University at Albany

Exterior Posting Guidelines

The posting policy has been designed to reduce clutter on the Podium, to assist sponsors in more effectively promoting their events, and to make event information more readily accessible to the campus community. This system requires the assistance of all of our student and University organizations to be successful. Flyers posted without authorization will be removed within 24 hours of posting. Repeated violations will result in a loss of posting privileges and possible judicial action.

Registration of all flyers must be completed with the Office of Student Involvement & Leadership in Campus Center 130 prior to posting on the academic Podium. In order to insure the integrity of the review process, flyers submitted (two copies required) before 3:00 PM will be available by 10:00 AM the following day. Podium bulletin boards have been color-coded and flyers will be registered for posting using this color-coding system.

CHANGE TO THE POSTING GUIDELINES (Spring 2008): Due to the new Podium posting boards, installed in January of 2008 as part of the campus master plan and signing project, there has been a significant reduction is space available for Podium flyers. While flyers in the past were authorized for two colors, as a result of the reduction all flyers submitted for authorization will be provided only one color for Podium posting (effective January 22, 2008).

Please note these additional guidelines:

  • Only flyers announcing programs/events sponsored by recognized campus organizations and University departments will be authorized.
  • Flyers shall be posted only on delineated exterior bulletin boards. Flyers placed on any other surface will be removed.
  • The University’s "Freedom of Expression” Policy applies to the content of podium flyers.
  • Generally, flyers shall be displayed on bulletin boards for no longer than fourteen days.
  • Originals must be date-stamped by the Office of Student Involvement & Leadership prior to posting on bulletin boards. Flyers without a date stamp will be removed.
  • Flyers are not to exceed 8.5" x 11" standard portrait size.
  • Generally each flyer will be assigned one pillar color (new as of Spring 2008).
  • Organizations may post only one event flyer per pillar.
  • Sponsorship on the flyer must be explicit. e.g., “Sponsored by (name of group/department).”
  • Student Association-funded groups must include the following line on their flyers: "Your Student Activity Fee at work."

FLYERS MAY NOT BE PLACED OVER CURRENT/VALID FLYERS OF OTHER ORGANIZATIONS. Advertisements for Ballroom Parties must abide by the policies outlined in the Campus Center Ballroom Party Guidelines.The kiosks (eight-sided bulletin boards) in front of the Campus Center are intended for announcements, selling books, services, etc. and do not need Student Involvement & Leadership authorization.