The Carillon
Alumni News & Notes
In November 2012, at the ages of 94 and 96, respectively, Vincent Gillen and his wife, Margaret, celebrated their 70th wedding anniversary. Vince reports that he tried to get to the reunion, but was not able to make it. He called Charlie Quinn, Shirley Tooker, Buzz Miller, Josie Autilio, Janet Risacler and Harvey Klaus and found them all to be in reasonably good health, but they were also unable to attend the reunion. If you have a news item please contact Vince, who now lives in New Bern, N.C., at (252) 638-1048. Norman Baldwin’s wife, Louise Owire ’43, passed away in 2003. He has since moved into a retirement home in San Francisco, Calif. Norman, now 93, is still the secretary for the Stanford School of Business’ Class of 1947. Miriam Newell Biskin is the author of many books and remains active.
Class notes councilor: Vince Gillen, [email protected]

College of the Atlantic commemorated its third president, Dr. Louis Rabineau, by dedicating The Lou Rabineau Educational Studies Center April 5. An avid educator who had previously served as chancellor of the Connecticut Commission for Higher Education, Lou served as president of COA from 1984 to 1993. Lou’s intellectual curiosity, humor, openness and astute ability to engage experts in a wide variety of fields have been credited with saving the college while it was in a state of turmoil.
A note from your class councilor: Donald Sayles has summed up the feelings of the Class of 1948 by wondering what kind of news people of our vintage might have that’s worth being published in The Carillon. Since most of the men had started college in the early 1940s, then served in World War II, they are now approaching some 90 years of age. However, Don reports that he can still walk, see, hear, drive, sail, swim, read and do yardwork. There are limitations about work, though. In army training, the march lasted 50 minutes, followed by a 10-minute break. Now any energy demanding work calls for 10 minutes’ work and 50 minutes’ rest. He says that he does value the magazine and mentions his happiness about the new football stadium, which will be opening this fall. Helen Kisiel Schick traveled for four days from Long Island to Potsdam for her grandson’s graduation from Clarkson University in May. Helen was able to spend Mother’s Day with family before returning to Bay Shore Atria in New York. Another one of her grandsons graduated from UMASS Amherst – now all five of her “varsity” are out of college, leaving the “junior varsity” five to follow in the years to come. Helen did her “Queen Elizabeth” wave from a convertible in West Islip’s Memorial Day parade and participated in the after-parade festivities. Her work with historical societies, Atria programs and planning for the 36th County Fair keeps her busy. Sam Dickieson reports from Seneca Falls, N.Y., that all is well with him and his wife, Dorothy ’47. They are looking forward to their 66th wedding anniversary. Edna Wylie is continuing her work at her retirement community. Both of her grandchildren are college students. Jane O’Brien is well and enjoys seeing her five children and 11 grandchildren. Isabel Cooper Baker’s grandson from Glens Falls, N.Y., earned first place in a recent pentathlon, and will enter Syracuse University in the fall. He plays lead trombone in the All State Youth Orchestra. Isabel and Robertson Baker ’49 have five grandchildren and four great-grandchildren. Ruth Doran from Baldwinsville, N.Y., is holding her own but not traveling. Eileen Abrams Pettersen and Wanda Tomasik Methe live in the Cohoes area, are doing well and see each other often.
Class notes councilor: Eleanor Holbig Alland, [email protected]

Paul Dybas '12 joined other alumni for an accepted-student reception in Syracuse in March. He was one of 33 alumni who volunteered to share their experiences and enthusiasm for UAlbany at spring admissions receptions in New York, New Jersey, Connecticut and Massachusetts.
A note from your class councilor: I am sad to report that some of our classmates have passed away recently. They are: Annette Gardiner DeLyser (6/15/13), Horty Zeilengold Schmierer (6/15/13), Joe Amyot (1/4/13), Jeanne Valochovic Carpenter (1/24/13), Joe Carosella (9/7/12), Elsie Landau Finkelstein (1/21/13), George Frank (2/12/13), and Larry Appleby (5/31/13). Bonnie Lewis Adkins notes that her granddaughter, Dee Hertzberg, has moved from Paraguay to Madagascar, where she is serving as country director of Mission for the Peace Corps. Bonnie and Lee have finally finished remodeling their living quarters in Middlebury, Vt. They have a new living area with a bedroom alcove. Now, classmates traveling through the Vermont/New England area have a place to stay free of charge. Bonnie states, “We are looking forward to our 65th reunion in 2014 and seeing all of our classmates.” Doris Hoeninger Andersen writes from Grand Rapids, Mich., that her husband, Dan, a V-12 graduate of Union College, celebrated his 88th birthday May 30. She keeps in touch weekly with Ruth Leiger Fishburn, who lives in Good Samaritan Village in Kissimmee, Fla. Lena Sorcinella Capuano sounded so happy when she wrote about the birth of her great-grandson, Brady, born April 9, 2013. Brady’s father, Marine Staff Sgt. Wesley, is stationed in Japan and Okinawa, but made it home three days before the birth. Lena states: “Spring is unbelievably beautiful here in Altamont. It’s great to be alive and see the beauty all around us.” Doesn’t she sound happy?! Elsa Moberg Cox writes that she is so busy in southern California that she does not even think of traveling elsewhere. She did travel to Arizona for a week to visit her son and grandson. Elsa is very involved in church activities, serving as a circle leader for a women’s group and as deacon, and administering communion to shut-ins. She may make plans to attend our 65th reunion and again bring her daughter Kristen. Don Dickinson continues to be involved in his church library in Tucson, Ariz., and also attends regular meetings of two book clubs (a true librarian!). In May, he attended the high-school graduation of a granddaughter. Richard Foster reports from Sarasota that he has little to complain about. He still plays for Vesper services and enjoys singing with the Harmonaires, playing bridge two or three times a week, and attending theater often. It was great to receive a letter from Mary Jane Peris Fredericks, who was the editor of our yearbook, The Pedagogue. She and her late husband, Charlie, made many moves around the United States, including California and Delaware, before settling in Gloversville, N.Y., near their Johnstown roots. Charlie passed away far too young in 1982, but Mary Jane states that she was fortunate to be left with four terrific daughters. Her family now includes seven grandchildren and four great-grandchildren. She retired from teaching French at Gloversville High School in 1988. Being involved in church activities, the local library and playing bridge regularly keep her active and out of trouble. It was great to receive a nice, long letter from Janet Lewis Hanson. She graduated from Fort Edward High School with Marea Battershall Reid-Roberts, Bob Nichols and Ursula Neuhaus Schiff, all of whom attended NYSCT. At Albany, Janet lived with nine other girls on Western Avenue, in a house connected to Pierce Hall and called “New House.” The girls have remained close all these years, although some have passed away. Janet served as a librarian in the Hudson Falls, N.Y., Central School for 30 years and retired more than 20 years ago. She keeps active as a guide and archivist of photographic materials for the Fort Edward Historical Association; Janet also belongs to AAUW and a local garden club. With two grandsons, three great-grandsons and the rest of their family, Janet and her husband celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary in July. Audrey Schmay Jones reports that her husband, Art, 92, is in poor health but great spirits. He is receiving skilled nursing care in the Vermont Veterans’ Home in Bennington. Audrey has a room in the “Dorm” and comes and goes as she pleases. Congratulations to Audrey and Art on celebrating their 60th wedding anniversary in May. Audrey keeps in touch with Betty Uline Engineri, Helen Califano Belanger and Glenyce Jones Trainor. Bob Kaiser proudly reports his grandson Alex graduated from St. Michael’s in Winooski, Vt., in May, and his grandson Zachary graduated from MIT with a degree in graphic arts. Bob Kittredge and wife Diana are on the go, as usual. In January, they spent a week at the Palm Springs Film Festival, and in May they flew to Spokane, Wash., to attend the graduation of their granddaughter, Hannah, from Gonzaga University. Bob couldn’t help bragging about her achievements: graduating summa cum laude and receiving both the president’s four-year leadership medal and the Honor Society medal. In November, Bob and Diana will be on a cruise through the Panama Canal. About once a month, they travel from Fresno to San Francisco to visit family and dine in their son’s restaurant, the Tryptych. Gloria Maistelman Herkowitz and husband have their house in Albany on the market and plan to move to an independent retirement community. Gloria says in order to “keep moving or you lose it,” she takes classes in Gentle Ballet, NIA, which consists of martial arts, dancing and healing arts and an osteo class. Freddy Laemmerzahl Miller traveled to Fountain Hill, Ariz., to attend her grandson’s high-school graduation. Oklahoma had some terrible tornadoes and floods in May, but Freddy said she was lucky and missed the devastation. Anne Sulich Raser, who lives in Los Angeles, continues to participate in the Women’s Health Initiative at UCLA as she has for the past 20 years. She is also part of the California Teachers Study run by USC. Both activities keep her hopping, keeping regular appointments and filling out lengthy questionnaires, but she feels her efforts are worthwhile because the research these studies publish adds to our general knowledge about health issues. Jerry Reisner and Estelle proudly report that two of their granddaughters have graduated from college. One is employed by the federal government and one is a CPA. Jerry states that he is finally retiring from substitute teaching and jokingly says that he is now dependent upon Estelle for extra income. Estelle continues to donate blood and to date has given 32½ gallons! Good going, Estelle!

President Robert J. Jones and Nishtha Modi '12 chat during the fifth annual Celebration of Vital Volunteers April 20. Modi, Samantha Hiza '13 and Jennifer Pollard '13 shared their compelling volunteer experiences with more than 125 volunteers.
Ursula Neuhaus Schiff received a lengthy write-up in The Piper, the newspaper of the Glenridge Retired Community, where she lives. The article was a tribute to Ursula upon her retirement after serving for more than seven years as coordinator of ushers for the Glenridge state-of-the-art theater. From the article, it was obvious that Ursula’s diligence and organizational skills were instrumental in developing a professional group of ushers. Betsy and Jake Schuhle report that four generations of Schuhles gathered in May to celebrate Betsy’s 85th birthday. In mid-March, she traveled solo to North Carolina to celebrate the 90th birthday of a beloved cousin. Jo Ann Joplin Stutz, widowed since 1976, writes from Winter Park, Fla., that her three children, six grandchildren and three great-grandchildren all keep her entertained and involved in all those “landmarks of evolving lifelines.” Jo Ann says that having spent time with the U.S. Foreign Service in such “hot spots” as Iraq, Sudan, Morocco and Lebanon – before they were as “hot as they are now” – she thrives in the heat of Winter Park all year. Millicent Robinson Tubbs reports that her life has taken quite a turn. Instead of volunteering with several groups, she has now taken up the responsibility of caring for her 96-year-old husband. One daughter has moved from California back to Trumansburg, N.Y., to be of assistance. Milli and her husband celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary in April. In June Joe and Joyce Zanchelli had two occasions to celebrate: their 62nd wedding anniversary and the high-school graduation of their grandson Patrick, who lives in Mechanicsville, Va. He will be attending Virginia Commonwealth University starting this fall. By now, you should have received a survey letter from our reunion committee concerning our 65th reunion, which may be our last. It would be of tremendous help to our committee if you would return it to us. Please explore all possible means to attend. WE NEED YOU! It was great to receive news from so many “new” classmates for this edition; I am very grateful for your cooperation. KEEP IT UP!
Class notes councilor: Joe Zanchelli, [email protected]
A note from your class councilor: Elise DeSeve and Irwin Baumel remained in touch after graduation. When both were widowed, they traveled together to South America. Thereafter, they passed the spring and fall in Elise’s condo in Washington, D.C., and summer and winter in Irwin’s home in Whittier, Calif., enjoying the best of both locations. They have taken several trips abroad: three weeks in northern Italy, where they visited Sparky Vaughn in Florence, and three weeks in northern Spain, plus a trip to visit some of Elise’s family in Alaska. They also took a weeklong trip to London, followed by a week in Paris. Elise has been retired from teaching for 20 years. Irwin has been out of the line of fire for about the same period of time. Fortunately, the income from his real-estate properties is being managed by one of his daughters, making travel possible. Irwin and Elise have made three round trips by car between Washington, D.C., and California, visiting state capitals and friends. Another trip is planned for September, beginning in San Francisco, where Irwin will celebrate his 89th birthday watching the Giants beat the Dodgers (hopefully). Irwin reports, “We are in pretty good health for octogenarians and hope to squeeze out a few more good years.” In April, Ben and Gloria Jackson attended the spring concert of the New Albany Symphony Orchestra in New Albany, Ohio. It was the first time they were able to combine a visit with Benita and her family and a concert since she became a member of this community orchestra. In an interesting coincidence, the conductor’s father was the conductor of the Saratoga School for the Performing Arts when Benita spent the year there while in high school. Lila Lee Harrington wrote from Ames, Iowa, while visiting her daughter, Leslie, and family for two and a half weeks over Mother’s Day. She attended her grandson Andy’s high-school graduation and enjoyed family time together. In February, they were blessed to spend a glorious week in Sarasota, Fla. From Ames, Lila will fly back to her Saratoga Springs apartment at Prestwick Chase and resume work on the in-house newspaper, The Chase; review Belva Plain’s Heartwood for Book Chat; check on the bluebird houses’ and interview residents. She hopes to visit Maggie Winne in Oneonta this summer. Lila keeps in touch with Jeanne Walsh in Norwich and Audrey Feathers in Glens Falls. “Hello to all my ’50 classmates. Life is good.” Marjory D. Lyons continues an active life with a major focus on the theater. On May 4 and 5, she appeared in a short play, the comedy Dead to Right by Jon Frangipane, a member of the South Florida playwrights group active in the Fort Lauderdale area. “A wonderful cast party,” Marjory wrote. In March, she attended a University at Albany Alumni Association event where she met the new president, Dr. Robert Jones. She brought the Class of 1950 Pedagogue Yearbook, which Dr. Jones found intriguing. She was the judge for the young-adult category of entries in the South Florida Annual Writing contest. It was the 15th year of the contest, which began when she was president. Some years ago, Marjory taught young-adult literature at Nova Southeastern University, where she currently works online with doctoral students. She will be in Washington in July and plans to see Sparky Vaughn and other friends in the area. Earline “Ken” Sorensen wrote that nothing much has changed – “which is probably a good thing” – since she last wrote. She still walks every day; does Tai Chi daily; does volunteer work; and, best of all, travels as much as possible. Earline had a great trip last August to Scandinavian countries, with several days on the fiords of Norway (“Absolutely beautiful”) and felt very much at home in Denmark, where her last name is among the most common. In May, her oldest grandson, Dylan, graduated from the College of Environmental Science and Forestry at Syracuse University. Harold “Sparky” Vaughn served on the host committee for the University at Albany reception in Washington D.C., in honor of the new president, Dr. Robert Jones. He would like to continue playing tennis but has run out of partners, which he realizes is subject to various interpretations. Daughter Karen just returned from a month in Florence, Italy, where she and a few friends stayed in the Vaughn family apartment, as they did a year ago. Her architect daughter, Christine, came near the end. In June, Sparky will join much of the family in California to take part in the wedding of a grandson, Matthew Scaglione, son of daughter Connie.
Class notes councilor: Audrey Koch Feathers, [email protected]
Howard Swartz, husband of Goldie Brenner Swartz ’51, made a generous contribution to The Goldie Brenner Swartz ’51 and Howard Swartz Scholarship Fund on Mother’s Day, in memory of Goldie and in dedication to all mothers past, present and future. Goldie, who passed away June 1, 2010, was the mother of their two sons, Mark and Barry. Howard misses Goldie very much.
Rockefeller College of Public Affairs & Policy honored seven distinguished individuals for their
outstanding contributions in the areas of political science, public administration, leadership and
continuing professional development at its annual Alumni Dinner and Awards Ceremony May 17.
Left to right: Dean David Rousseau; The Honorable Bonnie Jenkins, M.P.A. ’88; The Honorable John
McHugh, M.P.A. ’77, The Honorable Addie Russell B.A. ’00; Brian Fessler B.A. ’06, M.P.A. ’07;
Peter Brusoe, B.A. ’03, M.A. ’04; Edward Murphy, M.P.A. ’81; George P. Richardson;
Assistant Dean R. Karl Rethemeyer; and Department of Political Science Chair Julie Novkov.
A note from your class councilor: Jeanne Seymour Earle has some happy news. Her son Chuck was married in September 2012 to a “very wonderful young woman” and is now involved in settling into a new apartment. Best wishes, Chuck. Although Jeanne is no longer subbing, she is still working three days a week at the Putnam Valley Library, overseeing her large property and taking care of her health. Vickie Eadie Eddy brings us up to date on her oldest daughter, Pamela, who was named a full professor in the higher education department at William and Mary College. She also received the Senior Scholar Award from the Council for the Study of Community Colleges. She and husband David have three children; two have graduated from college, and one is a junior at the University of Mary Washington in Virginia. Vickie is grateful that her five children are healthy and remain involved with their children and with her, whether she is at her winter home in Yuma, Ariz., or in her summer home in Olean, N.Y. “I am very blessed,” she writes. Evie Erdle Eisenhard states that she and her husband now live in Ashburn, Va., just west of Washington, D.C., in Ashby Ponds. She says there are lots of interesting things to do there, which keeps them busy. Cheryl, one of their daughters, lives close by and works at the United States Geological Survey in Reston, Va. She ends her email with, “so many interesting things to do daily … we are always busy.” Tom Holman reports that he’s still avoiding Long Island winters by spending them in Naples, Fla., and St. Maarten. He was in New York City in March to help entertain his nephew and his nephew’s daughter, who came from Japan for her first visit to the United States: “Good to see the Big Apple through the eyes of a 15-year-old.” On May 18, Kitty Kloser Irons welcomed Megan, her oldest granddaughter, home from South Africa, where she had spent the second semester of her junior year. Her younger sister Erin has joined her at St. Michael’s, having transferred from the University of Vermont. Kitty also reports that her mini-quilt group just finished a Quilt of Valor and is sending it off to Afghanistan. Each wounded soldier receives a quilt when he or she is taken to the hospital. It is theirs to keep and was made by a quilter in the United States. Jane Minckler Jennings writes that, this spring, she, her daughter and son-in-law visited her niece in her beautiful, huge house on the outskirts of Tucson, Ariz. Jane said they saw many interesting sights and had beautiful weather. She also reported that Mimi Gorski Blake’s husband fell, which necessitated a partial hip replacement, followed by rehab. Anna Morrissey Karpiak had a lovely four-day trip to the Catskills with the members of her St. Pius X Senior Club. She said, “It is so much better to travel with people you know and like (as well as those with whom you have so much in common) rather than alone.” True, Anna. Dave Manly alluded to some maladies and medicines but says retirement living at Hilton Head is still wonderful. He continues to fill the pulpit at nearby churches while up north, more often preaching than officiating at weddings or funerals. “Life is good with caring wife Jean in our 48th year of marriage.” Maureen Davis Mullin expresses regrets that she missed our 60th reunion, but she had accepted a job teaching French at Santa Ynez High School. Two of her sons live there, one of whom also teaches at the high school; the other is a professor at UC Santa Barbara. With her in the high school were her grandchildren Abigail in 9th grade; Alice in 12th grade; and Maureen and her son in the classroom: “We were running the show.” She had an interesting conversation with Joan Baez this year. Ms. Baez and her sister, Mimi, were in Maureen’s class when she taught in Belmont, Mass., so they relived old times. She adds that SUNY Albany is getting well known on the West Coast and that the four years she spent at Albany were four of the best years of her life. Joan Bennett Kelly spent two weeks with “the kids” because her daughter turned 50 and her granddaughter turned 21 – milestones both. She attended a track meet in Binghamton and two lacrosse games in two different states. Those Kellys sure do get around. Joan’s oldest granddaughter has the lead in an off-Broadway play, Blood Brothers; it got a good review in The New York Times. Let’s hope we soon see it on Broadway. Congratulations to Joe Persico on the publication of his 12th book, Roosevelt’s Centurions and the Commanders He Led to Victory in World War II. The book, which deals with FDR’s relationships with his military commanders, has already garnered favorable reviews. The 650-page volume includes 70 pages of bibliography and source notes and took Joe four years to write. Nancy Frey Pettinelli sent her usual “tongue-in-cheek” humorous response. She starts her email, “Well, this just in … I have just won the lottery for the sixth time this year … I’m pretty much set for life now …” She surely has fun with her “news.” Shirley Feinstein Rosenbaum sounds very involved. She’s an active member of the League of Women Voters (LWV) and a board member of both the Virginia state and local leagues. This year, she was trained as a coach for the Membership Development Learning Program for LWV. She also continues to perform in the Morgantown Community Orchestra. Good to hear from Kathleen Cody Sengle, who celebrated two granddaughters’ college graduations: one in nursing from Pittsburgh, and the other in industrial design from Pratt. She hopes to attend her 65th high school reunion in Cazenovia in July, then spend a week in Maine in August. Kathleen also hopes to get together with classmate Barbara Anderson Hadden sometime this summer. Jean Faville Smith celebrated her daughter’s wedding on Valentine’s Day in Hilo, Hawaii. It was held in a pagoda with all the Hawaiian traditions. Sounds beautiful. Jean and Smitty are planning a 22-day cruise later this year from Rome to Athens, Cairo, and home from Istanbul, with more stops in between. They will celebrate their 61st wedding anniversary this year. Jean also states, “Our reunion last year was wonderful, and we wish more of you would attend.” Marilyn Johnson VanDyke, class president, and Joan Roeder Barron, class councilor, attended UAlbany’s Department of English 2013 Recognition Ceremony during graduation weekend. They presented the Class of ’52 Scholarship to English major Samuel Joseph Gorenstein. They met Samuel’s parents and brother after the ceremony and learned the Gorensteins are from Guilderland. Samuel is planning to study improvisational performance in New York City. Marilyn proudly announces that her grandson, Alexander Aust, completed his first year as director of Brubacher Hall, which is now leased to The College of Saint Rose and houses first-year students from CSR. Alex has a bachelor’s degree from SUNY Oneonta and a master’s in student living from Saint Rose. A nice, long email from Bill Wiley tells us that he retired as president of his Townhomes Association coincident with him and his wife moving to a great Hilton Head senior community that provides all kinds of trips, activities and diversions. Their “kids” are spread up the East Coast: two in Florida with two granddaughters (one working for Best Buy and the other a very talented middle schooler); and one in Marietta, Ga., with two grandkids, a boy who is Bill’s namesake, a great Cub Scout and superior lacrosse and soccer player, and a girl who is a joy and a good soccer player. She’s also a flautist and sings like a bird! A daughter in Indianapolis has two daughters. One, an electrical engineer working with an aerospace company in Dayton, is taking a leave to attend the University of Arizona to get her master’s; the other is an anthropologist from Grinnell College. Bill’s oldest daughter, who has her doctorate in art history, has worked most of her career as a development consultant for universities, hospitals and other entities. Joyce Leavitt Zanchelli and husband Joe had two reasons to celebrate: Their grandson Patrick, who lives outside Richmond, Va., graduated from high school and will be attending Virginia Commonwealth University in the fall, and they celebrated their 62nd wedding anniversary. Joyce and Joe continue to enjoy life in Saratoga Springs, N.Y., where there are a number of activities to keep them busy.
Class notes councilor: Joyce Zanchelli, [email protected]
A note from your class councilor: It has been 60 years since the Class of 1953 graduated from what was then New York State College for Teachers. What good times we had getting to know one another in Frosh Camp, participating in rivalry, being awed by the faculty, and doing our student teaching. Students today have trouble believing that women students of our time had curfew – and that, consequently, the men had a curfew, as well. So many of the upper-classmen were WWII veterans; how we admired them. A great number of us were first-generation Americans and were fulfilling our parents’ dreams of seeing their children succeed through education. There we were on the old campus, where you could move from one building to the next via the elegant peristyles. As freshmen, we had to wear our red beanies, and we gave homage to Minerva in the rotunda of Draper Hall. We were required to answer questions from our handbooks when stopped by upperclassmen – especially the dreaded Sophomore Yellowjackets. Proudly, we performed in our Big-4 productions and cheered for our Red Devil teams. Was there ever a better life? Because our class was relatively small when compared to today’s classes, we knew one another and greeted our classmates when encountering them. We got our mail in The Commons and met there for noontime dancing. If we had extra funds, we could eat at “The Boul” – or, even better, go to Joe’s Delicatessen for indescribably wonderful sandwiches. The years went swiftly by and, with great surprise, we were graduating. One never expected the sadness as we watched our class officers walk off into the dark with our banner on their backs as Torch Night came to an end. We were expected to grow up now … to put into practice what we had learned. We were well prepared for the world after State; no better education could be found. Some of us went on to earn more degrees; some went to teach in secondary schools; others found jobs where they could use their talents; and others went into the military. Since that sunshiny day of our graduation, some no longer are with us. Reading the list of those who have passed on, one is reminded that we are no longer those young graduates who had the world before them. Our class of close to 300 has lost 96 – almost 35 percent. Let us remember them with those lovely words from “Follow the Gleam,” the Torch Night Song: “When the sun sets on college days, resplendent with love you’ve won; when you leave all the friendly ways to those who will after come. We will follow, follow the gleam, torches alight, all through the night; we will follow, follow the gleam, of the Great Fires of S.C.T.” Millie Foote Frandino Sheerin was the first to respond to our call for news from the class. She’s still full of that pep she exhibited as a student and walking three miles a day! She reported that she, Ruth Dunn Reed and Joan Allen Balfe enjoyed a mini-reunion at Ruth’s home in Rome, N.Y., last year. “We still try to meet at least every year or two at one or another’s homes.” Millie recently directed the Neil Simon play “Lost in Yonkers” for a local community theatre in Orleans on Cape Cod. She manages to stay involved in either acting or directing as often as she can. She proudly told us that she is blessed with 18 grandchildren and has her first “great” on the way! Can’t help but wonder if Millie wins the prize for having the most grandchildren! Rosie Keller Hughes and Bob Hughes are quite proud of their son, who won an Emmy in April as producer for a documentary, Signs of the Time, about the signs used in baseball. This is the first year that the Hugheses haven’t gone on a major trip, but they hope to get back in the swing next year. They’ve traveled to 61 countries; they set a goal to visit 100, but time has marched on and is running out. During some of their foreign travel, they have researched their genealogical roots. Rosie has 13,971 relatives on her family tree, thus far. Both Bob and Rosie agree that the Internet has been the greatest tool in their quest. Hank Koszewski stopped in Rochester on his way to Toronto a year or two ago and regaled Bob and Rosie with his life in Hawaii. Hank should be getting a stipend for promoting our beautiful 50th state! Linda Hopkins McGrath tells us that all is well in Naples, Fla. Fortunately, she enjoys good health. She plays a lot of golf and bridge, and works with the boards of her homeowners association and country club. Linda has two young grandsons, ages 2 and 5, and family visits are high on her list of activities. She sends warm greetings to her former classmates and has high hopes that a 60th reunion becomes a viable undertaking. Irene Brezinski McDonald’s travel with husband Dan has become limited because of Dan’s glaucoma-induced blindness, but they still keep busy at the nearby University of South Alabama, enjoying the music programs and the great recreation center there. Irene and Dan still live at the same address in Mobile, Ala. Despite their attempts to bribe their children with room and board and other benefits to live in Mobile, the children continue to live in Phoenix, Austin, and St. Croix. Irene writes a column for their diocesan publication Catholic Week, a kind of non-denominational affair called “Reading and Renewal.” Irene went on to say that the McDonalds love company and would enjoy seeing any alums who venture to this lovely area; as an enticement, she added that there are beaches nearby. Unless we hear differently, we have to list Betty Coykendall-Hart as the Class of ’53’s secondary teacher with the greatest longevity! When questioned whether or not she is still teaching, her reply was: “Yes, I am still in the saddle and loving it, but many changes are on the horizon all around, including teaching and medicine. Probably this will be my last year. The poor district has put up with me for 50 years.” It’s this reporter’s opinion that the Webster, N.Y., educational system has indeed been lucky to have Betty there for that length of time! Betty, you amaze us! Janet Norton DeFabio tried changing her address but went back to her beloved Florida. “In January of 2012, I sold my home and moved to North Carolina (near Charlotte and one of my three daughters!). I stayed until June 1, 2012, when I moved back to Florida!! Mayflower Moving loves me and I love Florida!!!” As with a lot of us, Janet’s activities have been scaled down in the last few years. After eight years as a volunteer with the Make-A-Wish Fundation, she is now planning to begin participating in the volunteer program at Golisano Children’s Hospital in Fort Myers. Janet is still ready to get back in the saddle! In March 2013, her family gathered for a second time in Myrtle Beach – and they have decided to come together annually. Janet went on to say, “I even went horseback riding with everyone (and I have the pictures to prove it!).” Doing physical or adventurous things seems to be a theme in our class of senior citizens. For his 80th birthday last year, Bob Hughes was given a flying lesson. It had always been his secret wish to learn how to fly. He loved the whole experience: a half-hour of instrument instruction, then an hour of soaring over the beautiful countryside of western New York, from Rochester to Canandaigua. Bob’s flying time included takeoff; he would have handled the landing, too, if the wind had not been so strong that day. Another item was checked on Bob’s bucket list: He is thinking of taking another lesson this year! Marie Hoffman earned a chuckle for her comment: “Please condense as you see fit. A keyboard encourages me to ‘talk’ too much.” No condensing was needed. Marie is very interested in genealogy and has used the Internet in her quest. The Hoffman Labs email, her son’s website, is how we connected with Marie. She told us all about her son and his wife, something we all tend to do; talk about our kids; they live in New Hampshire. No grandchildren, but her son produced two computer books, “one adopted by some college as a textbook.” Her daughter-in-law, Kelly Kreiger Hoffman, worked in the computer lab at SUNY in the early 1980s. Now she works for Agilent Technologies. Marie retired at 55 in 1986 from Algonquin Middle School in Averill Park, N.Y. She was happy to report that she did not die several years back, as reported by the alumni magazine. Paul Ward straightened that out before Marie even knew her death had been incorrectly reported. It was another woman of the same name, and Paul and Marie were both volunteering in the Education building, so he knew it wasn’t true. (Mark Twain would have enjoyed this situation, as he is quoted as having said, “The reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated.”) In the late ’90s, Marie ran for Poestenkill town justice and became the first woman judge in town. After that, she tried a seat on the town board for four years. At the end of that stint, Marie wanted more time to volunteer at the New York State Library, so she didn’t seek re-election. She was (and still is) active in Capital District Genealogical Society. Marie has bad knees, which got her out of the State Library, but she gets around pretty well and is still driving. Her health is good. She had some laser eye surgeries and the usual little things that all of us get. Joyce Turner Ogden loves her location: “I’ve been retired out here in Olympia, Wash., for about 17 years. I love not having to shovel snow (used the shovel just four times since arriving) and don’t mind the rain that comes and comes from about September 25 to July 5. So if anybody is traveling this way they can leave their umbrellas behind and enjoy our NON-humid version of summer after those dates.” Joyce went on to say that she has happily shared a house with her “never-married daughter,” and they’ve done a marvelous job of taking care of each other. Her daughter has had cancer since 2007, and the doctor is confounded every month when she walks into his office yet another time. According to Joyce, Olympia is a great place for gardeners. In April, she had about 17 different kinds of flowers in blossom; in May, there were about a dozen – plus the multiple rhododendrons. “The downside, of course, is that when the sun DOES shine, I’m out there wearing out my back and shoulders pulling weeds.” Your councilor wants to thank all those who contributed to the first of her class notes, but she is expecting an even greater response for the next alum magazine! The Class of ’53 was a great participatory group. Don’t let me down; live up to your great reputation! Help me do a good job keeping us connected! Stay well and enjoy each moment!
Class notes councilor: Rose Mary (Rosie) Keller Hughes, [email protected]

Gerry Holzman has started a blog about the quirkiness and unpredictability of life by relating some unusual, and oft-times humorous, moments in his 43 years of chiseling and gouging as a woodcarver. He updates the blog weekly on Mondays and hopes that by telling a few of his own stories, readers will come away with some useful ideas for surviving and even flourishing in this increasingly perplexing world. More information: Dick Bailey sends regards to all 54’ers from sunny northern California. This summer, he and his partner, Geri West, plan to visit the Boston; Geri’s son is a professor of astrophysics at Boston University. They will also be in the Finger Lakes area visiting some of Dick’s relatives. Art Stone is still working steadily at his costume company, making costumes for dance studios all over the United States and many other parts of the world. He also is still putting out a magazine about dance teachers. Art currently is teaching at conventions in Chicago and Phoenix, but only ballroom dancing. At his age, he is thrilled to still be doing what he loves. Ed Osterhout and his wife, Carol, are still actively participating in Volunteers in Mission. They completed their 17th annual mission to Salem, Maine, to work on poverty housing this past July. Ed spent his 80th birthday moving his mother-in-law into a condo; he also helped move his daughter and son-in-law to New Mexico. Ed’s house was recently remodeled to make it accessible for their 42-year-old multiple sclerosis-afflicted son. Barbara Vanderveer retired from Finger Lakes Community College, where she held a really interesting part-time job as manager of the computer help desk. The retirement lasted over the winter. Now, Barbara works as a docent at Rose Hill Mansion, a restored Greek revival mansion owned by the Geneva Historical Society. She also has spent time working at The Center of Concern and the affiliated food pantry. In addition, Barbara made time to visit her daughter in Willsboro Bay, N.Y. James Thompson turned 80 last fall and had two parties in honor of the milestone. The first, mostly for family, was at his son’s home in New Jersey; the other was in Latham, N.Y., for a limited number of friends. James sees Bill Floyd once a month for lunch, so he celebrated at the Latham party. James also got the chance to visit his son, a Navy captain in Washington, D.C.; his son and family in New Jersey; and his daughter and her family in Vermont this past year. He and his wife enjoyed their summer season at Tupper Lake, N.Y., with their travel trailer. Gertrude Smith Daly reports that she is 80 years old and is in pretty good health. She is still working with the Hudson River Shakespeare Company, where her daughter is the general manager, her son is the artistic director and Gertrude is the treasurer. The company is in its 15th year of operation. John Centra is still consulting with a former employer, Educational Testing Service. He also is conducting an evaluation study of online teaching and learning. He and Nancy spent their 12th year wintering in Charleston, S.C. Bonnie Brousseau had major back surgery in June, so she wasn’t able to travel this past summer, but is hoping that this year will be better. John Cooper and his wife followed their visit to the Oregon Shakespeare festival with a trip to central Oregon this past June. In August, they headed to Alaska to visit Denali, also known as Mount McKinley. Aside from traveling, John has been delivering meals on wheels. Trying to keep alive intellectually, he has sent off a scholarly article on Milton for publication. John also enjoys spending time with his one granddaughter, who just turned five. Bea and Jim Finnen are doing well and staying involved in their community. Bea belongs to two book clubs and volunteers for the St. Vincent de Paul Society and at the nearby St. Francis Retreat House; Jim also helps out at the retreat house. They have been residents of Easton, Pa., for more than 50 years, and Jim is entering his 49th year as the public-address announcer for Lafayette College athletics. They’re also preparing for a grandson’s wedding and a granddaughter’s departure for Pennsylvania State.

Members of the Class of 1954 met in May for their annual get-together.
Stu and Myra Macnofsky went to San Diego. From there, they took a trip to California Berkeley for their grandson’s graduation and attended their granddaughter’s graduation from the University of California. They also stopped over in Santa Barbara and Paso Robles along the way. Eileen Sloth retired this past July after serving as a minister in the Methodist Church for 23 years. She is planning to move to Jacksonville, Fla., after she and her husband, Sven, purchase a house there. Phyl Weaver spent four weeks in Laos and Vietnam this past May. Anne Sichel has moved from Michigan to a lovely retirement home, North Hill, in Needham, Mass. She has been playing duplicate bridge, and enjoyed the weather this past spring season. Joseph Stella has been keeping busy attending graduation ceremonies for his his granddaughter, from Drexel Medical School, and his grandson, from Johns Hopkins University. Joseph notes that he and his wife, Madeleine, are fine and strive to keep pace with their active family. They also enjoy the pleasures of retirement, mainly golf, bridge, cultural events, reading, and visiting family and friends. Mimi Webb enjoyed a family reunion in Maine this past summer, with family members traveling in from New Mexico, New Hampshire, Florida, California and Europe. Bradford and Ingeborg Miller celebrated their 48th wedding anniversary May 14 during a trip to South Carolina. They were able to visit the fantastic 9,000-acre Brookgreen Sculpture Gardens on Pawleys Island. The gardens contain more than 1,000 bronze and stone statues, all done by American artists. Bradford and his wife even spotted some alligators on their visit. Arline Lacy and George Wood report that they lead a pretty relaxed life with no bumps in the road. They hoped to spend time at their house at Babcock Lake in Petersburg, N.Y., this past summer. Frank Giannone spent three months in Maui last winter, as he and his wife, Laura, usually do, enjoying the sun, sand and sea. Laura was recovering from back surgery, and the Hawaiian weather was just what she needed. They are now settled back in Rochester, N.Y., hard at work getting their gardens back into shape and maintaining their 118-year-old historic house. If you would like to see some scenes of their home, visit their website at If any of you are visiting in the Rochester area, please call Frank and Laura and they will share a bottle of wine and memories of things past. Rose Mary Zongrone reports that because they had such a good time at the 25th reunion years ago, a group of classmates decided to meet for lunch on an annual basis. They have been meeting for 34 years as of this past August. This year, they met in May, when Buz Neumetzger was visiting from Florida. This year’s group included Dottie Potochnik; Mary Lou Ricci; Bernice Shoobe; Barb Usborne; Rose Mary Zongrone; Buz and her daughter, Cheryl; and good friend Lucretia Zongrone. A note from Cheryl Neumetzger: “I would like to thank you for your card and birthday gift. It was nice to observe my mom’s college generation (two before me) reminisce about their days of education and pure fun. I admire that you do make the effort to get together every year.”
Class notes councilor: Bernice Gunsberg Shoobe, [email protected]

Arash Alaei, second from left, and Kamiar Alaei, second from right, pose with UAlbany Alumni Association President Timothy Murphy ’77, left, and University President Robert J. Jones, right, after receiving the Citizen of the University Award at the 2013 Excellence Awards Gala in April. The brothers were among 15 alumni and friends of the University honored at the annual event.
A note from your class councilor: Dee Montalbano’s book, Crossing Seventy: Moments in Outrageous Aging, has been published as an e-book and is currently available from, “cheaply,” she says. And, as a by-the-way to her email, she added that, after two years, her request for citizenship has been granted by the Italian government. In 2012, Dee and Nancy Bush had a reunion at Nancy’s oceanside North Carolina home – an affectionate and laugh-filled visit, they agreed. Joan Rogers writes that her husband, Ray Peterson, died in 2012. Joan’s home is Cape Vincent, N.Y., and she spends her winters in Florida. Dottie and Custer Quick are delighted with another grandchild, born in 2012. In June, Ada and Mel Gollub took a Baltic Sea cruise. Wilma Thorton was delighted by the same cruise in May. In June, Wilma attended her granddaughter’s wedding in Colorado. Jan Garvin Gillespie is pleased with her new home in Hilton Head Island, S.C. In addition to pursuing her interest in genealogy, she enjoys the company of her daughter’s family, who live nearby. The 2013 recipient of the Class of 1955 Award, Josiah Boehike, wrote to express his gratitude for our generosity as he pursues a master’s degree in the University’s curriculum development and instructional technology program. As a student teacher, he won praise from his supervisor for his creative teaching methods. Take a moment to pencil in 2015 for our class’ 60th anniversary. Details later.
Class councilor: John Orser, [email protected]
Margie Kelleher Shea writes that she and George (Jerry) continue to enjoy cultural and political life in New York City.
Class notes councilor: Vivian Benenati, [email protected]
A note from your class councilor: Our Facebook page, formerly “Green Gremlins of Albany State,” is now titled Class of 1959, SUNY Albany. The page can be found here: Herb Piper and I are the only two there, so far. Log on and send us a greeting, responses, “likes” or pictures. For the next “Alumni News” for Class of 1959, please send information to [email protected] or to Alumni Association, University at Albany, 1400 Washington Avenue, Albany, NY 12222. Jane Bruskawicz Stephan is a medical technologist and has been a member of the New York State Society of Medical Technologists for more than 30 years. She has been employed full and now part time for 45 years and is also blood-bank technologist certified through the American Society for Clinical Pathology. Her grandson, Derek Treonze, also will be a graduate of UAlbany, and she couldn’t be any happier.
Class councilor: Miriam Russell, [email protected]
John and Nancy Lou Ryan Gnan enjoyed a pleasant 21-day transatlantic cruise in May, stopping in Gibraltar; France; and Italy, where they visited Florence, Pisa and Rome. They were treated to a royal tour of Barcelona by Lotta, a Swedish exchange student who was in Nancy’s high-school Spanish class when she used to teach. In February, Nancy and John spent a day with Charlie and Doris Hische Brossy at Disney World in Orlando for a long-overdue mini-reunion.

New graduates played the Great Dane Toss, won prizes and learned about GOLD (Graduates of the Last Decade) at the Alumni Association’s GOLD tent at the May Commencement Picnic.
A note from your class councilor: Thanks, everyone, for keeping in touch and sending in your class notes. It is always good to hear from you. If you are not receiving my emails, please send me your current email address ([email protected]). Sissy and I have been enjoying our four granddaughters, a winter month in Florida, vacations in Ireland and Las Vegas, and keeping active in the yard and in my organizations (Rotary, US-China Friends and Character Education). Minerva Janet Woodward Beardsley has lost 55 pounds over the past year. Dr. Peter A. Spina was named president emeritus of the State University of New York Institute of Technology at Utica/Rome May 6, 2013. He served as president there from 2003-2008. This is his second such honor; he was named president emeritus of Monroe Community College in Rochester in 1999. Judith Bacon Bleezarde spent a lot of time on the beautiful Taconic Golf Course in Williamstown, Mass., this past spring. She also enjoyed summer theater and Tanglewood and notes that the Berkshires in the summer are glorious. Judith invites anyone to come visit! Irv Freedman retired 16 years ago from SUNY-Administration, where he was vice chancellor for Capital Facilities and general manager of the State University System Construction Fund. Jackie, Irv’s wife, who graduated after us but knew most everyone in our class, also retired just before Irv as executive director of the Large City Boards of Education. Since then, they have strived to be model grandparents to six wonderful kids (three from China), and they spend lots of time at their house on Brant Lake. Irv and Jackie hope to hear about others in their classes. had a great winter in Florida and learned how to play mah jong. Next winter, she is going to l Janet Beardsley earn how to play pickleball; it is all the rage in Florida. Her grandson is now 13, and her granddaughter is 11. They are the delights of her life. Janet expects to do the Great Escape with them this coming summer. Jan Goodermote Newport and her husband are now completely retired. Due to health considerations, they sold their house in Poestenkill, N.Y., last fall. They had lived there for 48 years. They now own a townhouse near Hudson Valley Community College, which they love. Two of their three children live locally, so they are able to see them frequently. Their youngest son and his family, including the two youngest grandchildren, live in Charleston, S.C., so they travel now primarily to visit there. Jan and her husband have been privileged to have three grandsons; unfortunately, the first was killed at age 16 nine years ago by a drunken hit-and-run driver. Every year on his birthday, their family and friends ring the Salvation Army bells in his memory. After having majored in social studies at Albany, Jan received an up-close-and-live dose of government in action following Christopher’s death. With great effort and time, the family succeeded in having a law passed that makes “leaving the scene” the same degree felony as is DWI in New York State. Their intent was to encourage drivers to stay with the victim and get help, as opposed to leaving the scene in order to “sober up.” They also advocated strongly for widespread implementation of the ignition interlock device, knowing that its usage could be a significant factor in preventing DWI-related deaths. The only member of our class with whom she maintains close contact is Dave Murphy. Jan never knew Dave when they were fellow students, but they started their teaching careers together at Bethlehem Central. She does often think of others from that bygone era and would love to hear from people she knew then. Elaine Frankonis is living a relaxing life in western Massachusetts with her daughter and family, experimenting with suburban farming, continuing to blog sporadically, and learning math and science concepts she never knew as her 11-year-old grandson explores the excitement and innovations of home schooling. Joan and Carl Herman are well and enjoying retirement. They spend 10 weeks in Florida, where they play a lot of golf and spend time with good friends. Joan continues to be involved with two choruses: one, a community mixed chorus; the other, a Sweet Adeline chorus. Other than that, golf, quilting and Italian class keep her busy. She wishes the very best to everyone in the class of ‘61. Nancy Rubin Bernstein is sorry she was not able to make the 50th reunion. She has such fond memories of her days as an undergraduate at Albany, but unfortunately, she has been out of touch with many of our classmates. She does see Connie Herodes and Barbara Dolansky every so often, as they all live in the Poughkeepsie area. Nancy and Sandy ’58 celebrated their 50th anniversary. They have three daughters and five grandsons. They have been fortunate to enjoy retirement. Donna Steele Parks still lives in “God’s Country” a.k.a. Watertown, N.Y., where they have snow but no tornadoes or floods! She has been married 52 years; Donna and her husband have five children and nine grandchildren whom they happily enjoy during their retirement. She still enjoys her horses (and also a very spoiled springer spaniel), and she has been reading John Sullivan’s book. Donna had a great time reconnecting with old friends at the 50th reunion, and she wishes good luck and good health to you all. Joan Valesente and Bob sold their home and purchased a townhome a few blocks away on the marsh in Hilton Head, S.C. They enjoy beautiful sunsets from their deck, but not all the remodeling projects. Their children and grandchildren all live nearby, so they can visit often. Joan and Bob celebrated their 51st anniversary this past summer and note that life is good.
Class Councilor: Mel Horowitz, [email protected]
Hannah Schnitt-Rogers and husband Steve welcomed their first grandchild in February. Robert Sweeney relocated from Asheville to Flagler Beach, Fla., and would love to find classmates or an alumni chapter there. Fran Shepherd and husband spent a joyful time in Florida with her Albany roomie, Linda Zucconi Dellea. Sheril Joan McCormack spent three weeks in Belgium, Holland and Scotland in April. Hannah Schnitt-Rogers, Carole Pixie Wilbourn, Linda Bosworth and Sheril McCormack all met and stayed at the Algonquin Hotel in New York City; they did some serious theatre attending.

Alice Green was an honoree at the 42nd annual Legislative Conference of the New York State Association of Black and Puerto Rican Legislators, which was held in conjunction with the Westchester Black Women’s Political Caucus’ 32nd Annual Leadership Breakfast. Alice is the executive director of the Center for Law and Justice in Albany, N.Y. She also is an adjunct professor at UAlbany, and has taught at Russell Sage and Siena College over the years.
Class notes councilor: J. Sheril McCormack, [email protected]

President Robert Jones (left) had an opportunity to speak with past UAlbany president Patrick Swygert at the Washington D.S., alumni reception in April.
Dave Simons retired from IBM Corp. in 2005 after 42 years of service. Most of that time was spent in Raleigh, N.C., although two years were spent on assignment in Nice, France. He now stays busy with three nonprofit organizations. He is in his third year as secretary of the United States Power Squadrons® District 27 (mostly North Carolina). Dave volunteers two days a week at Saint Saviour’s Center, a venue for several different services for low-income families and the elderly. He also is a founding member and the current administrative officer of Global H20, a charity that provides clean water in poor countries. In November 2012, Dave and his wife, Carolyn, spent two weeks in Uganda,
where the GH20 team saw the completion of seven new wells and the rehabilitation of five old ones. These wells will provide clean water for approximately 20,000 people. Carolyn officially retired Feb. 28 of this year. The next morning, they left for three weeks of skiing in Colorado. Now that she is retired, they are able to spend more time on their boat. They have four children and six grandchildren between them.
C.W. Sullivan has retired as distinguished professor of arts and sciences from East Carolina University, Greenville, N.C., after 34 years. C.W. and his wife, Sheree Scarborough, now live in a log cabin near Floyd, Va., and he teaches in a summer graduate program in children’s literature at Hollins University in Roanoke, Va.
Class councilor: Gary Spielmann, [email protected]
Diane Call has been appointed president of Queensborough Community College. She has been the interim president since July 2010. Prior to that, Diane was Queensborough’s provost and senior vice president for academic affairs. She also has served as vice president for Finance and Administration, assistant dean for Instructional Support Services, and in other posts in a career spanning three decades at the college and The City University of New York.

In London on business last spring, Saks Fifth Avenue senior executives Thomas Ott, B.S.’88, left, and Ronald Frasch, B.S.’70, right, came across a familiar name on fashionable Savile Row. We’re glad they shared the moment with us!
Your co-councilor, John Michalke, ended his rewarding 40-year career as an associate economist with the New York State Department of Labor in Albany this past October. He started with the department in October 1972 as an unemployment insurance reviewing examiner. After bouncing around different state departments, he returned to the labor department and was primarily involved in extensive reports and research projects relating to the state’s unemployment insurance program. He plans to catch up on reading, long-neglected hobbies, doing volunteer work, and traveling to visit family and friends.
Class notes coucilor: John Michalke, [email protected]
Adewale Troutman is the American Public Health Association’s (APHA) newly elected president. APHA “is the oldest, largest and most diverse organization of public health professionals in the world” with more than 20,000 members.
Class councilor: Rick Corcione, [email protected].
Pryor Cashman partner Kenneth Schulman was honored by Ronald McDonald House New York as a recipient of its 2013 Hope Award for his distinguished leadership and dedication as a volunteer. The Hope Award, which represents optimism, faith, promise and positive expectation, is the most prestigious recognition the organization can bestow upon a volunteer.

Paul Morton has been elected a fellow in the College of Law Practice Management. He will be inducted at the college’s annual Futures Conference in Chicago in October. Paul is the chief operating officer of Boston-based law firm Burns & Levinson LLP. Harry Feiner was the scenic and lighting designer for the production The Silver Cord, a harrowing and hilarious melodrama from Pulitzer Prize- and Academy Award-winning author Sidney Howard.
Nate Salant has been appointed to the NCAA D2 National Championships Committee. Nate is in his 21st year as commissioner of the Gulf South Conference.
John Gionis was awarded the Legal Eagle award for Civil and Criminal Litigation by the Long Island Pulse magazine in April. John’s practice encompasses commercial litigation; personal and catastrophic injuries; real estate; trusts and estates; and criminal law, including white collar crime cases involving fraud. He has successfully tried to verdict cases in both state and federal courts in the New York metropolitan area. John McHugh, secretary of the Army, received the Lifetime Achievement Award at the Rockefeller College Alumni Dinner and Awards Ceremony May 17. Allison Berg is happy to announce the birth of her grandson, Trace Martin Petriccione, on Jan. 1, 2013. Stuart Gelberg was selected as a Top Long Island Legal Eagle for the third consecutive year by Pulse magazine. Recognized as a Top Attorney by Newsweek magazine and featured in its final print issue, Stuart was also selected as a Top Attorney by New York magazine in its December 2012 special double issue.

Steve Bassett recently formed the Steve Basset Band and has released an acoustic debut album, So Beautiful. He uses his love for the Grateful Dead, the Beatles and Willie Nelson to inspire his folk leanings. He has been a supporter of the Salt Lake City music scene since moving to Utah in 1994. You can listen to and see Steve perform at and
Johannes Froebel-Parker was part of a live online interview this past June at a new program/website for authors helping authors and future authors. More information:

Patricia Nugent has been featured in a new collection of true narratives, I Wasn’t Strong Like This When I Started Out: True Stories of Becoming a Nurse. In this collection, nurses remember their first “sticks,” first births and first deaths, reflecting on what gets them through long, demanding shifts and keeps them in the profession. More information:

Michael Levy was elected judge of the 15th Judicial Circuit by the Virginia General Assembly on April 3, 2013. He has served as a judge in the 15th District Court for the past four years and took his new seat on July 1, 2013. Tom Burke was faced with a great surprise when two UAlbany Roof and Maintenance Division staff members, Scott Thomas and Brian Edwards, found his high-school ring, lost 36 years ago on Colonial Quad. They mailed the ring back to Tom immediately – and he was very impressed by their sincerity and the lengths they went to to return it.

Joshua Bloom has been elected chair of the Executive Committee of the Bar Association of San Francisco’s (BASF) Environmental Law Section for 2013. Joshua’s environmental and natural resources practice involves counseling, litigation and transactional work. The mission of BASF’s Environmental Law Section is to serve and educate both attorneys and the general public about environmental law. Ian Farrell has been appointed assistant vice president of Development for Colleges at Virginia Tech. He brings to the position extensive experience in university development and fundraising. Most recently, he served as director of regional development at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, where he assumed responsibility for a major-gifts program. Edward Murphy, president and executive director of Workforce Development Institute, received the Distinguished Continuing Professional Education Leadership Award of Excellence at the Rockefeller College Alumni Dinner and Awards Ceremony May 17.
Lauren Solotar has been promoted to president and chief executive officer of May Institute in Randolph, Mass. Lauren began her career there in 1996 as chief psychologist and vice president of Clinical Services. May Institute is a nonprofit organization that provides educational, rehabilitative and behavioral health services to thousands of individuals with special needs and their families every year.

Maritza Martinez has been awarded the 2012 Director’s Community Leadership Award. Maritza is the director of the Educational Opportunity Program (EOP) at the University at Albany. EOP, which provides admission opportunities for low-income New York state students, also supports students in academic, financial, social and personal matters. Maritza demonstrates leadership through her personal involvement with the students. Under her leadership, the EOP at UAlbany has been recognized as a model program in New York State public higher education. A note from your class councilor: Fellow classmates, it is hard to believe that we graduated 30 years ago. The style of our class obviously set the tone for the decade that would later become famously known as “The Big ’80s.” Please think about returning to campus to celebrate that golden era during Homecoming/Reunion Weekend this Oct. 18-19.
Class councilor: Dave Schaffer, [email protected]

Karu Hangawatte, a professor of criminal justice at the University of Nevada Las Vegas (UNLV) has been appointed by the government of Sri Lanka as the next ambassador to France and UNESCO, with oversight authority of Spain and Portugal. From 2010-2012, Karu served as a commissioner of Sri Lanka’s Lessons Learned and Reconciliation Commission, a post-war presidential commission. As an expert commissioner, he investigated and analyzed the national issues occurring between the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam and successive governments in Sri Lanka.

Michael Shaps
Elizabeth Donovan works as a clinical program director at Ave Maria School of Law in Naples, Fla. She previously worked as an assistant clinical professor at Ave Maria School of Law in Ann Arbor, Mich. Her areas of focus are human trafficking and mediation-law; she teaches law clinics in both. Michael Shaps was recognized this past April at Fenway Park before the start of a Red Sox game as the 2013 Most Valuable Educator by the Massachusetts Teachers Association and the Boston Red Sox. A school psychologist for 19 years, he is currently working in the Waltham, Mass., Public Schools. To watch the video of Michael receiving his award, visit: He is featured about four minutes in.
Class councilor: Patty Salkin, [email protected]
Gordon Plutsky is the chief marketing officer at King Fish Media in Salem, Mass. King Fish Media is a leading content-marketing agency. Gordon also is an adjunct faculty member at Endicott College in Beverly, Mass., teaching marketing strategy and digital marketing to master’s students. Jennifer Manner has been hired by EchoStar Corp., a leading global satellite services provider and developer of hybrid video-delivery technologies, as vice president of Regulatory Affairs. Jennifer, who has more than 20 years of experience as a telecommunications policy and regulatory executive, formerly was the deputy chief of the FCC’s Office of Engineering and Technology.

Joan Solotar was honored by the National Organization for Women, New York City, with a 2013 Women of Power & Influence Award. She is the senior managing director and head of the External Relations and Strategy Group for Blackstone.
James O’Sullivan joined the Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust as a program director this past March. James, who leads the trust’s IBD & Crohn’s Program, also serves as a senior adviser to its Israel program. He comes to the trust from Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors (RPA). Prior to joining RPA in 2008, James worked at the John A. Hartford Foundation. Dave Schaeffer is a physician based in Phoenix, Ariz. He recently was recognized by the U.S. News and World Report as a top physician in the Southwest. Phoenix Magazine also recognized Dave as “Top Doc” in gastroenterology for the metropolitan Phoenix/Scottsdale region.
Donna Barket has been named a Woodrow Wilson Indiana Teaching Fellow by the Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation. With the $30,000 stipend, Donna will complete a special intensive master’s program at Purdue University to will prepare her to teach math and/or science in Indiana’s urban and rural public schools. Bonnie Jenkins, coordinator for Threat Reduction Programs with the United States Department of State, received the Distinguished Alumna in Public Administration and Policy Award at the Rockefeller College Alumni Dinner and Awards Ceremony May 17.

Thembayena Dlamini, who earned her Ph.D. in economics at UAlbany, was appointed ambassador to Russia from her country, Swaziland, this past year. She is pictured here shaking hands with Vladimir Putin. Michael Rosenblut, president and CEO of the nationally acclaimed Parker Jewish Institute for Health Care and Rehabilitation, was named Business Person of the Year by the Queens, N.Y., Chamber of Commerce this past March.

Ken Rosenberg was sworn in as president-elect of the Essex County Bar Association (ECBA) this past April. The ECBA is the largest county bar association in the State of New Jersey.
Meredith Celentano has been named chair of the 2013 Philanthropy Day by The Association of Fundraising Professionals Long Island. Philanthropy Day, which will take place in November, focuses on harnessing the latest advances in development, learning best practices and new techniques, and networking with accomplished members of the development profession. Meredith is the assistant vice president for Development and Alumni Affairs at Hofstra University.

Atlanta-based accounting firm Moore Colson CPAs recently announced the admission of Michael Elliot as a partner in the firm’s tax services practice. Moore Colson is a full-service accounting firm located in Atlanta, Ga., providing tax and assurance services, management-consulting services, lender services, estate and financial services, information-technology audit services and corporate accounting. Carmen Pena has launched a new business that uses her passion and the unique skills and knowledge she’s gained over the years to help people of all ages and at all stages of life. She has developed a universal message of personal awareness and growth, “Life Conversations with Carmen: Life’s Big Questions & Practical Ways to Live Your Best Life Now.” Her intention is to conduct seminars, small-group and private sessions with people or organizations interested in making the courageous and empowering decision to do “life work” to create successful outcomes and balance in all life areas.
Chuck Bennett was commissioned in April as a U.S. Foreign Service officer. He currently is serving a two-year tour as vice consul at Embassy Kingston in Jamaica.

Lauren Rudolph was featured in Nyack News and Views for recent artwork and accomplishments. In 2011, inspired by her daughter, Lauren opened Little Light Art Studio for children ages 3 through 6. After the birth of her son, Gabriel, in 2012, Lauren’s creative spark was reignited. Her paintings are typically portraits, and she plans to continue to expand as an artist.

Rachel Santarlas recently was promoted to counsel in Wolff & Samson’s Intellectual Property and Media and Technology Groups in West Orange, N.J. Previously an associate at the firm, Rachel counsels both domestic and international clients in a variety of areas, including those in the fashion, perfume, clothing, music entertainment, media, Internet, spice, food and beverage industries, as well as nonprofit organizations.
Addie Russell, a member of the New York State Assembly, District 116, received the Distinguished Alumna in Political Science Award at the Rockefeller College Alumni Dinner and Awards Ceremony May 17.
Michael Schnipper was promoted from attorney to partner this past February by Nixon Peabody LLP in Boston. Michael’s practice focuses on the representation of both public and private companies in business law and transactional matters, including mergers and acquisitions, as well as debt and equity financings. Matt Ammerman has created a startup company called Apprenda. His company utilizes a software platform that enables large businesses to develop and deploy their own cloud applications. Cloud computing moves applications from individual desktops and puts them on servers that users access remotely via network connections. Some of Apprenda’s clients include JP Morgan Chase and Diebold. Apprenda is a Clifton Park-based company, and Matt believes that the Capital Region was helpful in the success of his startup.
Karen Schwimmer has joined the law firm Porzio, Bromberg & Newman P.C. as an associate. She will be based in Porzio’s New York City office and is a former member of Wagner Davis P.C. Karen represents clients in commercial real-estate transactions.
Peter Brusoe, campaign finance and lobbying data analyst for Bloomberg, L.P., received the Young Alumnus in Political Science Award at the Rockefeller College Alumni Dinner and Awards Ceremony May 17.
Angelo Maddox has moved to expand his business, Fresh & Fly Clothing, formerly Young Fresh & Fly, to 13 South Pearl Street in Albany, N.Y.
Samantha Williams, who works in the Tax-Exempt East office, has been promoted from in charge to senior at the Bonadio Group in Albany, N.Y. The Bonadio Group is upstate New York’s largest provider of accounting, consulting and financial services. Matthew Cueter has joined Rawle & Henderson LLP as an associate at the firm’s New York office. Matthew’s practice focuses on the areas of construction, insurance, products liability, premises liability, toxic tort litigation and professional liability. Stephanie Amann-Winokur and Lyle Winokur purchased their first home in Albany. Brian Fessler, specialist with Questar III State Aid and Financial Planning Service, received the Young Alumnus in Public Administration and Policy Award at the Rockefeller College Alumni Dinner and Awards Ceremony May 17.
Ralph Underwood is currently the senior accountant at Dormitory Authority, State of New York (DASNY), in Albany. Priya Anand is fashioning an acting career in India. She recently starred in the Vashu Bhagnani’s Priyadarshan-directed movie “Rangree.” She has starred in nine other films and finds that acting is a way to discover herself. Monika Nizio married her law school sweetheart this past September. She has been working as a real-estate attorney in Miami after graduating from the University of Miami Law School. Katelyn Primomo graduated from Albany Law School this past year, passed the bar and was admitted. She is currently working for The Legal Project as a domestic violence attorney. Katelyn was married in January 2013; her new name is Katelyn Primomo-Millwood. Amy Bourdeau recently received her master’s from the University of Phoenix online while working full time at Capital Living and Rehabilitation Centers. She started there in May 2010 and previously was with Leverpoint Management LLC for three years. Amy planned to sit for one of the C.P.A. exams this past July or August. Marc Pallozzi graduated from Albany Law in 2012 with honors and is currently working for Gilberti, Stinziano, Heintz & Smith P.C., an environmental law firm with offices in Albany, Syracuse and New York City. After completing a master’s degree in criminal justice at UAlbany in 2008, Dianna Maneksha relocated to Boston, where she works as a crime analyst for the transit police. The rock-music duo she co-founded, Satin Kittens, has played to large crowds in both Boston and New York City. Amanda Munk lives in Albuquerque, N.M. She married Peter Munk in 2011 and had a daughter in August 2012. She works in the microbiology department of a medical laboratory. Karen Granger graduated from the Basic School of the New York State Police Academy this past May. She is assigned to Troop D in Oneida.
Alicia Garofalo has been promoted to paralegal at the law firm of Harter Secrets & Emery LLP. Alicia’s litigation work focuses on design malpractice, product liability and commercial litigation. She previously worked with the firm’s corporate department concentrating on mergers and acquisitions, as well as venture-capital deals.
Caitlin Root has been promoted to staff accountant by Lumsden McCormick. Caitlin joined Lumsden McCormick as a general ledger analyst serving the company’s commercial business team. A certified QuickBooks ProAdvisor, she is specially trained as a QuickBooks expert. Diana Mauro received a Juris Doctor degree from the Roger Williams University School of Law during commencement ceremonies this past May. Diana was a member of the Criminal Law Society, Phi Alpha Delta and the Student Bar Association. She completed a legal externship with the Rhode Island Medical Legal Partnership at Hasbro Children’s Hospital in Providence, R.I. She also worked as a summer associate with Gaines, Gruner, Ponzini and Novick LLP, based in White Plains, N.Y.
Vimmi Bhaskar has been hired as a senior for the small business advisory team within The Bonadio Group. Previously, Vimmi worked as a senior staff member
with Crow Horwath LLP.
Benjamin Parsons has been appointed by Civil Service Employees Association President Danny Donohue as a state legislative representative in the union’s Legislative & Political Action Department. Ben is working alongside fellow UAlbany alumnus Joshua Terry ’05, who has been with the department since 2007.
Luis Gabriel Sanchez (Gabe) traveled as an observer/volunteer to Haiti with Dr. Robin Rose, leadership programs director at Brown University. They visited the Partners in Health program, which has helped bring emergency medical care and supplies to survivors of the massive earthquake that struck Haiti in 2010. Julie Parlato recently was appointed regional preparedness associate for the American Red Cross Northeastern Region. Julie will oversee the disaster-preparedness curricula in the community, as well as CPR skills for the general public. In addition, she will manage up to five full-time AmeriCorps state members and approximately 90 volunteers across four chapters and 17 countries. Chol Majok welcomed new United States citizens at a naturalization ceremony held in the U.S. District Court in downtown Syracuse this past April. Chol recently was hired as the scheduler for Syracuse’s mayor. He is an immigrant from Africa, and his journey to the United States was not an easy one. More information:
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