Q&A with Published Author and PhD Student, Xavier McClean

Xavier McClean posing with his novel, Jih's Journey.
Graduate Ambassador and Anthropology PhD student, Xavier McClean

Graduate Ambassador and Anthropology PhD student, Xavier McClean, is a published author who has used his background and knowledge in anthropology research to write Jih’s Journey, an exciting, epic adventure book that explores an expansive and rich world in prehistory.

  1. What is your book, Jih's Journey about?

Jih's Journey is a story about a group of prehistoric humans 120,000 years ago who witnessed a meteor shower and ventured in brave new lands to find the largest one that crashed in the North Pole. Expect cutting-edge archaeological research and incredible extinct animals that come to life.

  1.  How did your anthropology research play into writing the book?

While my research is oriented towards a much more modern period, the amount of research and technique acquired from studying anthropology allowed me to construct realistic feeling cultures applied to different groups of humans that still feel relatable. I was also able to find the right resources to keep up with scientific advancements.

  1. Did you self-publish or go the traditional publishing route and why?

I went for the self-publishing route for practical reasons; the costs of traditional publishing can be heavy, especially for a student. One thing I also value is creativity, and a passion project like Jih's Journey does not chase trends much, which may not be as viable for a traditional publisher to pick up. There are challenges in both respects, but I find self-publishing to be a rewarding process. My fans are few, but the ones I have can't wait for more!

  1.  What advice would you give someone who is interested in publishing a book?

Writing is something to start doing every day, even just a bit. Consistency is super important, and you will reach your goal. If you're just starting out, going self-publish allows you to have greater control. Also, look up trim sizes (your book's width and height). They will help you a ton in formatting the book and getting it out. Good luck!

You can find Jih's Journey here!