MATH 367/367Z
Discrete Probability

Spring Semester, 2002

Assignments in the course

TIME OF MEETING: MWF  1:25 - 2:20
INSTRUCTOR: Karin Reinhold,  ES 128A,  phone 442-4641
Office hours:      -   or by appt.,  or by e-mail.
TEXT: Discrete Probability, by Hugh Gordon, Springer, NY 1997.


This course is a first course in Probabilities. We will learn about counting techniques, probabilities and discrete random variables. We will also learn a bit of continuous random variables, specially the Normal Distribution, to later study limits of distributions. Lastly, we will study Random Walks and Markov Chains.


Event Weight 
Four Exams  20% each
Quizzes & Projects 20%
Total 100%

For those taking the writing intensive version, M367Z, there will be 3 writing assignments. If these assignments are acceptable, then you'll receive the grade according to the grade received in the regular exams quizzes and projects, but if your writing assignmets are not acceptable, your final grade will be low enough so that it will not count for the writing requirement.

Quizzes: we will have weekly quizzes on every Wednesday, except on weeks when we have an exam.
Exams: The tentative schedule for the exams is: