Acnowledgment & Co-Authorship

All work performed in Center for Functional Genomics shared facilities should be acknowledged in scholarly reports, presentations, posters, papers, and all other publications. Proper acknowledgment provides a visible measure of the impact of the University’s shared facilities and is essential for our continued funding.

When to Acknowledge or Provide Co-Authorship

  • Include an acknowledgement any time the CFG High Throughput Genomics Facility provides services that support your research.
  • If a staff member has made a significant intellectual contribution beyond routine sample analysis, please consider co-authorship.

Format for Acknowledgment

Please acknowledge us as "Center for Functional Genomics High Throughput Genomics Facility - University at Albany, Albany, NY"

Notify Facility of Acknowledgement

Please notify us when your scholarly report, presentation, poster, or paper containing a facility acknowledgement is published. Accurately quantifying the impact of our facility helps to keep the facility open and available.


Contact Information

Core Director

Sridar Chittur, Ph.D., M.B.A.

(518) 591-7215

[email protected]


Marcy Kuentzel, M.S.

(518) 591-7219

[email protected]


Andrew Hayden, B.S.

(518) 591-7219

[email protected]