"items": [ { "title": "", "body": " <% If "NO" = "YES" Then %> <h1><%=MyTitle%></h1> <% End If %> <% If "YES" = "YES" Then %>
<% End If %>

Learn More

<% If "YES" <> "YES" Then %>
<% End If %> <% If "NO" = "NO" Then %> <h1><%=MyTitle%></h1> <% End If %>

Thank you (and your family) for your service to this great nation; now it is our turn to serve you!

The Student Financial Center (SFC) proudly serves as the Veteran One-Stop Student Financial Center here at the University at Albany. One of our primary functions is to certify veteran educational benefits (e.g. GI Bill). However, the SFC staff is dedicated to assisting veterans join the university community, connect to available resources, services and other veterans while helping you achieve your educational goals!

Our immediate goal is to offer a bridge to the information and links designed to assist you in meeting your current needs as a University at Albany student and veteran. We recognize that transition to student life can be challenging, and hope to assist making your experience here as smooth and rewarding as possible.

The Student Financial Center is committed to assist all students meet their educational goals; however, we also understand that as a veteran student, you may have unique challenges and needs. We will work diligently to assist you find the resources and services needed to succeed! Please visit this site often as we plan to significantly expand and improve our services.

Please also feel free to provide your feedback on information and services you would like to see offered on this site as well as other services here, and throughout the University. You may email us at uaveteran@albany.edu or stop by the Student Financial Center; please feel free to identify yourself as a veteran for the front of line” service you have earned!


<% iCurrentTab = 0 %> <% iCurrentTab = iCurrentTab + 1 %>
<% If "LINKS" = "LINKS" Then %> <% Else %> <% End If %>
<% iCurrentTab = iCurrentTab + 1 %> <% iCurrentTab = iCurrentTab + 1 %>
<% If "LINKS" = "LINKS" Then %>
<% Else %>
<% End If %>
", "emailteaser": "", "URL": "https://www.albany.edu/studentservices/veterans_services.php", "PageID": "10998" },