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Library Services

University Libraries


Library Services

Interlibrary Loan (ILL)
Requesting an item (book, article, proceeding, etc.) that is not owned by our libraries.

UA Delivery
Delivery services for articles and books owned by any of our three libraries: Dewey Graduate Library, Science Library, and University Library.

Direct Access Program
Borrowing from academic, public, law, medical, and technical libraries located in the Capital District with a CDLC (Capital District Library Council) card.

Recall Services
Getting a library book currently checked out to another patron that you urgently need.

Personalized Assistance with Searching (formerly called Customized Search Service)
Providing an hour-long, one-on-one in-depth consultations that can help you choose the right databases, formulate an effective search strategy, access new information and be kept up to date on the latest articles in your field.