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Key Research Databases

ERIC (via EBSCOhost)
Journal articles, conference proceedings, research reports, papers, and selected books.

Education Source
Includes Education Abstracts, Education Index Retrospective, Education Full Text, and Education Research Complete. Its content spans from early childhood to higher education covering various aspects of education

Educational Administration Abstracts
contains bibliographic records covering areas related to educational administration, including educational leadership, educational management, educational research, and other areas of key relevance to the discipline.

Linguistics and Language Behavior Abstracts
Language arts, language learning, bilingual education, and linguistics. International in scope.

PsycINFO (includes PsycArticles)
Psychology and related disciplines, e.g. child development/psychology, cognition, learning, etc.

OECD iLibrary
Full-text books, reports, annuals, working papers, loose-leaf binders, periodicals and databases containing research on social and policy issues, as well as statistical information.

Dissertations & Theses
Dissertations accepted at accredited institutions in the U.S. and some foreign countries.

Sociological Abstracts
Covering journal articles, book reviews, abstracts of books, book chapters, dissertations and conference papers.

Academic Search Complete
Multidisciplinary in nature, scholarly and popular journals, with some full text.

Nexis Uni (Lexis/Nexis)
For news, law, business, biography, medicine, and reference.

For other databases relevant to Education, please see Databases.