Information Science School Library Master of Science Degree

The graduate program in Information Science School Library is designed to lead to a recommendation for the issuance of the initial and professional teacher certificate in Library Media Specialist. This program aligns to the National School Library Standards (

Admissions Requirements:

  1. All school library applicants are required to complete at least one 3-credit college level course in the following Liberal Arts subjects with a grade of C or higher listed below. Applicants to the school library program must have met these requirements in undergraduate school or fulfilled the requirement by taking a course prior to obtaining certification in New York. If not, they are informed that they must complete the missing subject area(s) by the time they graduate from the program. In New York, applicants who have already earned an initial certification will have completed all of the requirements because they are mandated for graduation from their undergraduate programs.
    • Artistic Expression (art, dance, music or theatre)
    • Communication (speech, communications, journalism, media, public speaking, English, written or literacy analysis, and composition)
    • Information Retrieval (library studies, research, computer literacy and educational technology)
    • Humanities (literature, religion, philosophy, cultural anthropology, women's studies, linguistics)
    • Language other than English (can include American Sign Language)
    • Mathematics (mathematical reasoning, quantitative methods number theory and concepts, algebra, analytic, geometry, calculus, geometry, trigonometry, data analysis, probability, and discrete mathematics). This does not include: computer science, accounting, or finance.
    • Natural Science (biology, chemistry, earth science, and physics). This does not include: nutrition, engineering, environmental science, agriculture or any other applied sciences.
    • Historical and Social Science (history, political science, economics, geography, public affairs, law, sociology, psychology)
    • Written Analysis/Expression (English composition, creative writing, and introduction to writing)
    • More information can be found at
  2. Applicants must also have an undergraduate GPA of 3.0 or higher and submit GRE scores. If the applicant has previously earned a Master's degree, the GRE requirement can be waived.

Program Requirements: 36 credits

  • Ist 571 - Literature for Children (3)
  • Ist 578 - Literature for Young Adults (3)
  • Ist 601 - The Information Environment (3)
  • Ist 602 - Information and Knowledge Organization (3)
  • Ist 605 - Information Sources and Services (3)
  • Ist 608 - Research Methods (3)
  • Ist 668 - Internship (6)
  • Ist 670 - Teaching Fundamentals for School Libraries (3)
    • Course may be waived with appropriate teaching experience or successful completion of appropriate teacher education courses. If this course is waived, the student must take another 3 credit elective course as advised, frequently IST 666 or equivalent.
  • Ist 673 - School Libraries: Theory, Practice and Assessment (3)
  • Ist 675 - Curriculum and Supportive Resources (3)
  • Ist 676 - Administration of School Library Media Centers (3)

The Information Science School Library program requires a total of 100 hours of field experience for certification as a School Library Media Specialist in New York State. The number of hours to be completed are integrated within the curriculum of the following courses as follows:

  • Ist 670* – 20 hours of field experience
  • Ist 675 – 40-50 hours of field experience, 15 hours of which is focused on the needs of students with disabilities
  • Ist 673 – 40-50 hours of field experience

One half of the 100 hours must be completed in a high needs school and the other half must be completed in a low needs school. In addition, 50 hours must be completed in an elementary school and 50 hours in a middle school or high school.

 *Ist 670 is mandatory for students who are not certified teachers. Students who are not required to take Ist 670 will complete 50 hours of field experience in Ist 675 and 50 hours in Ist 673.

The Information Science School Library program also requires 100 hours of field experience and two internship placements (two 40 day sessions, for a total of 80 days or at least 400 hours) see:

 * Additional Program/NYSED Requirements:

  • School Violence Prevention and Intervention (SAVE) Training
  • Child Abuse Identification and Reporting Training
  • DASA Training
  • Students who are not certified teachers must fulfill a minimum of 12 credits of education requirements in the following content areas: Human Development/Social Concerns in Education (3 credits); Language acquisition/Literacy/Reading and Writing Instruction (6 credits); Enhancing the Learning of Students with Disabilities (3 credits). Eligible courses are available through the department. All courses must be approved by a School Library Media faculty advisor. 

As an approved teacher preparation program with the New York State Education Department, there may be additional certification requirements applicable. These requirements may include, but are not limited to additional workshops. Certification procedures and requirements are outlined on the School of Education’s Teacher Certification website ( This program is approved for licensure or certification in New York State and the institution has not made a determination regarding the educational requirements for any other state.

Please note: This program requires an internship, field experience, study abroad component, or clinical experience requirement. Students who have previously been convicted of a felony are advised that their prior criminal history may impede their ability to complete the requirements of certain academic programs and/or to meet licensure requirements for certain professions. If you have concerns about this matter please contact the Dean’s Office of your intended academic program.