ITM 692: Special Topics in Information Technology


Class Notes

Lecture 1

Students get introduced to the basic concept of programming and learn how to download and install the development environment (cygwin, emacs, Java standard development kit). Students will also learn the architecture of the Java language and the structure of a Java program. Students also learn the lexical elements of the Java language i.e. keywords, identifiers, literals, operators, punctuation, comments. The students learn the concept of data types in programming and how the different data types are stored in memory. Students learn how to convert a simple business logic into a structured algorithm which can be used for writing a program.

Download: lecture1.ppt

Lecture 2

Students learn about statements (if-else, if, switch) and control flows (for, while, do-while).

Download: lecture2a.ppt
Download: lecture2b.ppt

Lecture 3

Students learn about arrays and strings as well as familiarize themselves with the API for the language and the online documentation for the language constructs.

Download: lecture3.ppt

Lecture 4

Students will learn concepts of object-oriented programming, such as, multiple inheritance, objects, classes, scope of variables, and methods.

Download: lecture4.ppt

Lecture 5

Review of the course


Students participating in the ITM 692 class are permitted to use the following facilities within the business school, which are specifically configured and should have the necessary tools for the class:

A four-digit code followed by a * is used to enter these two rooms and the computers have a set username and password. If you do not have the code and/or passwords, please email Tony Manes at [email protected] or DJ Anderson at [email protected] with a CC to the instructor.


To develop software in Java three things are required: 1) an editor to write programs, 2) a JAVA Compiler, and 3) an execution environment. There are several good editors that can be used including TextPad, WordPad, and Notepad (Windows based) and Emacs, which is Unix (or Cygwin) based system that runs on top of Windows. The advantage of TextPad is that it provides a menu bar that allows you to compile the code within the editor itself. The java compiler should be installed based on the software installation instructions that are provided to you. The compilation and execution should be done using a Command shell or Cygwin shell. Please refer to the accompanying instructions to ensure that your environment is correctly set. Some basic knowledge of Unix will be useful in the installation of the software and setting up the environment.
  1. Installation instructions for software: install-fall2006.doc
  2. Common UNIX Commands:
  3. Emacs Quick Start Guide:
  4. Download TextPad:
  5. Rules for using the Laboratories: labrules-fall2006.doc
  6. Java Keywords: keywords.doc