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Documents are identified by reference to their Title/Description available in the 'Index' and elsewhere.
Our thanks are due to the following:
By permission of The American Philosophical Society
H. Mentzer, Heresy Proceedings in Languedoc, 1500-1560
(Philadelphia: The American Philosophical Society, 1984)
p. 6, Fig 2. 'The area of jurisdiction of the Parliament of Toulouse.'
pp. 98-99, 'A Sample Interrogation.'
pp. 169-170, 'Number of Accused Heretics per Annum.'
By permission of Archives municipales de la ville de Toulouse*
'Plan of Toulouse' by Melchior Tavernier. [Map]
By permission of Bibliothèque Nationale De France
The Great Marmite overturned (Woodcut) by unknown artist.
Horribles Cruautez des Huguenots en France by unknown artist
Le Massacre de Sainte Bartholème à Paris by unknown artist
Veridicus Christianus (Painting/Drawing) J. David, Auctore
P. Ioanne Davide Societate Iesu, Anvers (Antwerp: Plantin,
Plate 6
By permission of Bibliothèque Publique et Universitaire
de Genève
'The Protestant church (temple) in Lyon known as "Le Paradis"'
(Painting/Drawing) by anonymous 16th century artist.
By permission of Blackwell Publishers Ltd
M. Greengrass, The French Reformation, Historical Association
Studies (Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1987)
p. 81 Table 1, 'Social analysis of Protestant suspects elsewhere
in France.'
By permission of Cambridge University Press
Michael G, Baylor, The Radical Reformation (Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press, 1991)
pp. 107-111, 'To the Assembly of the Common Peasantry.'
pp. 231-238, 'The Twelve Articles of the Upper Swabian Peasants.'
Joan Davies, ''Persecution and Protestantism: Toulouse, 1562-1575,''
Historical Journal no. 22 (1979)
p.38 Table 3, 'Social Distribution of Protestants 1562-75'
p. 38 Table 3 and p. 51 Table 5, 'Social Analysis of Toulouse's
Protestant suspects.'
M Greengrass, ''The Anatomy of a Religious Riot in Toulouse in
May 1562,'' Journal of Ecclesiastical History vol. 34,
pp. 373-388 (extracts), 'A modern historian's reconstruction.'
p.377, 'Protestant Revolt in Toulouse' [Map]
Pamela Johnston and Bob Scribner (eds.), The Reformation in
Germany and Switzerland, Cambridge Topics in History (Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press, 1993)
p.16, 'Luther's Account of Leipzig Debate.'
By permission of Centre for Reformation and Renaissance Studies
James M. Estes (ed.), Whether the Secular Government has the
Right to Wield the Sword in Matters of Faith. A Controversy,
Renaissance and Reformation texts in translation (Toronto: Centre
for Reformation and Renaissance Studies, 1994)
pp. 41-53, 'Anonymous Memorandum.'
pp. 55-60, Brenz 'Response to the Memorandum.'
pp. 100-104, 'Second Nuremberg Counter-Memorandum.'
Andreas Karlstadt, ''On the Removal of Images (1522)'' in Bryan
D. Magnum & Giuiseppe Scavizzi (trans. and eds.), A Reformation
Debate: Karlstadt, Emser and Eck on Sacred Images. Three Treatises
in Translation (Toronto: Centre for Reformation and Renaissance
Studies, 1991)
pp. 19-25, 'On the Removal of Images.'
pp. 89-99, 'On Not Removing Images of Christ and the Saints.'
By permission of J.M. Dent
'Title page of the 'Institutio Christianae religionis' in T.H.L. Parker , John Calvin, (London:
J.M. Dent, 1975),
illustration 9.
By permission of Droz
Paul G. Geisendorf, Livre des Habitants de Gen�ve, 2 vols (Geneva, Droz, 1957), vol. 1.
'Number of Exiles registering as Habitants in Geneva's Livre des Habitants'
R.M. Kingdon, Geneva and the Coming of the Wars of Religion
in France (Geneva: Droz, 1956)
pp. 98-99, 'The Rise of Genevan publishing 1536-72.'
R.M. Kingdon, Les registres de la consistoire de Gen�ve (Geneva, Droz, 1996),
pp. 1-9
By permission of E. William Monter
E. William Monter, Calvin's Geneva (New York: John Wiley
and Sons, 1967)
p. 168, 'Geographical spread of refugees from France to Geneva,
1549-1599' (Map)
p. 135, 'Genevan Missions.'
p. 130, 'Possessions of the Republic of Geneva' (Map)
By permission of Fischer Taschenburg Verlag
Martin Warnke, Cranachs Luther. Entw�rfe f�r ein Image (Frankfurt: Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag, 1984)
p 17, "Elector Frederick the Wise" by Lucas Cranach the Elder
p 9, "First Published Woodcut of Luther" (by unknown artist)
p 32, "Luther as a Monk with Dove and Nimbus" by Hans Baldung Grien
p 55 , "Luther as German Hercules" by Hans Holbein the Younger
By permission of Fortress Press
C. Bergendoff (ed.), Church and Ministry, 2, Luther's Works,
vol. 40. (Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1958)
pp. 271-273, 'Instructions to the Visitors of Saxony.'
[Reprinted from Luther's Works, Volume 40, edited by Conrad Bergendoff,
copyright © 1958 Fortress Press. Used by permission of Augsburg
Eric. W. Gritsch (ed.), Church and Ministry, 1, Luther's
Works, vol. 39 (Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1970) Translated
by Ruth and Eric Gritsch.
pp. 305-314, 'Martin Luther, letter to the Community of Leisnig.'
[Reprinted from Luther's Works, Volume 39, edited by Eric W. Gritsch,
copyright © 1970 Fortress Press. Used by permission of Augsburg
Eric. W. Gritsch (ed.), Church and Ministry, 2, Luther's
Works, vol. 41 (Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1966)
pp. 295-301, 'Luther and the Papacy.'
Eric. W. Gritsch (ed.), Church and Ministry, 2, Luther's
Works, vol. 41. (Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1966) Translated
by Charles M. Jacobs, revised by Eric W. Gritsch.
pp. 143-154, 'Luther and the Church.'
[Reprinted from Luther's Works, Volume 41, edited by Eric W. Gritsch,
copyright © 1966 Fortress Press. Used by permission of Augsburg
Gottfried G. Krodel (ed.), Letters, 3, vol. 50; Luther's
Works (Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1975),
pp. 61-66, 'Letter from Wittenberg.'
[Reprinted from Luther's Works, Volume 50, edited by Gottfried
Krodel, copyright © 1975 Fortress Press. Used by permission
of Augsburg Fortress]
B. Thompson, Liturgies of the Western Church (Philadelphia:
Fortress Press, 1980)
pp. 75, 77, 85, 134-5, 153-5, 'Eucharistic Prayers from the Age of the
[Reprinted from Liturgies of the Western Church by Bard
Thompson, copyright © Bard Thompson. Used by permission of
Augsburg Fortress]
Philip S. Watson, (ed.), Career of the Reformer, 3, vol.
33, Luther's Works (Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1972) Translated
by Philip S. Watson
pp. 24-8, 'The Clarity of Scripture.'
[Reprinted from Luther's Works, Volume 33, edited by Philip S.
Watson, copyright © 1972 Fortress Press. Used by permission
of Augsburg Fortress]
Abdel Ross Wentz (ed.), Word and Sacrament, 2, Luther's Works,
vol. 36. (Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1959)
pp. 277-298, 'The Lord's Supper in Luther's Theology.'
[Reprinted from Luther's Works, Volume 36, edited by Abdel Ross
Wentz, copyright © 1959 Fortress Press. Used by permission
of Augsburg Fortress]
By permission of Germanisches Nationalmuseum
'First Published Woodcut of Luther' (Woodcut) by unknown artist.
Collection: Nuernberg, 8 Rl 1952
'Route Map of Western Europe' (Map) by Erhardt Etzlaub. Germanisches
Nationalmuseum, La 217.
By permission of Gütersloher Verlagshaus Gerd Mohn
James. M. Kittelson, ''Successes and Failures in the German Reformation:
the Report from Strasbourg,'' Archiv für Reformationsgeschichte
73, (1982)
pp. 153-75
By permission of Hamlyn
R.I. Moore, The Hamlyn Historical Atlas (London: Hamlyn, 1981),
Printing Centres of Incunabula Books in Europe pp. 45-6
Reformation and counter reformation in Europe pp. 45-6.
By permission of Harper Collins Publishers
Hans J. Hillerbrand (ed.)*, The Protestant Reformation (London:
Harper & Row, 1968)
pp. 38-42, 'The Authority of Scripture.'
pp. 29-37, 'Invocavit Sermons.'
pp. 43-52; 55-61, 'Luther on Secular Authority.'
By permission of Headline Hodder
G.R. Potter and M. Greengrass, John Calvin (London; Edward
Arnold, 1983).
p. 80, 'Prohibition of Swearing'
p. 87, p. 89, 'Calvin's reactions to Servetus' death'
p.88 'The Ami Perrin Affair, 1546-8'
pp. 90-1 'Beza: Life of Calvin'
p.106, 'Theodore Beza to Heinrich Bullinger, 27 August 1553'
p. 123, 'Calvin to Guillaume Farel, 30 December 1553'
p. 123-4, 'Calvin to Heinrich Bullinger, 28 March 1554'
pp. 125-6, 'Ordinances: Genevan College, 6/1559'
pp. 152-4, extract numbers 153, 154, 155, 'Calvin's Correspondence
with French Churches.'
pp. 172-3, 'Calvin's Farewell Admonition'
The following extracts are translations by the authors of the
above book from the following original texts:
G. Baum, E. Caunitz and E. Reuss (eds.), Corpus Reformatorum
(Opera Calvini), 59 vols. (Brunswick: 1863-90)
pp. 78-9, 'Genevan ordinances on marriage and divorce, November
p. 127, 'Academy ordinances (June 1559).'
pp. 106-7, 'Attempts to prevent Servetus' book being sold.'
p. 120, 'Copying of lectures and sermons.'
p. 91, 'Final Night of Riot, 16 May 1555.'
pp. 123-4, 'Foreigner's bursary.'
pp. 82-3, 'Household visitation in Geneva.'
pp. 94-6, 'Jacques Gruet.'
pp 87-8, 'The Libertine Faction.'
pp. 105-6, 'Parish visitation in Geneva's villages.'
p. 87, 'Plague and Conspiracy.'
p. 88, 'Register of the Consistory.'
pp. 105-6, 'The Servetus Affair.'
p. 87, 'Servetus condemned to death.'
p. 89, 'Slashed breeches and the youth militia.'
pp. 81-2, 'Theatre in Geneva.'
pp. 89-90, 'Trial of Perrin and reinstatement.'
J. F. Bergier and R. M. Kingdon, Registres de la Compagnie
des pasteurs de Geneve au temps de Calvin, 59 vols. (Brunswick:
Arnold, 1962-4)
p. 29, 'Christian Names.'
pp. 1-13, 'Ecclesiastical Ordinances' (1541).
Michael Servetus, Restitutio Christianismi (Nuremberg:
unknown publisher, 1790)
pp. 558-9, 'Extract from Michael Servetus, Restitutio Christianismi.'
E.G. Rupp and Benjamin Drewery, Martin Luther, Documents
of Modern History (London: Edward Arnold, 1970)
pp. 121-126, 'Against the Robbing and Murdering Hordes of Peasants.'
pp. 145-148, 'The Augsburg Confession.'
pp. 135-136, 'Bullinger's Account of Marburg.'
pp. 47-50, 'Luther and the Seven Sacraments'
pp. 30-31, 'Luther to George Spalatin.'
pp. 5-7, 'Luther's Theological Breakthrough.'
pp. 19-25, 'Ninety-Five Theses.'
pp. 42-5, 'The Priesthood of all Believers.'
pp. 132-5, 'That these words of Christ, "This is my body..."'
pp. 120-1, 'Thomas Müntzer to his followers in Allstedt, 27th
April 1525.'
By permission of Humanities Press
Tom Scott and Bob Scribner*, The German Peasant's War. A History
in Documents (London: Humanities Press, 1991)
pp. 82, '6 Articles of Brigach Peasants.'
pp. 78-80, 'Articles of the Peasants of Memmingen.'
pp. 299-301, 'Casimir's Vengeance.'
pp. 321-322, 'Caspar Nützel to Duke Albert.'
pp. 108-109, 'The Confession of Blesy Krieg.'
pp. 22-23, 30-31, 40-41, 46-47, 54-55, 'Maps of Main Areas of Revolt.'
pp. 330-331, 'Margrave Casimir's Preaching Mandate.'
pp. 86-95, 'The Merano Articles.'
pp. 103-105, 'The Mülhausen Articles.'
pp. 105-106, 24, 'Salzburg Articles.'
pp. 151-152, 'Views of Leonard von Eck.'
p. 158, 'Massacre of Weinsberg.'
By permission of Humboldt-Universität Zu Berlin
'Elector Frederick the Wise' (Woodcut) by Lucas Cranach the Elder.
Staatlichen Museen zu Berlin, Stiftung Preussicher Kulturbesitz,,
Kupferstichkabinett (P.7)..
By permission of Indiana University Press
Gerald Strauss, Nuremberg in the Sixteenth Century (London:
Indiana University Press, 1976)
p. 8, 'Nuremberg and Surroundings in the sixteenth century'
pp. 58-62, 'Concerning the Polity and Government of the Praiseworthy
City of Nuremberg.'
pp. 167-168, (extracts) Hans Sachs, 'The Wittenberg Nightingale.'
'View of Nuremberg' (Woodcut) by Michel Wolgemut. Hartmann Schedel,
Liber Cronicarum
'Plan of Nuremberg in the middle of the sixteenth century' (Map)
Matthaus Merian and Martin Zeiler, Topographica Franconiae
[From the book entitled NUREMBERG IN THE SIXTEENTH CENTURY: City Politics and Life between Middle ages and Modern times by Gerald Strauss, Copyright 1976 by Indiana University Press.]
By permission of Les Editions du cerf
Jean-François Gilmont*, Le Réforme et le livre.
L'Europe de l'imprimé (Paris: Les Editions du cerf,
pp. 217-238, 'Types of Protestant Literature Published at Strasbourg
By permission of Macmillan
Tom Scott, Thomas M�ntzer. Theology and Revolution in the German Revolution (London:
Macmillan, 1989)
p. 153.
By permission of Manchester University Press
Alistair Duke, Gillian Lewis and Andrew Pettegree (eds. and trans.),
Calvinism in Europe 1540-1610 (Manchester: Manchester University
Press, 1992)
pp. 30-34, 'Calvin the preacher. Extracts from Calvin's Sermons on
pp. 35-37, 'Converts and immigrants. Extracts from Florimond de Raemond.'
pp. 72-76, 'The Discipline of the Reformed Churches of France.'
pp. 25-28, 'Establishing the new regime, Calvin to Myconius, 14 March
W.G. Naphy, Calvin and the Consolidation of the Genevan Reformation
(Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1994)
p. 89, 'Genevan Protestant Ministry, 1538-54'
p. 216, 'Admission to the state of bourgeois at Geneva.'
p. 109, 'Consistory cases per year 1542, 1546, 1550.'
p. 76, 'Consistorial membership 1543-52.'
p. 145, 'Genevan baptismal names.'
p. 58, 'Genevan Ministers 1538-54.'
By permission of Muhlenberg Press
Harold J. Grimm (ed.)*, The Freedom of a Christian, Luther's
Works, vol. 31 (Philadelphia: Muhlenberg Press, 1957) Translated
by W.A. Lambert and revised by Harold J. Grimm.
pp. 343-353, 'Doctrine of Justification by Faith Alone.'
By permission of Musee Calvin, Noyon (Oise), France
'Portrait of Calvin' (Painting\Drawing) by unknown artist.
Musee Calvin, Noyon (Oise), France, MC 1.
By permission of Ohio University Press
Carl C. Christensen, Art and the Reformation in Germany (Ohio: Ohio University Press, 1979),
pp. 112-113, 'The Law and the Gospel', by Lucas Cranach the Elder
p. 122 , 'Four Apostles', by Albrecht D�rer
By permission of Oxford University Press
Euan Cameron, The European Reformation (Oxford: Clarendon
Press, 1991)
pp. 216-9, 'Dates of the Protestant Reformation in Selected German
Cities (by region).'
p. 269, 'The Spread of the Lutheran Reformation among the German
p. 41, 'Usages of term "reformation".'
Natalie Zemon Davis, ''The Rites of Violence,'' Past and Present
59, (1973)
pp. 51-91.
C. Scott Dixon, ''The German Reformation and the Territorial City:
Reform Initiatives in Schwabach , 1523-1527,'' German History
14, no. 2 (1996)
pp. 123-140, 'The Reformation in Schwabach.'
C. Scott Dixon, ''Political Culture and the Reformation in the
Holy Roman Empire,'' German History 14, no. 2 (1996)
pp. 123-140, 'The Communal Reformation: An Overview.'
M Greengrass, ''The Psychology of Religious Violence,'' French
History 5, (1991)
pp. 467-74, 'The Warriors of God.'
Hans J. Hillerbrand (ed.), The Oxford Encyclopaedia of the Reformation,
vol. 4 (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1996)
pp.75-77, 'The Reformation and Art'
p. 333, 'Ecclesiastical Territories in Europe in the Sixteenth Century.'
p. 335, 'Map of Anabaptism in Europe.'
Map 4, 'Reformed Churches in the sixteenth Century' (Map)
J. Kidd (ed.), Documents Illustrative of the Continental Reformation
(Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1911)
pp. 230-233, 'Church Order of Brunswick.'
David Nicholls, ''The Theatre of Martyrdom in the French Reformation,''
Past and Present 121, (1993)
pp. 49-73 (extracts)
Geoffrey Parker, ''Success and Failure during the First Century
of the Reformation,'' Past and Present 136, (1992)
pp. 43-82 (extracts) "Success and Failure during the First Century
of the Reformation."
G. Strauss, ''Success and Failure in the German Reformation,''
Past and Present 67, (1975)
pp. 30-63 (extracts)
By permission of Professor R. J. Knecht.
Photograph of the Hôtel Assézat, Toulouse
Reaktion Books*
Christopher S. Wood, Albrecht Altdorfer and the Origins of
Landscape (London: Reaktion Books, 1993)
p. 139, 'Landscape with Church' (Painting/Drawing) by Albrecht
By permission of Routledge Publishers
Bob Scribner and Gerhard Benecke (eds.), The German Peasants
War of 1525 - New Viewpoints (London: George Allen & Unwin,
'Scale of Peasant's War' (Map)
By permission of SCM Press Ltd
Hans J. Hillerbrand (ed.)*, The Reformation in its own Words
(London: SCM Press Ltd, 1964)
pp. 95-100, 'Edict of Worms.'
pp. 80-84, 'Exsurge Domine.'
pp. 43-44, 'Friderichs Myconius's Description of Indulgence Peddling.'
pp. 91-94, 'Luther's Account of the Meeting at Worms.'
p. 56, 'Pope Leo X to Frederick the Wise.'
By permission of SEDES
Pierre Chaunu*, Eglise, culture et société.
Essais sur Réforme et Contre-Réforme (Paris:
SEDES, 1981)
'The Population of Christendom in 1500' (Map)
By permission of The Sixteenth Century Journal Publishers
Richard G. Cole, ''Reformation printers: unsung heroes,'' Sixteenth
Century Journal xv, (1984)
pp. 331-2, 'Lutheran printers and printing centres, 1518-1529.'
Janet G. Gray, 'The Origin of the Word Huguenot', in the Sixteenth Century Journal vol xiv (1983)
By permission of Stadtbibliotek Nürnberg
Willibald Pirckenheimer (1470-1970). Eine Dokumentation in
der Stadtbibliothek Nürnberg, Beitrage zur Geschichte
und Kultur der Stadt Nurenberg, vol. 17 (Nürnberg: Stadtbibliotek
Nürnberg, 1970)
p. 59, 'The Peasant of Wöhrd' (Painting\Drawing)
By permission of Stadtkirche Wittenberg/Bridgeman Art Library
'The Wittenberg Altar' (Painting/Drawing)
By permission of T. & T. Clark Publishers Ltd
Peter Mattheson (ed.), The Collected Works of Thomas Müntzer
(Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark, 1988)
pp. 140-1, 'Thomas Müntzer at Allstedt.'
By permission of Thorbecke Verlag
Peter Blickle*, Die Revolution von 1525 (Munich: R. Oldenbourg
Verlag, 1983)
p. 159, 'Plunder of Monastery of Weissenau.'
By permission of Walter de Gruyter
Hans-Joachim Köhler, ''The Flugschriften and their Importance
in Religious Debate: A Quantitative Approach'' in Paola Zambelli
(ed.), Astrologi hallucinati. Stars and the End of the World
in Luther's time (London: W. de Gruyter, 1986)
pp. 167-169, Plates 1-3 'Pamphlet Production' (Graph)
By permission of Württembergische Landesbibliothek,
'Luther as Monk with Dove and Nimbus' (Woodcut) by Hans Baldung
Grien., (Anm. 5), Nr. 38, S.95.
By permission of Yale University Press
Mariam U. Chrisman, Lay Culture, Learned Culture: Books and
Social Change in Strasbourg, 1480-1599 (New Haven: Yale University
Press, 1982)
fig 1 'The Linguistic Division of Latin and German books published
in Strasbourg.'
Steven Ozment, The Age of Reform 1250-1550 (London: Yale
University Press, 1980)
p. 285, 'Thomas Muntzer' (Woodcut) by Christoph von Sichem.
p. 336, 'Landgrave Philip of Hesse' (Woodcut) by Erhard Schoen.
N.M. Sutherland, The Huguenot Struggle for Recognition
(New Haven: Yale University Press, 1980)
Appendix: Summary of French Edicts against Heresy.
By permission of Zentralbibliothek, Zurich
'Luther as German Hercules' (Woodcut) by Hans Holbein.
M. Ramminger, Dyss hand zwen shwytzer puren gemacht (Augsburg:
publisher unknown, 1521)
Title page 'The Divine Mill: Karsthans defending the Gospel,' by
unknown artist
The following sources are out of copyright
Baum, Bunitz and Reuss, Ioannis Calvinis Opera quae supersunt
omnia (Braunschweig: 1879) Translated by M. Greengrass.
pp. cols. 282-284, 'Correspondence with Geneva.'
G. Baum and E. Cunitz eds., T. Beza, Histoire Ecclésiastique des eglises
reformées au royaume de France (Paris: 1883-1889)
Translated by Scott Dixon.
front page image
pp. i 182; i 373; i 903; iii 2 Texts from the Ecclesiastical History.
pp. (extracts) Some sample testimonies.
Jean Calvin, Commentary on the Psalms (1557), Corpus Reformatorum (Opera Calvini), ed. G.
Baum, E Cunitz and E. Reuss (59 vols, Braunschweig (Brunswick), 1863-80)
vol lvix cols 22-4
vol lvix cols 23-6
Calvin, Letters of Jean Calvin (ed. J. Bonnet) 4 vols (trans. David Constable and M.R. Gilchrist)
(New York, 1858), vol ii,
pp. 46-7
L.P. Buck and J.W. Zophy (eds.), The Social History of the Reformation
(Columbus: Ohio State University Press, 1972)
pp. 379-380, 'Visitation Instructions.'
Jean Calvin, Apologetic Translated by Mark Greengrass.
Calvin's Apologetic.
Calvin's Biblical Commentaries Calvin's Biblical Commentaries.
J. Calvin, Tracts Relating to the Reformation, 4 vols. (Edinburgh:
publisher unknown, 1844-51) Translated by H. Beveridge. Formula
for excommunication.
pp. 432; 434, 'Calvin: the meaning of "rest" and "peace".'
Jean Calvin, Commentary on Acts
p. 66, 'Calvin: on providence and predestination'
Jean Calvin, Commentary on 1 Corinthians (Frazer), Translated
by Mark Greengrass
p. 203, 'Calvin: sacraments and signs.'
Jean Calvin, Commentary on Daniel ,
pp. 237-8. 'Calvin: on fasting'
Jean Calvin, Commentary on Ezekiel, 2,
p. 228, 'Calvin: on property, work and money'
Jean Calvin, Commentary on Genesis, Translated by Mark
p. 125, 'Calvin: on property, work and money'
p. 174, 'Calvin: on Images.'
Jean Calvin , Commentary on Hebrews,
p. 130; 'Calvin: On Superstition and the Roman Religion'
Jean Calvin, Commentary on Isaiah, Translated by Mark Greengrass
p. 211, 'Calvin: Sacraments and Signs'
pp. 229-30, 'Calvin: on fasting.'
pp. 275-6, 'Calvin: the dangers of the popular will.'
Jean Calvin, Commentary of Jeremiah, 5 [Lamentations], Translated
by Mark Greengrass
pp. 428-30, 192, 'Calvin: providence and predestination.'
Jean Calvin, Commentary on Jeremiah, Translated by Mark
pp. 179-80, p. 472 'Calvin: ministers and their vocation in the Church'
pp. 294-5, 'Calvin: fear of the elements.'
pp. 289, 'Calvin: superstition and the Roman religion.'
Jean Calvin, Commentary on St John's Gospel, 1,
p. 47, 'Calvin: superstition and the Roman religion'
Jean Calvin, Commentary on Joshua, Translated by Mark Greengrass
pp. 208, 'Calvin; on marriage, celibacy, women and abortion.'
Jean Calvin, Commentary on the Pentateuch, Translated by
Mark Greengrass
pp. 41-2, 'Calvin: On marriage, celibacy, women and abortion'
pp. 132, 281, 'Calvin: on property, work and money.'
Jean Calvin, Commentary on 1 Peter,
p. 118, 'Calvin: sacraments and signs'
Jean Calvin, Commentary on Romans
pp. 202-3, 'Calvin: On providence and predestination'
Jean Calvin , Commentary on Timothy,
p. 82, p. 133, 'Calvin: On marriage, celibacy, women and abortion'
Jean Calvin, Sermons on Ephesians (Edinburgh and London, The Banner of Truth Society, 1973),
p. 497
Jean Calvin Corpus Reformatorum (Calvini Opera
vol. 11) Translated by M. Greengrass.
''Calvin to Bullinger'
'Calvin: on Luther.'
Jean Calvin, Institutes Translated by Mark Greengrass.
pp. IV.i.8-9; IV.xii.1. 'Calvin: on the Church.'
pp. IV.xx.4, 6, 23-5;31. 'Calvin: on magistrates and civil authority.'
pp. IV.xiii.10; IV.xiii.14; IV.xiii.15 'Calvin: on monasticism.'
pp . IV.vii.22; IV.vii.24; IV.vii.27. 'Calvin: on superstition and the Roman Religion'
pp. III, xxi, 1; III, xxi, 5; II, xxxii,7.'Calvin: on providence and predestination'
pp. 'Calvin: our Knowledge of Christ'
pp. III.x.6. 'Calvin: on Vocation'
pp. III.xix.1-15. 'Luther: on conscience and Christian Liberty.'
pp. III.xx.32; 'Calvin: on singing in church.'
Jean Calvin, Le catechisme de L'église de Genève:
C'este à dire Le Formulaire d'instruire les enfans...
(Geneva: n.p., 1524) Translated by Mark Greengrass.
'The Genevan Catechism.'
pp. 146-7, 'Calvin: Elements of an Autobiography.'
J. Calvin., Sermon on the Epistle to the Ephesians (Edinburgh:
unknown publisher, 1973)
p. 497, 'Social Comment.'
'The Difference between the true religion of Christ and the false idolatrous teaching of Antichrist' , by an unknown artist, c. 1545
'Europe's population densities in c.1600' (Figure) by unknown artist.
Max Geisberg, Der deutsche Einblatt-Holzchnitt in der ersten
Hälfte des XVI Jahrhunderts (München: H. Schmidt,
'Adam and Eve' (Woodcut)
'Allegory of the Monastic Orders' (Woodcut) by Hans Sebald Beham.
'Allegory of the Sower' (Woodcut) by Erhard Schoen.
'Baptism of Christ in the Presence of Frederick the Wise and Martin
Luther' (Woodcut)
'Baptism of Christ Witnessed by Luther and Duke John Frederick
of Saxony' (Woodcut) by Jacob Lucius.
'Calvary' (Woodcut) by Lucas Cranach the Elder.
'Charles V' (Woodcut) by Christoph Amberger.
'Christ in the Sheep Shed' (Woodcut) by Barthel Beham.
'Christ in the Sheep Shed' (Woodcut) by Hans Sebald Beham.
'Conversion of St Paul' (Woodcut) by Hans Baldung Grien.
'The Descent of the Pope into Hell' (Woodcut) by Hans Sebald Beham.
'Descent from the Cross' (Woodcut) by Hans Baldung Grien.
'The Devil with a Bagpipe' (Woodcut) by Edward Schoen.
'God's Lament for the fate of His Vineyard' (Woodcut) by Erhard
'The Houses of the Wise and the Ignorant' (Woodcut) by Erhard
'The Last Judgement' (Woodcut) by Hans Baldung Grien.
'The Last Judgement' (Woodcut), by Heinrich Steiner
'Last Supper of the Protestants and the Pope's Descent into Hell'
(Woodcut) by Lucas Cranach the Younger.
'Lovers Surprised by Death' (Woodcut) by Hans Burgkmair the Elder.
'Luther's Game of Heresy' (Woodcut) by unknown artist
'Martin Luther' (Woodcut) by Lucas Cranach the Elder.
'Martyrdom of Saint Lawrence' (Woodcut) by Hans Baldung Grien.
'Martyrdom of Saint Sebastian' (Woodcut) by Hans Baldung Grien.
'Monk and Donkey' (Woodcut) by Leonhard Beck.
'Monk and Maiden' (Woodcut) by Loenhard Beck.
'Johann Bugenhagen' (Woodcut) by Lucas Cranach the Younger.
'Moses with the Tablets of Law' (Woodcut) by Thomas Anselm.
'The Old and the New Church' (Woodcut) by unknown.
'The Old and the New Testament' (Woodcut) by Lucas Cranach the
'Philip Melanchthon' (Woodcut)
'Pilgrimage to the Beautiful Virgin of Regensburg' (Woodcut) by
Michael Ostendorfer.
'Procession of the Clergy' (Woodcut) by Peter Flótner.
'Proclamation of an Indulgence' (Woodcut) by Jorg Breu the Elder.
'Satirical Coat of Arms of the Pope' (Woodcut) by unknown.
'Three Peasants Intent upon Becoming Monks' (Woodcut) by Barthel
'The Pope and his Cohorts' (Woodcut) by unknown.
'The Seven-Headed Papal Animal' (Woodcut) by unknown artist
'Two Kinds of Sermons' (Woodcut) by Georg Pencz.
Curt Glaser, Lucas Cranach, Deutsche Meister - herausgabe
von Karl Schaffer und Curt Glaser (Leipzip: Insel Verlag, 1921)
p.151 'Luther as a Monk' (Woodcut) by Lucas Cranach the Elder.
p. 151 'Conversion of St Paul' (Woodcut) by Hans Baldung Grien.
p. 153 'Junker Jorg' (Woodcut)
p. 159 'Luther in Doctor's Cap' (Woodcut)
Curt Glaser, Zwei Jahrhunderte Malerei (Munchen: F. Brudman,
Plate 7, 'Four Apostles' by Albrecht Durer
Chronology: The Broadening Lutheran Conflict, 1518-9 by
Mark Greengrass.
Chronology: The Indulgences Dispute (1514-1518) by Mark
Chronology: Luther's Excommunication, 1520-21 by Mark Greengrass.
G. Bosquet, Recueil de pi�ces historiques relatives aux guerres de religion (Paris, 1862), (translated by M. Greengrass)
Histoire de M. G. Bosquet Sur les Troubles Advenus en la Ville
de Tolose, l'an 1562 (Toulouse: 1565) Translated by M. Greengrass.
'Contemporaries offer their judgements.'
'Organisational chart of Geneva city government' (Figure) by Mark Greengrass.
Sample consistory court records Translated by Mark Greengrass.
''Social Breakdown of status of refugees to Geneva'' by Mark Greengrass
Gerhard Hirschmann (ed.), Kirchenvisitation im Langebiet der
Reichstadt Nürnberg 1560/61, Einzelarbeiten aus der Kirchengeschichte
Bayerns (Neustadt a/d Aisch: 1994) Translated by Scott Dixon.
'Visitation Return': Eibach.
'Visitation Return': Eltersdorf.
'Visitation Return': Fischbach.
'Visitation Return': Heroldsberg.
'Visitation Return': Kalchreuth.
B.J. Kidd (ed.), Documents Illustrative of the Continental Reformation
(Oxford: 1911)
p. 89, 'Luther's Popularity in Worms.'
Gottfried G. Krodel, 'State and Church in Brandenburg-Ansbach-Kulmbach, 1524-1526', Studies
in Medieval and Renaissance History, 5, (1968),
pp. 141-213.
D. Laing (ed.), The Work's of John Knox, Vol. 4 (Edinburgh:
n. p., 1855)
pp. 240-1.
D.M. Luthers Werke. Kritische Gesamtausgabe (Weimar: n.p.,
1883) Translated by Mark Greengrass.
pp. 4, 261 (32-39), 3, 289 (1-5), 56, 502-3 (32/-5). 'Summary of
the dates for Luther's career and evidence for his theological
Cl�ment Marot: Psalm 13
Robert Mandrou, Les Fran�ais hors de France aux XVIe et XVIIe
si�cles', Annales. Economie, Soci�t�, Civilisations vol xiv (1959),
pp. 665-6
Fynes Moryson, The Itinerary of Fynes Moryson (Glasgow:
James MacLehose & Sons, 1907)
pp. 35-37, 'Fynes Moryson's Itinerary.'
Gerhard Müller and Gottfried Seebass (eds.), Andreas Osiander
D.A. Gesamtausgabe (Gütersloh:n.p., 1979) Translated
by Scott Dixon.
Olisander, Ground and Cause.
'The Organisation of Calvin's 'Institution of the Christian Religion''
(Figure) W.H. Neuser, Calvinus ecclesiae doctor (Kampen:
J.H. Kok, n.d.) by TLTP production laboratory
pp. 85-110 (extracts)
Institutes of the Christian Religion (London: 1561) Translated
by T. Norton.
pp. 4.3.10, 'Calvin: ministers and their vocation in the church.'
Gerhard Pfeiffer (ed.), Quellen zur Nuremberger Reformationsgeschichte,
Einzelarbeiten aus der Kirchengeschichte Bayerns (Nuremberg:
1968) Translated by Scott Dixon.
pp. extracts, 'The Council Minutes of 1524.'
pp. 271-276, 'Feud with Bamberg' (1524).
pp. 354-355, 'Lazarus Spengler to Clemens Volckhamer, 8 March 1525.'
A.L. Richter (ed.), Die evangelischen Kirchenordnungen des sechzehnten
Jahrhunderts (Nieuwkoop: B. de Graaf, 1967) Translated by
Scott Dixon.
p. 401, '1580 Saxony Ordinance.'
pp. 265-273 1536, 'Württemberg Ordinance.'
E.J. Rupp and Benjamin Drewery, Martin Luther (London:
Edward Arnold, 1970)
pp. 142-3, 'Ein Feste Burg.'
Emil Sehling (ed.), Die evangelischen Kirchenordnungen des XVI
Jahrhunderts, vol. 11: Bayern: Franken, part one (Tübingen:
J.C.B. Mohr, 1961) Translated by Scott-Dixon.
pp. 77-79, 'Wendelstein Church Ordinance.'
Staatsarchiv Nuremberg, 'Wendelsteiners to Primce Casimir' in Ansbacher Religionsakten, III, Tom 1b, Supplementorum, Fol. 61. Translated by Scott Dixon.
William Smith, A breef description of the famous and beautifull Cittie of Norenberg 508.
'Title page of the 'Institutio Christianae religionis'' (Woodcut)
The Institution of the Christian Religion (London: n.p.,
Henry Wace and Carl. A Buchheim, Luther's Primary Works
(London: Murray, 1883)
pp. 104-28, 'Concerning Christian Liberty' (1520).
pp. 301-399 (extracts), 'Luther and the Seven Sacraments.'
pp. 157-207, 'The Priesthood of all Believers.'
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