During her 11 years at Albany, Lilian Brannon, professor of English and director of the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning, has provided extraordinary service to the University at all levels. She has served on numerous governance bodies, often in leadership positions, been chair of the University Senate and chair of her department's Diversity Committee, and played a major role in developing the Writing Center and in creating and implementing Project Renaissance.

As the point person for the conception, development and supervision of Project Renaissance, Brannon worked effectively with all aspects of the University community: support services in computing, senior administration, admissions, departments and chairs, Student Life, and Residential Life. She organized faculty participation in the team-teaching effort and helped recruit students to the project through presentations and follow-up calls to parents and prospective students. In addition, she secured external funding for part of the program.

Devoted to improving the undergraduate curriculum, Brannon helped put into place faculty training seminars on "Writing Across the Curriculum," as well as the writing intensive courses.

Extremely active in committee work, she completed an extraordinary number of intensive service assignments for both the Departments of English and Women's Studies. She has served as the Women's Studies representative to Faculty Council, and been a member of its Executive Committee and the Dean's Research Advisory Group, as well as chair of an ad hoc committee to study budgetary impact.

On the University level, Brannon served on the Council on Continuing Appointment and the General Education Committee, as well being a faculty mentor to undergraduates since 1990. She has also been a mentoring resource to graduate students, guiding them in the crafting of their academic c.v.s and job application letters, coaching them in successful interview techniques, and assisting them with conference proposals.

1997 Excellence Awards