TEXT: Calculus, 9th ed., G. Thomas and R. Finney, Addison--Wesley Publishing Co.

Office Hours: T-Th 10-11, or by appointment, or on line.

  • Course Description
  • Exams' Schedule
  • Book on line
  • Calculus Page
  • Riemann Sums Lab (lab 8) postcript file. (lab 8) plain file.

    This course is a first course in Calculus. We will discuss functions and their properties, derivatives, limits and integrals. ATTENDANCE is required. You are allowed a maximum of 7 absences including days off due to illness, catastrophe in the family or participating in a game. After the 8th absence you automatically FAIL the course. The grade for the course will be based in 3 in--class exams, weakly quizzes, labs, class participation and a comprehensive final. The percentage of each will be as follows:

    For the labs, you will need to get a computer account. The idea behind the labs is to further explore the topics covered in the lectures, sometimes with the help of the Maple program. You are not required to know any Maple since I will give you what you need as we go along. If you like to get more acquainted with Maple, you can get the ``Maple V Flight manual'' by W. Ellis, E. Johnson, E. Lodi and D. Schwalbe, edited by Brooks--Cole. This manual is not required.

    Your first assignment is to get the computer account and mail me a message with your name, social security number and account id.

    It is your responsibility to be aware of the dates of the exams, quizes and labs as well as their contents and due dates. If you miss a class, it is your responsibility to be aware of the topics discussed during that class, the assigned homework and the and the possibly given assignment.

    There is no reason to miss an Exam other than getting sick (bring note from doctor), being on a team that has a game at the same time an exam is given (bring a note from your coach), or a death or serious illness in your family. In the event you can not attend an exam, you have to let me know in advance. Otherwise you will get a 0 in that exam. There will be NO MAKE UPs for quizzes and Labs.

    The schedule for the course is as follows: Exam 1: Feb 12 Sections: P1-P5, 1.1-1.6, 2.1-2.3
    Exam 2: Mar 12 Sections: 2.4-2.7, 3.1-3.8
    Exam 3: Apr 9 Sections: 4.1-4.9
    Final: May 16 8--10am ROOM ES 245 Sections: 6.1--6.10 + Chapters 1--4