Human Resources

Mailing Lists

The Office of Human Resources can provide departments with mailing lists to create their own address labels.  These lists are Microsoft Excel files.  To order a mailing list, you should contact Linda Novello in the Personnel Operations Section of OHRM.

When ordering mailing lists, you should be aware of the following terminology to identify the types of employees you wish to reach:

Appointment Type (Classification Indicator on PeopleSoft)

    1. State

    2. Non-State

    3. Special Notes

    4. Deans, Directors, and Department Chairs List


    1. State


    Classified (C): Includes all employees who are in the State Classified Service (“Civil Service”) positions.  These include employees in the following bargaining units: Administrative Services (primarily secretarial and clerical positions); Institutional and Operational Services (primarily Facilities Management/Plant positions—see Special Notes--below); Professional, Scientific and Technical Services (primarily Nurses and Physicians assigned to the Student Health Service); and Security Services, Security Supervisors and University Police (Public Safety).

    Librarians (L):  Includes all employees of the University Libraries who hold academic or qualified academic rank including the following titles:  Librarian, Associate Librarian, Senior Assistant Librarian or Assistant Librarian. “Visiting” may be appended in the case of librarians holding qualified academic rank in one of these titles.

    Management/Confidential (M):  Includes all professional staff not subject to collective bargaining because they hold policy-making positions or are involved in the administration of collective bargaining agreements.  This group includes senior administrative officers such as the President, Vice Presidents, Assistant and Associate Vice Presidents, Deans and Associate Deans.  Additionally, it includes professional staff in various business administration units such as human resources and financial management.

    Professional (P): Includes employees sometimes referred to as “non-teaching professionals,” which is considered an inaccurate term and is no longer used for this group. The definition used in the Policies of the Board of Trustees for this group is: Professional employees shall mean an employee in the Professional Services Negotiating Unit, other than an employee with academic or qualified academic rank.

    Teaching (T): Includes all employees who hold academic or qualified academic rank including the following teaching titles: Professor (including Distinguished Professor titles), Associate Professor, Assistant Professor or Lecturer. “Visiting” or another qualifier may be appended in the case of teaching staff holding qualified academic rank in one of these titles. See Special Notes--below regarding the exclusion from general label runs of faculty of the School of Public Heath who are employees of the NYS Department of Health.

    2. Non-State

    Emeriti (E):  Includes professional staff (i.e. Librarians, M/C’s, Professionals and Teaching) who have retired in good standing and have been granted Emeritus/Emerita status.  We only maintain home addresses for this group and, unless specifically requested, we do not include these retired employees in general label runs.

    Research Foundation (R): Includes campus employees of the Research Foundation. The Research Foundation is a private, nonprofit educational corporation that administers externally funded contracts and grants for and on behalf of the State University of New York.  We are able to subdivide this group into exempt and non-exempt (under the Fair Labor Standards Act).  Exempt employees are similar in their duties to professional employees on the State side.  Non-exempt employees perform functions similar to State classified service employees.

    University Auxiliary Services and University at Albany Foundation (F):  Includes all employees of these two campus-administered private, nonprofit entities.  Certain employees of the Barnes & Noble Bookstore are also included in this group. However, unless specifically requested, we do not include these employees in general label runs.

    Volunteers or Honorary (H): Includes all employees who volunteer their services to the University or hold honorary (non-paid) positions.  The largest group in this cohort includes Adjunct Lecturers who teach in the University in the High School program. However, unless specifically requested, we do not include volunteer employees in general label runs.

    3. Special Notes


    Unless specifically requested, the following groups are not included in general label runs:

    Facilities Management (Plant) Employees: Facilities Management has requested that general mailings to their employees not be individually labeled, due to the lack of individual mailboxes for most Facilities Management staff.  Therefore, for general mailings that include Facilities Management staff as an audience, the distributor of the mailing should send 500 unlabeled copies to Facilities Management in Service Building “A” (SBA) and they will distribute the copies through their internal distribution system. 

    Faculty of the School of Public Heath who are employees of the NYS Department of Health: 

    The School of Public Health is a joint venture of SUNY and the New York State Department of Health.  Therefore, many of the faculty of the School of Public Health are actually employees of the NYS Department of Health serving jointly as faculty for the School.  Due to their primary status as employees of the NYS Department of Health, unless specifically requested, we do not include these employees of another State agency in general label runs.

    4. Deans, Directors and Department Chairs List


    The Deans, Directors and Department Chairs list consists of the groups shown below (the PeopleSoft Officer Code appears in parentheses next to the name of the group).  The Office of Human Resources no longer keeps a supply of labels for this list.  Departments needing this list will receive an Excel file by email.  When requesting a subset of this list, you should specify by officer type which group(s) you need.  You can also contact HR to request an Excel file containing the name, department, campus address and preferred email address to produce your own email distribution list.

    President  & Vice Presidents (1): Includes the President and all Vice Presidents, Associate Vice Presidents and Assistant Vice Presidents.

    Deans (2):  Includes all Deans (Associate & Assistant Deans are in a separate category—see below).  Specifically, this group consists of the Deans of each of the Schools and Colleges as well as the Deans of Graduate and Undergraduate Studies and the Director of the Libraries (i.e. Dean of the Library Faculty).

    Directors (3): Includes all Directors, Associate Directors and Assistant Directors.

    Department Chairs (4):  Includes all Department Chairs and Associate Chairs.

    Assistant/Associate Deans (5): Includes all Assistant or Associate Deans.

    Others (6):  This group includes such positions as administrative assistants to any of the officer titles noted above or positions in key administrative offices such as the Offices of the President, Vice Presidents, Human Resources Management and Financial Management & Budget.