 years as principal. Stu and Myra Macnofsky cruised the Caribbean in January 2011. John Cooper and his wife spent time on the beautiful Oregon coast and also enjoyed a cruise through the Panama Canal, with visits to several countries, including Mexico, Guatemala and Nicaragua. Howie Fenenbock would like to share the Web site with former classmates. John Granito and wife Dolores continue to share amazing travel adventures, including a Mediterranean trip on a four-masted sailboat for two weeks in late April. They also hit the French Riviera, the Italian Riviera, Sardinia, Corsica and then Rome. They missed the Class of ’54 reunion, but for a great reason: Surrounded by family and friends, John celebrated his 80th birthday with a surprise party. Highlights included a “this is your life” bus tour taking John to all the places he worked, lived and went to school and ended with a delicious dinner at Lombardo’s Restaurant.
Malcolm Blum has returned from San Francisco to reside in Whitesboro, N.Y., to be close to family. He looks forward to attending Homecoming 2012. Anne Filipowski Gilday and her husband, John, traveled to Myrtle Beach and are enjoying their 11 grandchildren and six great-grandchildren. Joan Hartman enjoyed a family-filled year with visits to Washington to visit her brother and sister-in-law, then on to Utah for her great-niece’s wedding. She spent some time in Virginia with her brother and shared the Thanksgiving holiday in Ohio with her sister. Donald Voellinger enjoys spending part of his year in New York City and the other onCape Cod. Frank and Laura Giannone enjoyed 10 weeks of sand, sea and sun in Maui this winter after hosting family and friends for Christmas in their 117-year-old Victorian home. Art Stone and wife Nancy are still busy with business and will travel to Cambodia, Laos and China. Barbara Cumber Edwards is spending time with her eight grandchildren, who keep her traveling from Johnson City to Syracuse, Virginia, North Carolina and Huntsville, Ala.
Patty Zylko Prindle is sorry to have missed the reunion; she is spending a lot of time at camp in the Adirondacks and volunteering at the Adirondack Research Center in Niskayuna, N.Y. Shirley Dillon does not have much news since the death of John on Jan. 17, 2011. She missed the last reunion, since she was in Las Vegas and Lake Havasu City, Ariz. She came up with no winnings and it was too hot, more crowded and bigger since the ’90s. Ken Schoonmaker was in the hospital four times in 2011, mainly for urinary infections, which seem to have been cleared up. However, he had to cancel a planned trip to China. Beverly Brousseau does not have too much in the way of news, as it has been a quiet year. Her husband had two stents implanted early in the year. It took him a while to get back to normal, but he seems to be doing fine now, and they chose to stay close to home this year. John Cooper had medical treatments (all successful and complete) that limited his activities last year. But he and his wife spent some time on the beautiful Oregon coast and on a cruise through the Panama Canal, with visits to several Latin American countries, including Mexico, Guatemala and Nicaragua.
Class co-councilors: Bernice Shoobe, [email protected]
A note from your class councilor: Several 1955 alumni and their wives attended the October Potter Club 80th anniversary in Albany. Joining the celebration were Ed and Anne Franco, Bob Sage, De and Mary Combs, Dick and Joyce Persico, Bob and Cathy Coan, and Bob and Nan DeMichiell. Fred and Mary Ann (Johnpoll) Stanton’s son, Greg, became mayor of Phoenix, Ariz., in January 2012.
Class councilor: John Orser, [email protected]

Arnold Newman
Arnold Newman, class councilor for the Class of 1956, passed away Oct. 18, 2011. He was a councilor since 1991 and served with great distinction.
A note from your class councilor: Thanks to all who have replied to our recent mailing concerning our 55th reunion. We’re waiting to hear from others before we start our planning, but we need to get started soon. Please let us know your preferences. Paul Bertran keeps busy as a pilot on the Camillus Erie Canal. Betty Sigerty Leidigh taught at Colonie for two years after graduation, then moved to Florida, where she’s been ever since. June Frankland Baker continues to be a poet. Her poems have been published in literary magazines through the United States. Marilyn Stilwell Dakin is retired and recently traveled to Scotland, England and Ireland. Emil Polak is toiling over Volume III of his Latin manuscript census and plans a winter visit to London and Paris.
Class notes councilor: Ben Lindeman, [email protected]
A Facebook page has been created for the Class of 1959. Simply log on to Facebook and search “Class of 1959, SUNY Albany” to join. Dr. Miriam Sanderson Russell will present a paper on facilitating online discussions at the 19th Annual International Conference on Learning in London in August 2012. Gary Holway was a member of the gold medal team that won the 80+ three-on-three basketball bracket at the National Senior Games in Houston, Texas, in June. One teammate, considered by some to be the best all-around player in the senior games, fell and broke his arm while practicing two days before leaving for Houston. That left Gary’s team with just four players for the tournament. However, after an initial loss, no team scored more than 15 points against Gary’s team. Gary notes that he and Elma are both well and keeping busy.
Class notes councilor: Miriam Sanderson Russell, [email protected]
The Class of 1961 celebrated its milestone 50th reunion
at Western Turnpike Clubhouse Oct. 15.
A note from your class councilor: We hope you received the initial letter about our 50th reunion Oct. 12-14 and are planning to attend. Also, by April 30, please e-mail one of us a summary of your last 50 years for publication on the SUNY Albany Alumni Web site. When construction is complete, you will be e-mailed a link to view the site. It will be fun to catch up on a half-century! Paula Abelove Gilbert and Shelley Kellerman Pollero ran into each other and enjoyed shared time in August at the Jewish Genealogical Conference in Washington, D.C. Andrea Joanne Weddigen Perry enjoys her seven grandchildren and is a very active volunteer in Brockport. Andrew Neiderman, originator of our underground newspaper, Suppression, had been enjoying a thriving career as a successful novelist and prolific playwright after leaving teaching. You will recall his book, The Devil’s Advocate, which was turned into a great film. Linda Bosworth, Susan Blank, Sheril McCormack and Hannah Schnitt Rogers enjoyed their triennial trip in November. It was a great week in the historic district of Savannah, Ga., savoring Southern food, seeing shows, and touring.

UAlbany alumni make it a family affair at the UAlbany vs. Siena Men's basketball pregame party in December.
Elena Rabin Halady finally realized her dream of retirement. Boca Raton is her new home. Ballroom dancing, golf, tennis and gym time keep her busy. Bridge, which she learned in Albany, fills her “extra” time. Her motto: “There is no time like the present to enjoy it all.” Dr. Gene Altman, retired president of Technology Rentals of America, is a Service Corps of Retired Executives (SCORE) counselor and water-safety instructor. He also remains active with the ski patrol. Gene has started “Your Businesses’ Best Friend,” a consulting firm serving startup and small businesses. He and Shelley Levin ’66 travel and visit their four grandchildren. Dr. Robert Sweeney is directing an Asheville, N.C., hydroponic program that engages people with disabilities in growing herbs.
Class notes councilor: Sheril Joan McCormack, [email protected]
A note from your class councilor: We will have our 50-year reunion in 2014. It is still two years off, but the Alumni Office asked that I notify you now. So please make it a point to remain alive for the next 24 months! Our two class stewards on the alumni council, Piret Kutt Kelly and Carole Potts Bruno, retired from their task. We are grateful for their service for these many years. Please send along any news, anniversaries or accomplishments you wish to share, and I will make sure that the information is included in the class notes. I am sure that we have much to honor, remember and celebrate.

Gary Smith
Gary Smith has retired as the St. Joseph’s College men’s soccer team head coach. During his 26 years at SJC, he established both the men’s soccer and women’s softball programs. In 2000, Gary became the first coach to lead a team to a Skyline title and compete in the NCAA Division III Tournament, with the women’s softball team. He was inducted into the Golden Eagles’ Athletic Hall of Fame in 2009. Gary currently lives in Hampton Bays, N.Y., with his wife, Paula. Marilyn Pendergast, a partner at UHY LLP, has received a special award for outstanding volunteer service from the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. Marilyn, the national co-leader of UHY’s Education/Nonprofit Group, is based in the firm’s Albany, N.Y., office. She is a nationally recognized expert in directing audit, accounting and management service engagements for educational institutions, governmental entities, closely held businesses and nonprofit organizations.
Class councilor: Alan Minarcik, [email protected]
After 42 years as a faculty member and administrator at six colleges and universities, Jim Hottoi retired as president of Palo Verde College in December. He and wife Sue plan to split their time between their homes in Blythe, Calif., (in the winter) and Vancouver, Wash., (in the summer). Last fall, Jim was honored as the Counter Drug Officer of the Year for the Pacific Region of the Civil Air Patrol. Carole Harvey (AKA Kate Jacobs) and husband John live on a lake in Tellico Village near Knoxville. Their busy schedules include village governance, Episcopal Church work, community theatre and 14 grandkids. The most recent additions to their family are two 5-year-old girls adopted from Rwanda.
A note from your class councilor: John Haluska enjoyed an 18-year career as a social studies teacher and has been self-employed as a real estate appraiser in the Mid-Hudson Valley for the last 21 years. He is also a small-claims assessment review hearing officer in the 3rd and 4th judicial districts. He and his wife, Sherry, enjoy spending time with their children and grandchildren on Canadarago Lake in the summer months. John would love to hear from classmates and college friends at [email protected]. Richard Thompson has been named senior counsel by the law firm of Patton Boggs, LLP in Washington, D.C., continuing a 40-year career in government affairs. He recently retired from Bristol-Myers Squibb Company as senior vice president for Policy and Government Affairs. Richard led the company to the top tier of advocacy in the pharmaceutical industry, developing a leadership role in political fundraising and chairing a number of successful industry working groups on tax, intellectual property and Medicare prescription drug benefits. Richard recently was elected chairman of the board of trustees of Syracuse University. He is married to the former Jean Terry of Syracuse. They have two daughters, Kristin and Beth, and four grandchildren, Stephen, 15; Kaitlin,12; Kenny, 6; and Catie, 4. Richard says they are his real accomplishments! He lives in McLean, Va.
Class councilor: Gary Spielmann, [email protected]

Don Weyand ’69 and Purple and Gold Student Ambassador Kay Peat enjoy the 15th Annual Ferocious Feast and Big Purple Growl. Don and his family and friends make attending the Ferocious Feast an annual event.

Steve Jensen with First Lady Michelle Obama
Steve Jensen has volunteered as full-time chaplain for Marine/Navy Wounded Warriors and brought some of the vets to hear and greet First Lady Michelle Obama, who thanked and encouraged them individually. Simon Sinnreich is now a proud grandfather: His first grandson, Nathan, is the son of his eldest daughter, Helene, and her husband, Wesley.
Barry Kirschner lives in Tucson, Ariz., and practices law at Waterfall, Economidis, Caldwell, Hanshaw & Villamana, P.C. He represents people with claims against insurance companies for disability insurance benefits, personal injury, and ERISA litigation; and investors seeking recoveries against their broker dealers for fraud or unsuitable trading. Harvey Stoler has retired from the federal government after 32 years of service as a human resources management specialist. Harvey will continue to live in Alexandria, Va., and plans to do some traveling and enjoy all that the Washington, D.C., metropolitan area has to offer. The Rev. Charles Ackerman has been named honorary canon of the Cathedral of the Incarnation in Garden City, N.Y., by the Rt. Rev. Lawrence Provenzano and the Cathedral Chapter.
A note from your class councilor: The Class of 1972 will be celebrating its 40th reunion during Homecoming Weekend, Oct.12-14. Anyone interested in volunteering for the reunion committee to help plan and organize special activities, please contact me.
Class councilor: Rick Corcione: [email protected]
John Fairhall became editor-in-chief of Kaiser Health News, a Washington, D.C., news service that produces stories on healthcare policy issues for media partners that include The Washington Post, USA Today, NPR, McClatchy Newspapers and
The New York Times.

John Simson
John Simson has been named of counsel to Lommen, Abdo, Cole, King & Stageberg. John has re-established a law practice in Washington, D.C., where he most recently served as the founding executive director of SoundExchange, the performing rights organization formed to collect digital performance royalties for recording artists and sound-recording copyright owners. John has spent his entire professional career engaged in the music industry.
Virginia Dolins passed away suddenly July 24, 2011. The Albany Collegiate Interfaith Center-Chapel House, which has served the UAlbany community since 1966, dedicated its new Interfaith Meditation and Prayer Room in her memory Jan. 25. Virginia’s husband, Richard Dolins, is the president of the board of directors of the Albany Collegiate Interfaith Center.

Legacy student David Gold ’14 beams proudly as his father, Michael Gold ’77, wins a gift basket at the Presidents’ Legacy Reception held over Homecoming Weekend.
President Obama has nominated Judith Singer, the senior vice provost for Faculty Development and Diversity and a James Bryant Conant Professor of Education at Harvard University, for membership on the board of directors of the National Board for Education Sciences. She has been a member of the Harvard University faculty since 1984. Judith’s scholarship focuses on improving the quantitative methods used in social, educational and behavioral research. She is an elected member of the National Academy of Education and a founding board member of the Society for Research on Educational Effectiveness. Judith, who has been honored with a fellowship at the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences, was also elected to the initial class of Fellows of the American Educational Research Association.
Manuel Ossers received the 2011 University of Wisconsin-Whitewater Outstanding Research Award. Manuel was also inducted into the National Collegiate Hispanic Honor Society’s Orden de Don Quijote in March 2011: “The highest honor conferred by Sigma Delta Pi, the Order of Don Quijote recognizes ... nationally or internationally distinguished scholars in the field of Hispanic studies ...” In addition, Manuel was the recipient of the 2010 College of Letters and Sciences Award for Excellence in Research. His past awards include the National Collegiate Hispanic Honor Society’s Orden de Los Descubridores in 1996 for outstanding teaching of Spanish or Hispanic studies at the university level, the 2006 College of Letters and Sciences Award for Excellence in Service, and the 2007 University of Wisconsin-Whitewater Faculty Service Award. Manuel is professor of Spanish and Spanish American literature and civilization at the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater. He and his wife, Judy, have two daughters: Elizabeth, a graduate of the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and Cristina, a student at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.

More than 120 business students and alumni gathered in New York City over winter break. Alumni shared their insights and experience with current students through a panel and a networking reception.
Ann Hurley, a professor of English, was given the Excellence in Teaching Award at Wagner College’s annual Faculty Awards Dinner. Ann, who earned her Ph.D. from the University at Albany, has taught at Wagner since 1996.
Robin Mello is currently an associate professor at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, where she is area head of B.A. theatre studies and runs the theatre education program. She recently has been involved with a production, Finding Penelope, that was highlighted in American Theatre. For more details, visit the blog at Diane DiGiorgio is now teaching an undergraduate course in child welfare through the UAlbany School of Social Welfare Social Work Education Consortium. The course, part of a statewide partnership between a number of state offices and various colleges, recruits and prepares graduates for employment in public child-welfare roles. The course reaches students at various locations around the state via videoconferencing technology.

Eugene Oppo
Eugene Oppo has been appointed to the position of senior consulting actuary with Garden City, N.Y.-based Chernoff Diamond & Co., LLC, Retirement Plan Services division. With more than 25 years’ experience in actuarial consulting to Fortune 100 clients and a sub-specialization in partnerships, Eugene has extensive expertise in providing solutions with respect to the financing and design of pension, retiree medical and defined contribution plans.
Charles Gillman joined the Raleigh, Fla., office of Ogletree, Deakins, Nash, Smoak & Stewart, P.C., as of counsel in its Immigration Practice Group.
Stanley Bond Jr. has been named chief archeologist of the National Park Service. He previously served as superintendent of Kennesaw Mountain National Battlefield Park in Georgia.
Sandra Doorley has been named Monroe County (N.Y.) District Attorney.
Class councilor: Patty Salkin, [email protected]

Darlene Delancey
Kathleen Dixon has been appointed assistant director for the Intensive English Center at SUNY Stony Brook. Darlene Delancey has been named deputy network director for VA Health Care Upstate New York, which oversees the Albany, Bath, Canandaigua, Syracuse and Buffalo VA medical centers and 29 community-based outpatient clinics. The healthcare organization serves more than 130,000 veterans in upstate New York.
Samantha Rider has joined Gannett Digital in Poughkeepsie, N.Y., as manager of Social Commerce. Mary Alice Hunt is the senior product manager for Cúram Software, overseeing its Global Income Support, Child Support Enforcement and Health Care Reform solutions. Cúram is the leading provider of Social Enterprise Management software solutions.
Kerin Coughlin, an attorney with Constantine Cannon LLP in New York City, presented the United States perspective on antitrust regulation of intellectual property licensing in “Comparison & Analysis of IPR Licensing Guidelines of Several Competition Authorities in an International Context.” The presentation was made at a June 10 seminar in Seoul, Korea, given by the Innovation, Competition and Regulation Law Center. While in Seoul, Kerin also taught a seminar on United States antitrust litigation and procedure at the Korea University Law Institute.
Sally Corbett was named Chapter Champion June 2011 for the Public Relations Society of America-Georgia Chapter in recognition of her volunteer service. She recently was appointed the inaugural executive director for ArtWorks! Gwinnett. Gwinnett County is one of Atlanta’s five core metropolitan counties.
Jason Samuels has joined Farrell Fritz P.C.’s commercial litigation department with a concentration in construction law. Jason serves on the Legislative Committee for the Subcontractors Trade Association.

The competition got hot during Trivia Night at the GOLD Reunion during Homecoming.
Larry Friedman is a founding partner in the Manhattan real estate firm AC Lawrence. The company, which has seen strong growth within its first five years, has been featured in The New York Times.
Micah Kovacs is now a mixer for Verbatim Studios. Formerly of Pink Noise, Micah has nearly a decade of experience editing, mixing, engineering and sound designing in almost every medium. Frederick Greisbach has been selected as a 2011 Math for America San Diego Noyce Master Teaching Fellow. Now in its fourth year, MfA SD is a non-profit organization dedicated to improving mathematics education in San Diego County public secondary schools.
Byron Hakimi is now an associate in the commercial litigation department, concentrating in construction and real estate law, for the Farrell Fritz law firm.
Rob Salkin was appointed membership officer of American Mensa, Ltd., the high-IQ society. American Mensa is an organization for intelligent people who enjoy interacting with like-minded individuals, attending exciting events and participating in community service.
Joshua Sisskind is a geographic information systems applications engineer with SAIC in Chantilly, Va. Joseph Coe was recognized in October by the Rockland Economic Development Corporation as one of Rockland County’s “40 Under Forty Rising Stars.” Joseph is the community liaison for the Volunteer Counseling Services Social Justice Program. He is a community organizer and gay rights activist who works tirelessly for social justice. Since the age of 15, Joseph has been involved in diverse nonprofit, government and community organizations.

Almost 300 GOLD alums turned out for a sold-out beer-and-food-pairing event at the Heartland Brewery in New York City last September.
Erin Elfeldt, director of Community-Based Programs for Whitney M. Young, Jr. Health Services, was troubled by the above-average rates of asthma in some City of Albany elementary schools. Through her work with the Pediatric Asthma Coalition of the Capital Region, which works to decrease asthma morbidity and mortality in children aged 1-17 in lower socio-economic situations, she has been instrumental in bringing the Open Airways For Schools Program to the Capital Region. After initially reaching out to the Lung Association, Erin helped build a unique partnership with with Respiratory Therapy program within Hudson Valley Community College’s School of Health Sciences. To date, Open Airways For Schools has been delivered in two Albany elementary schools, Arbor Hill and New Scotland Elementary, with plans for further expansion to more schools next year.
Danielle Wohlenberg and a team of nine other AmeriCorps National Civilian Community Corps members served for 10 weeks in Center, Colo., last spring. The team’s goal was to assist the town in providing a safe and constructive environment for the town’s youth. Projects included working with Head Start, assisting in the library and summer reading program, organizing recreational clubs, mentoring, and repairing town parks.
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