Mission & Scope of Work
The mission of Internal Audit is to provide independent, objective assurance and consultative services to University at Albany (University) management which will add value, improve operations, and assist in achieving University goals.
The scope of Internal Audit's work includes determination of whether the University’s systems of risk management, control, and governance, as designed and represented by management, are adequate and functioning in a manner to ensure that:
Risks are identified and managed appropriately;
Significant financial, managerial, and operational information is accurate, reliable, and timely;
University policies and employee actions are in compliance with policies, standards, procedures, laws, and regulations;
University resources are acquired economically, used efficiently, and adequately protected; and
An atmosphere of continuous quality improvement is fostered.
Additionally, Internal Audit is available to provide consultative services of an appropriate nature (e.g. financial, business, internal control, or information systems) to management upon request.
Independence & Authority
To afford the Internal Audit independence in the pursuit of its mission, Internal Audit reports to the President of the University at Albany. A consultative relationship is maintained with the University Auditor, State University of New York.
Included in the authority vested in Internal Audit is the authority to:
Determine audit schedule, objectives, and scope;
Have unrestricted access to all functions, records, property, and personnel of the University and its related entities; and
Obtain the necessary assistance of employees within the units under review.
Internal Audit is responsible for reviewing the nature, structure, duties, and capabilities of University operations, controls, and governance systems, and evaluating the University’s exposure to potential risks engendered therein. Internal Audit is also available for consultation with management on special projects appropriate to the skills resident in our staff. Specific responsibilities include:
Development of a long-term audit plan using an appropriate risk-based methodology;
Implementation of an annual audit plan derived in part from the long-term plan;
Appraising the effectiveness and application of administrative and financial controls;
Providing consultation and assistance with special projects to University management;
Coordinating and facilitating the efforts of various external audit groups on campus;
Investigating or assisting in the investigation of significant suspected fraudulent activities; and
Maintaining an audit staff with sufficient knowledge, skills, and professional certifications to complete the responsibilities of Internal Audit.
Standards of Practice
Internal Audit adheres to the Standards for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing, as promulgated by The Institute of Internal Auditors and its related Code of Ethics.