Single Stall Restrooms

UAlbany recognizes the need to expand gender inclusive single occupancy restrooms.For a full list of Gender Inclusive Restrooms on Campus Visit UAlbany Restroom Facilities Page. If you experience harassment or intimidation for using a public facility that is gendered you can REPORT IT here


UAlbany Interactive Google Map of Bathrooms and Allies

For a full list of Gender Inclusive Restrooms on Campus Visit UAlbany Restroom Facilities Page

Only you can make the best decision around your comfort and safety when using an on campus public restroom. Emergency phones are now standardly placed on the first floor and/or the basement floor and in Areas of Refuge. While some gendered and gender inclusive restrooms may still have phones inside, with the device and blue light placed in the hallway, they will be easier to identify/locate by anyone in the area. The change was finalized in the Division 27 facilities standards as of 2024.