% This is a TEX source file containing: % % Corrections to First Printing of Third Edition % % \magnification=1200 % \def\li#1{\item{\hbox to \parindent{\enspace#1\hfill}}} \def\ss{\line{}} % \centerline{Thad W. Mirer, {\it Economic Statistics and Econometrics}, 3/e} \ss \centerline{Corrections to First Printing} \centerline{List of May 19, 1995} \vskip .5in \li{fe} Front endpaper: should have Table A.2 (on left) and Table A.3 (on right) \ss \li{iv} Copyright page: ISBN conflicts with CIP data and back cover \ss \li{51} Equation (3.11), right side: read ``~$\overline Y =~$'' instead of ``~$Y=$~'' \ss \li{51} Four lines below Equation (3.14): read ``~$\overline Y = 1.5 + \overline X~$'' instead of ``~$\overline X = 1.5 + \overline Y$~'' \ss \li{54} Labels in Figs 3.3a and 3.3b: numerals should not be italicized, so read ``~$r\approx .45$~'' in Fig 3.3a and ``~$r\approx .95$~" in Fig 3.3b \ss \li{71} Equation (4.14), upper left portion: read ``~$\hbox{Prop}(4.365\le$~'' instead of ``~$\hbox{Prop}(4.35\le$~'' \ss \li{73} Lower portion of Equation (4.16): italicize X \ss \li{82} Subscript in line 5: read ``~$u_1,$~'' instead of ``~$u_i,$~'' \ss \li{123} Fig 6.4c: remove stray $\beta$ \ss \li{199} Title for Table 9.6: at the end of the title the last ``~$X$~'' should be in a bold font, with extra space before the closing bracket \ss \li{200} In caption for Figure 9.7, next to last line: remove the dash from ``~$Y_{k-}$.~'' to leave ``~$Y_k$.~'' \ss \li{236} End of line 5: read ``~become~'' instead of ``~becomes~'' \ss \li{260} 11 lines from bottom: remove stray ``~12-3~'' overprinting \bye