How to find your way around the tutorial

Before you begin we recommend making the following adjustments to your browser and reading the directions below.

If you are using a Netscape browser we suggest you use the mouse pointer to click on the Options item on the menu bar at the top of the screen. On the list which appears, click to remove the ticks from the Show Location and Show Directory Buttons items. This will maximize the amount of screen available for viewing the tutorial. [If you want to preserve these settings for subsequent calls of the browser, you can click on the Save Options item of the Options menu]

If you are using Microsoft Internet Explorer we suggest you use the mouse pointer to click on the View item on the menu bar at the top of the screen. Then click on Options item and then the General tab and remove the ticks from the Address bar and Links boxes. Click on the OK button. This will maximize the amount of screen size available for viewing the tutorial.

It is most important that you take advantage of the navigational features which the browser offers as well as those offered directly by the tutorial. Please take the time to familiarize yourself with the following ways of moving around the material.

Links explicitly provided by the tutorial:

- Return Coloured text (e.g. 'Return to Core Document') is always provided at the end of each document. If you click on this with the mouse pointer you will return to the place in the tutorial from which you called the document.

- Calls to glossaries etc
Scattered throughout the tutorial are numerous coloured 'hotwords'. Clicking on one of these will give you further information on glossary items (eg Eucharist), scriptural citations (eg Luke 24:44), significant people (eg Johann Tetzel), or bibliographic references (eg Strauss(1966)). There are no returns provided from the glossaries, biographical index or bibliography. To return to the place from which you called these, we strongly recommend that you use the 'Back' button on the Toolbar of the browser (see below).

- Contents This button is provided at the end of almost every document to allow you to move to the Table of Contents, from which you can access any of the main sections of the tutorial.

- Index This button is provided at the end of almost every document to allow you to move to the Index, from which you can access directly any of the text or image resources attached to the core document or case-studies.

To move quickly to the Contents and Index buttons at the foot of documents, you need to master the use of the scrollbar provided at the right of every screen.

Standard Netscape browser navigation links:

- Back This button sits on the far left of the browser Toolbar. Clicking on it allows you to retrace your footsteps.

- Go This menu bar item displays a list of documents you have already visited.

Clicking on the name of a document in this list will take you to that document.

- Find This Toolbar button is invaluable for locating a particular word in the document you are currently viewing. Note that you can search up or down from the current location, and that you can leave the Find window open while you do a series of searches.

Now click on the 'Contents' button below to return to the Table of Contents.

Standard Internet Explorer browser navigation links:

- Back This button sits on the far left of the browser Toolbar. Clicking on it allows you to retrace your footsteps.

- Go This menu bar item displays a list of documents you have already visited.

Clicking on the name of a document in this list will take you to that document.

- Edit then Find (On this page) This feature is invaluable for locating a particular word in the document you are currently viewing. You can choose to start at the top of the page and match cases if you require. You can leave the Find window open while you do a series of searches.

Now click on the 'Contents' button below to return to the Table of Contents.