Frequently Asked Questions

The work of the Senate affects you. Shared governance includes you. Issues, including but not limited to compensation and classification, leadership searches, benefits changes, academic program additions and changes, and administrative policies, are discussed and debated through the framework of the University Senate.

Being involved with shared governance allows you to introduce your ideas or proposals, voice your opinion on proposed or existing policies, and to become more informed about policies that impact your work at the University. The Senate and subsequent Council/Committee meetings are the principal forums for discussing and improving the collective life of faculty, staff, and students here at UAlbany and lending those constituencies a voice in University affairs. To ensure that these Councils and Standing Committees serve their intended purpose, it is essential that a broad and diverse range of teaching and professional faculty participate.


When and where does the University Senate meet?

View the Senate meeting schedule.

Who is the Senate leadership?

The Officers of the Senate include the Chair, Vice Chair, Immediate Past Chair, and the Secretary. For further information and current leadership please see Membership.

How can I serve as a senator or member of a Council or Standing Committee?

Elections occur in Spring and are conducted online through MyUAlbany through mid-May. Stay tuned for emails inviting your participation! Senators should attend all Senate meetings and serve on at least one Council. For further details see Membership.

Where can I find a list of Senate Councils and/or Standing Committees?

To learn more about each one, their charges, and current memberships, please see Councils/Committees.


Where can I access historical documentation (i.e. Senate records)?

This can be accessed in this library database.

Where can I find the Senate Handbook, Charter and/or Faculty Bylaws?

Each can be accessed resources.

Who can I speak with regarding a concern about academic freedom?

Please see .....

Which Council/Committee addresses policies related to faculty/staff work life, benefits and retirement?

These policies are addressed by The University Life Council.

Where can I find meeting schedules for Senate Councils and/or Committees?

The can be found on each Council's page.

Common Questions

Who is responsible for developing academic standard, which establish standards pertaining to dean's list and graduation with honors requirements?

The Committee on Curriculum & Honors. This Committee is also responsible for adjudicating all appeals by students for denial of honors designation.

What resources are available to assist faculty with a conflict resolution?

Committee on Mediation and if it involves a student - The Office of Community Standards.

Which Council handles the tenure and promotion of our faculty?

The Council on Promotion and Continuing Appointment is responsible for evaluating dossiers. For academic policies and procedure regarding faculty tenure and promotion, see the Office of the Provost website.

Who oversees campus research policies?

The Council on Research (COR) is responsible for research policies as well as campus research activities and the allocation of research resources.

Senate Meetings/Procedures

What is Parliamentary Procedure?

It is a set of rules of conduct at meetings that allows everyone to be heard and to make decisions without confusion. Please see the Senate Handbook on the right of the University Senate page for further detail.

Why is Parliamentary Procedure Important?

Because it's a time tested method of conducting business at meetings and public gatherings. The University Senate uses Robert's Rules of Order (newly revised) as the basic handbook of operation which is available on the right side of the University Senate page.