Dr. Robert Miller, Jr., Director
Dr. Kallanna Manjunath, Co-Director


  • Develop research colloquia series designed to introduce issues related to minority health and health disparities to students
  • Host network building colloquia and disucssion groups for advanced graduate students and untenured faculty
  • Provide workshops on conducting responsible research

Programs and Events

Community Activities

Funding Opportunities

Research Development Awardees

2011 Progress Report Excerpt


During the fall 2011 semester the Honors College and the EOP programs were offered research learning opportunities through presentations offered by CEMHD researchers engaged in research efforts, and opportunities for learning to conduct responsible research.

The RTEC scheduled statistical consultative support for graduate students and faculty. The statistical support and discussion groups were scheduled in 16 thirty minute blocks.  In the last academic year, 294 different appointments were scheduled and filled. This represents 79 unduplicated users of the consultation services. The consultations are held on the downtown campus of the graduate and professional schools.  This service is available to the entire University community.  We have continued this service during this academic year.  

During the spring 2011 term a research consultant provided research training support for untenured faculty preparing a journal publication. This effort resulted in a publication. 

During the fall 2011 semester the research core co-director (Miller) offered two presentations to the students of the Honors College and the EOP program. Twenty-two students of the Honors College and 45 students of the EOP program attended.

During the presentations, the Core director described his role, the intention and goals of the Research Training/Educational Core, the current research programs that may be soliciting student participation, and presented an opportunity for participation in a community event featuring one of the funded R01 research projects. He also provided a basic orientation to ethical and responsible research.  A question and answer period followed the presentation and a contact sheet email contact sheet was developed to maintain communication with the interested students.

A formally approved Certificate of Health Disparities program was marketed through various colloquia and discussion groups. Two students have completed the requirements for the Certificate program in Health Disparities. The Center is still recruiting for the program.  Several other students have expressed interest in and plan to make application for admission to the Certificate Program.  

In the spring 2011 semester, “A Seminar on Ethics and Responsible Research” was conducted by Dr. Dan Thompson, M.D., M.A., FACP, and FCCM. 

In addition, relationships were established with ethicists concerned with conducting responsible research from Albany College of Pharmacy.  The Center scheduled a presentation featuring personnel from their Institutional Review Board.  

In the spring 2011 semester, “Considering Race and Racism in Health Disparities: Empirical and Theoretical Perspectives” was presented by Dr. Alex Pieterse, a counseling psychologist who is in the School of Education. His research focuses on the intersection of racism and health.  

On November 7th and 8th, 2011 a conference “Health Disparities in Sexual Minorities along the Life Cycle: A Beginning Community Discussion” took place.  Speakers presented empirical data and participate in strategy development for framing potential points of intervention to reverse the common health disparities experienced by this population.  The conferencel featured seven paper presentations and breakout sessions for population-specific questions.There were also two roundtable breakfast meetings.  In one, the speakers, many of whom are principal investigators on R01 NIH grants, discussed with undergraduate and graduate students how they (MDs, PhD nurses, counseling and clinical psychologists) frame their programs of research to include minority health and health disparities. The second round table breakfast meeting is designed to support beginning researchers who are pursuing federal funding. The plan is for the researchers seeking funding to describe their current efforts and to receive feedback from the presenters.  

The RTEC administers a program of small grant support with funds from the university’s Vice President for Research. The goal is to facilitate the development of research projects to the level that investigators and projects are appropriate for external funding. One award of $6,500 was made in 2011 for a study, “Enablers and Barriers to Obtaining and Maintaining Health Care for Youth who have Transitioned from the Foster Care System.”  


The activities of the RTEC have provided increased visibility to the CEMHD. The efforts of the Core continue to stimulate interest in health disparities and minority health in both the undergraduate, graduate student and faculty populations. As program planning continues and is implemented, further interest in minority health and health disparities will be cultivated in the university community and among untenured faculty.


Specific activities planned by the RTEC for Year 4 are to do the following:

1.    Schedule two seminars that provide training in conducting responsible research that does not replicate existing training.

2.    Schedule two peer review opportunities to new research associates who are submitting proposals or manuscripts for publication in peer reviewed journals.

3.    Conduct three information seminars for undergraduate students to cultivate interest in minority health and health disparities.

4.    Follow up on the application process for the health disparities certificate program and cultivate additional interest among graduate students to pursue the certificate.

5.    Continue providing statistical consultative support to the research associates and other interested members of the University at Albany community.

PUBLICATIONS Austin, S. & Claiborne, N. (2011). Faith Well Collaborative: A community based approach to addressing Type II Diabetes disparities in an African American Community. Social Work in Health Care. 50(360-375).