CAS News Archive

College of Arts and Sciences News Archive
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Research Highlights


A woman with braids wearing a white lab coat, blue gloves and wire frame glasses writes in erasable marker on a clear board.
Health Sciences

UAlbany researchers at the RNA Institute are fighting muscular dystrophy with a $2.5M NIH grant, studying gum disease with a $2.3M NIH grant and won an NSF award for COVID-19 research. The Cancer Research Center has been awarded a $1.7M grant from the National Cancer Institute to study the role of nutrition in breast cancer. And the School of Public Health's decades-long partnership with the New York State Department of Health fosters collaborative, much needed research that benefits local communities.

Five researchers stand on a building roof as they release a white weather balloon into the air.
Climate Sciences

New York’s Division of Science, Technology and Innovation invests $1M annually in the Center of Excellence in Weather and Climate Analytics. The Center and the University partners with industry leaders, including IBM, National Grid and Con Edison, to address extreme weather’s effects on transportation systems. With the Atmospheric Sciences Research Center and NYS Mesonet, UAlbany is home to one of the largest and most prominent coalitions of atmospheric science experts in the country.

A student with black hair and a black sweater sits at a desk typing while looking at two computer monitors, which show a map of New York State and the logo for the New York State Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Services.
Emergency Preparedness & Cybersecurity

The College of Emergency Preparedness, Homeland Security and Cybersecurity is focused on protecting the nation. Since 2020, the U.S. Department of State has awarded $2.1M to our researchers, who are helping government and industry leaders improve their preparation and response to threats involving WMDs. Our researchers co-lead the $1.5M Virtual Institute of Cyber Operation and Research funded by U.S. Department of Defense.

A woman in jeans and a sweater talks to a man in a suit stand talking in a research center hallway.
Artificial Intelligence

UAlbany's AI Plus supercomputing initiative delivers the high-speed computational power needed to design and test the latest generation of microchips, new AI algorithms and machine-learning systems. With the support of a $75 million investment from New York State, UAlbany is significantly expanding the state's artificial intelligence supercomputing resources for STEM, arts and humanities teaching and research.

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