Gifts at Work
By Carol Olechowski
Donations, Pledges Push Campaign Past Halfway Mark

Rendering Courtesy Perkins+Will
Watch last year's unveiling of the new School of Business building design
New gifts and pledges from University at Albany supporters have boosted the School of Business Campaign total past the $5 million mark. The recently announced donations included a $150,000 pledge from Stacy E. Bash-Polley ’89.
Other donors were:
- Marinus Henny ’73 and Michelle Henny ’73 ($125,000)
- Nicholas Anacreonte ’92 ($100,000 to establish the Rose C. Anacreonte Endowed Scholarship)
- Joan D. Rosenthal ’76 ($100,000)
- Michael Weilheimer ’83 and Janis Weilheimer ’84 ($100,000)
- Patricia A. Caldwell ’75 ($50,000)
- Turf Hotels ($50,000)
- Felicia Schecter Emrich and Matt Emrich ’00 ($30,000)
- Saul Curtis ’81 and Deborah Curtis ’81 ($25,000)
The $9.75 million to be realized by the campaign will support construction of the school’s new building, as well as academic programs, faculty research and scholarships.
Maheshwari Colloquium Honors Graduate’s Parents
More than 25 years after earning his degree, Raj Maheshwari, B.S.’83, returned to UAlbany for a special event last fall: a College of Arts and Sciences luncheon recognizing him for endowing a Department of Mathematics and Statistics lecture series in his parents’ names. The Man Mohan and Asha Devi Maheshwari Colloquium in Mathematics will provide support for honoraria, travel, lodging, meals, audiovisual needs and other direct costs associated with the series.

Raj Maheshwari, top row, left, establishedThe Man Mohan and Asha Devi Maheshwari Colloquium to honor his parents, standing third and forth from left in the front row. Also pictured, front row, second from the right, is Raj's wife, Sarita Singh.
Well known in their native India for their support of education, the elder Maheshwaris set an example for their son, encouraging him to collaborate with other UAlbany alumni to increase donations to the University. They and other family members, including Raj’s wife, Sarita Singh, and children, were guests of honor at the Oct. 10 luncheon.
View photos from the luncheon honoring Mr. Maheshwari
RNA Institute Receives First Corporate Gift
Photo: Mark Schmidt
With its gift of $45,000, Krackeler Scientific, Inc., has become the first corporate entity to support the University’s new RNA Institute.
The firm’s president and CEO, Anthony R. Krackeler, said the contribution was inspired by the institute’s “unique potential for advancing cutting-edge RNA research and applications, as well as its clear and substantial enhancement of the growing life-science research profile of New York’s Capital Region.”
The RNA Institute was established last June.
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