
LLC Events


Language Tables, Clubs and Events

Informal opportunities to practice your language skills (Note: tables do not meet over breaks).


The Arabic Conversation Table | تحدث باللغة العربية.  come practice Arabic with native speakers, ask questions about the Arabic language and learn how to speak Arabic better!  Interested?  Contact: [email protected]


La Pause Café. informal conversation in French for the campus community. Get to know others on campus who share your interest in French.  All levels welcome!  Meets in HU290:
TH 9/5/24  4-5pm                   TH 10/3/24  4-5pm                   TH 11/7/24  4-5pm
W 9/18/24  3:30-4:30pm        W 10/16/24  3:30-4:30pm       W 11/20/24  3:30-4:30pm
Contact: [email protected]


Italian Table. Come join us to share your interest in Italian language and culture outside the classroom.  Meets in HU131 every Friday 2:45-3:45pm from 9/16/24 to 12/6/24, except for 11/29.   All levels welcome! Contact: [email protected]


Cafezinho.  No Portuguese table Fall 2024.  If interested for spring 2025, contact: [email protected].


Mesa de Español. Come practice your Spanish language skills with others!  Join us for fun, relaxing conversations in Spanish.  All levels are welcome!  Meeting in HU290 Thursdays 4-5pm on 9/12/24, 9/26/24, 10/10/24, 10/24/24, 11/7/24, 11/21/24.  Contact: [email protected]


Please note: Clubs do not meet over breaks, with the possible exception of the Tango Club (contact the club for more information).

Le Cercle français

Join the French Club!  Music/food/language/people/movies/outings/travel/more.  Open to all--French learners, francophone native speakers, and anyone interested in French language and culture!  Interest meeting 9/10/24 5:30pm in HU354--come learn about the club!  Questions?  Contact: [email protected] 

La Dolce Vita!

Interested?  Contact: mg[email protected]

Spanish Club

Open to undergraduate and graduate students, the club provides opportunities to practice Spanish and partake in cultural activities from all over the Spanish-speaking world. All are welcome!  General Interest Meeting 9/12/24 8pm in HU115, Speed Friending 9/19/24 730pm in HU116.  Contact: [email protected]

Tango Club

Lessons, prácticas, and social dances.  New members welcome!  For more information check Instagram @ualbanytangoclub. Contact: [email protected] (Tango Club is not an LLC Dept club.)


See information about our LLC seminars and language clubs and tables at links in left nav under LLC Events.

Join us as we celebrate National Hispanic Heritage Month (September 15-October 15, 2024): 
Thursday, October 3, 2024, 4:30-6:30PM Puerto Rican writer, Jaquira Diaz, will be visiting to read sections of her book (sponsored/supported by the SUNY Hispanic Leadership Institute).  More details to come!
Tuesday, October 8, 2024 two Latina writers will be visiting, Angie Cruz (Assoc Prof & Writing Program Director at U Pittsburg, How Not To Drown in A Glass of Water (2022)) and Lilliam Rivera (award-winning writer and author of young adult and middle grade novels, Barely Floating (2023)).  Join us in the campus Center multi-purpose room 4:30-6:30PM, with book signing afterwards (sponsored by: LLC, BILPOC, The Writers Institute, The Humanities Labs, The University Library, Office of Diversity and Inclusion, and Center for the Elimination of Minority Health Disparities (CEMHD)). 

Come hear Carole Reynaud-Paligot, Professor/Historian, University of Bourgogne and Paris Panthéon-Sorbonne, a specialist on race and racism in France, on Monday 10/7/24 1:30-2:30pm in HU354 for this visit with Un café avec for informal conversation in French.   

SPRING 2024:

The public is invited to attend a free screening of Garri Bardin’s modern Russian clay-animation classic The Ugly Duckling (2010) on Monday, April 29, 1:00–4:00 PM, in the Standish Room of the Science Library. The film, a moving political allegory based on Hans Christian Andersen, with music by Tchaikovsky, is in Russian with English subtitles, and will be introduced with a lecture by Russian critic, poet, and political commentator Dmitry Bykov, followed by questions and answers with the director, Bardin, via Zoom. Sponsored by the Departments of Languages, Literatures and Cultures (LLC) and English, the Center for Humanities, Arts and Technoscience, the Writing and Critical Inquiry program, and other UAlbany units.   Contact: Timothy Sergay ([email protected])

Black, Indigenous, Latinx, People of Color (BILPOC) Conference: Lifting, Climbing, and Thriving Conference, theme: Sustaining Scholarship and Scholars. All are welcome to attend this free conference April 26, 2024 8:30am-4:30pm in the Campus Center Boardroom. Conference schedule at Register by 4/19/24 11:59pm at Co-sponsored by: College of Arts and Sciences (CAS), CEMHD (Center for the Elimination of Minority Health Disparities), Center for Technology in Government (CTG), The Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures (LLC), The Office of Diversity and Inclusion (ODI), School of Public Health (SPH), and United University Professions (UUP), Department of Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies (WGSS). Contact:  Carmen Serrano ([email protected]).

Join us at our LLC Seminars, see for details.

Visit LLC Clubs and Language Tables as they start a new semester of activities (see 

Spanish Day (3/8/24) and Francophone Day (3/27/24) return again this spring engaging UAlbany in the High School (UHS) students in a world of language and cultural immersion experiences.  

Students, come celebrate Mother Language Day with LLC Thursday 2/22/24 in HU354!  Enjoy an afternoon and evening of fun cultural and language exchange--take mini language classes, learn about international desserts, stump the professor with international slang, join trivia and essay/poetry contests. Flier with details.

Participate in our 6th annual Living in Languages Conference 2/20-21/24 (in Zoom)!  FREE & OPEN TO THE PUBLIC!  Focused on issues of “translation” in a literal but also an expanded sense, from questions of reading and ideology to translation understood as exile, displacement geographical and linguistic, and translation in our era of Twitter/X consciousness, warring media bubbles, and the screen as public space.  This year's keynote speaker is Corine Tachtiris, Assistant Professor of Comparative Literature, UMass Amherst, a translator and scholar who has written on Haitian immigrant literature, Francophone Caribbean women writers, Czech literature, and activist translation. Her talk "Intent vs. Impact:  Translating Race and Racism" will be 2/20 at noon. Register here (Zoom link will be sent to those registered closer to the event date)

Browse our open access, peer-refereed Living in Languages Journal online (, crafted by grad students and recent graduates to provide colloquium participants a space to publish their work. 

Phi Beta Kappa guest speaker Shawkat Toorawa, Yale Professor or Arabic Literature and Comparative Literature, joins us Thursday 2/8/22 with talks in our Arabic Culture Class and a Public Lecture on "Writerly Culture in 9th C Baghdad."  Public lecture meets in Lecture Center 04, 4:30-5:30pm.  


SUNY's Hispanic Learning Institute's Voces Transcending: Latino Literary Expression
Now will be 10/12/23 3pm.  Spanish student signups to participate  are at  Contact: [email protected]

French is offering a new series of informal conversation opportunities, Un cafe avec... starting 9/18/23 1:15pm in HU290 with a French radio journalist (contact: [email protected]).  Stay tuned for more!  

All are invited to the UAlbany Art Museum exhibit Libros/Arte: Handmade Books from Latin American and & Caribbean August 7-December 4, 2023 (Artists' Reception 8/25/23 5-7pm), a lovingly curated collaboration across LLC, LACS and the UAlbany Library of 80+ handmade books by small presses pushing the boundaries of traditional printing techniques while addressing a range of political, social and cultural subjects.  Special thanks to Professors Ilka Kressner and Alejandra Bronfman, Jesús Alonso-Regalado, UAlbany Subject Librarian, and the UAlbany library and museum staff for all their work!  Free admission.  For more information/museum hours visit

Join LLC this fall for 5 webinars with bookmakers in Latin America, Fridays 4-5pm Eastern time on 9/29/23, 10/13/23, 10/20/23, 10/27/23, 11/10/23 (most in Spanish, the last in English).  More details to come!

LLC faculty and students will be publishing a cartonera book in the context of the exhibit above.  More soon!

LLC faculty are working on an online database of pedagogical materials for the Spanish classroom related to the Libros/Arte exhibit above.  Stay tuned for more information!

The UAlbany in the High School (UHS) LLC Language Workshop will be 11/3/23. 


All are invited to the 5th annual Living in Languages Colloquium March 22-23, 2023 focused on issues of “translation” broadly understood, in a literal but also expanded sense that can address not only questions of reading and ideology, nor only core theorists whose focus on this topic remains vital, but also translation understood as exile, displacement geographical and linguistic, computer-assisted translation, translation and violence, and the teaching of translation.  Keynote: 3/22 12–1pm in HU354: “Living Translation: Considerations for Teaching, Research, Creative Activity, and Service.” Regina Galasso, Associate Prof. Spanish & Portuguese Studies and Director of Translation Center, UMass Amherst.  Special Session: 3/23 12:45–1:30pm in HU290: “The Architecture of Language” Benjamin Miller, ENG BA alum now teaching at Emory University, speaking on language and computational methods. This is a collaborative LLC and English Dept event.  Visit our Living in Languages Journal-online, open access, peer-reviewed (

The LLC-UHS annual Spanish Day will be 3/24/23 in the Campus Center.  High school students in schools across NY State participating in the UAlbany in the High Schools program gather on campus for a full day of immersion events, including a treasure hunt, tango, and opportunities to engage in conversation with and learn from a variety of international native Spanish speakers.  

The LLC-UHS annual Francophone Day will be 3/29/23 in the Campus Center. High school students across NY State who participate in the UAlbany in the High Schools program gather on campus for a full day of immersion events, including a treasure hunt, Quebecois music and dancing, and opportunities to engage in conversation with and learn from a variety of international native French speakers.  

LLC's Awards Ceremony and Honor Society inductions will be 5/3/23 5pm n the Campus Center Assembly Hall.  More information to follow!   

LLC is a testing site for the Paris Chamber of Commerce and Industry's internationally recognized DFP A2 (Diplôme de français professionnel-niveau A2) exam certifying competence in Business French.  The exam is offered annually in the Humanities Buidling here at UAlbany each May.  More information to come!  Contact:  Professor Véronique Martin ([email protected]).