About The Graduate School

Per Governor Cuomo’s March 16, 2020 Updated Statewide COVID-19 Guidance, the Graduate School will be providing services virtually.




Reach us during Virtual Office Hours at albany.zoom.us/j/350894519, Monday through Friday, 8:30am-4:30pm Eastern Time (ET).


Email us anytime at [email protected] or call 518-442-3980 for general inquiries.

For specific inquiries, please contact the appropriate staff member.



The Graduate School provides strategic leadership, advocacy, and support to ensure excellence and integrity in graduate education. We enhance student success from the time of admission to graduation and seek to cultivate educational experiences that are accessible, diverse, and inclusive. 


To be an internationally recognized leader in graduate education by cultivating a collaborative, innovative and interdisciplinary environment that prepares students to generate knowledge and solve critical problems locally, nationally and globally.