"items": [ { "title": "", "body": " <% If "NO" = "YES" Then %> <h1><%=MyTitle%></h1> <% End If %> <% If "YES" = "YES" Then %>
<% End If %>
<% If "YES" <> "YES" Then %>
<% End If %> <% If "NO" = "NO" Then %> <h1><%=MyTitle%></h1> <% End If %>

NOTE: The readmission application and payment are exclusively online. Payments will only be accepted online via credit card. The application fee for readmission is NON-REFUNDABLE.

Readmission is for undergraduate matriculated students only.
Graduate Students should contact the Office of Graduate Admissions. (www.albany.edu/graduate/graduate-admissions.php)
Non degree students should apply through General Studies Office. (www.albany.edu/generalstudies/)       

Application Timelines

Summer and Fall Semester: February/March
Applications needing Committee on Academic Standing review received past APRIL 1st will NOT be honored or reviewed for Summer or Fall readmission.   

Winter and Spring Semester: September/October
Applications needing Committee on Academic Standing review received past NOVEMBER 1st will NOT be honored or reviewed for Winter or Spring readmission. 

The above timelines are established in order to allow for a timely decision and to enable readmitted students to register early. If you have any prior financial obligations to the University or holds on your record, you must clear them before you can register. On the application for readmission, you should apply for the term in which you wish to begin your studies; if you intend to pursue summer or winter coursework here, it is necessary to apply for the summer or winter session.

Determining your status for Readmission

        1. Is your cumulative Grade Point Average BELOW a 2.00?*
        2. Were you Academically Dismissed?*

* If you answered YES to questions 1 or 2, in addition to a Readmission Application online, you also need to complete a PETITION TO THE COMMITTEE ON ACADEMIC STANDING. Since requests for readmission from students who were academically dismissed or who have a cumulative average of less than 2.00 require recommendations from other offices as well as review by the Committee on Academic Standing, such cases can take longer to process. Given this, it is necessary to apply according to the timelines above. You should also be aware that the Committee does not follow its regular meeting schedule in the summer months; timeliness, therefore, is of particular importance.

The online readmission application AND the Petition to the Committee on Academic Standing are BOTH due on or before the deadline. There are no exceptions to this policy.

        3. Did you leave the University at Albany for medical reasons?**

** If you answered YES to question 3, in addition to a Readmission Application, you also need to contact either the Student Health Services or Counseling and Psychological Services (whichever office processed your medical withdrawal). Medical clearance is always required as part of the readmission process. 

To be medically cleared, the treating physician or treatment facility must submit evidence of treatment (and recovery from the medical problem) to either the Student Health Services or Counseling and Psychological Services.

This letter should contain the following information:

1) Diagnosis;
2) Treatment (with inclusive dates);
3) Degree of recovery;
4) Prognosis; and
5) Recommendations for treatment while at college and ability to resume full‑time study.

The letter will be kept as part of the student's medical record; it is not included in the academic record. Please note that all medical documentation should be submitted directly to the appropriate center, not the Office of Withdrawal and Readmission. 

ALL STUDENTS should utilize the RETURNING STUDENT CHECKLIST  WITH IMPORTANT UNIVERSITY PHONE NUMBERS to assure a smooth transition back into the University.

Links to Forms

Readmission Application Online
Readmission Petition to the Committee on Academic Standing
Readmission Application Timelines
Returning Student Checklist

", "emailteaser": "", "URL": "https://www.albany.edu/undergraduateeducation/91973.php", "PageID": "91973" },