Milne Alumni October Newsletter
October 15, 2022

by Judy Koblintz Madnick, '61

Dear Milne Alumni and Supporters,

In this issue:

* Voices from the Forest, by Bob and Barb (Currey) Wood, '61
* Class of 1967 55th-Year Reunion Photos
* Class of 1973 50th-Year Reunion Plans
* Sad News


Bob and Barb (Currey) Wood, '61, award-winning musician and teacher, a husband and wife duo, with enthusiastic, loving help from wonderfully artistic family members and friends, have created Voices from the Forest, an enchanting book of poetry, artwork, discussion guide, and fun activities for people of all ages and abilities.

The poems were originally written to be an integral part of a cooperative learning experience for the authors’ fourth-grade students. Following receiving much encouragement from friends in dementia online communities, as well as area teachers and their students, the decision was made to publish this book, making these poems and activities available to all who have a desire to experience them.

Voices from the Forest offers readers of all ages the opportunity to celebrate nature and to view solutions to life’s challenges through the eyes of many endearing forest animals. With the guidance of thoughtfully constructed discussion questions for each poem, reading partners will be encouraged to share the poems, their own thoughts and feelings, their memories, viewpoints on the meaning of life, and how they address life’s challenges. A variety of easy-to-use artistic experiences involving movement, music, cooking, drama, visual arts, such as drawing and photography, and use of the imagination are designed to assist people of all ages and abilities in developing deeper bonds of friendship, cooperation, cooperative problem-solving, love, and understanding. Guidance is provided for how caretakers and family members can assist reading partners who have brain disorders to receive the messages from the poems in meaningful, calming ways.

Some themes addressed in the poems include:
* ways to live the good life
* learning from past experiences, your own and those of others
* finding a touch of happiness amidst times of sadness
* enjoying the meditative benefits of walking in the woods and chatting with its plants, trees, and animals
* the joy of seeing the beauty in a monarch butterfly and feeling the need to preserve the lives of so many endangered species
* methods for providing support for each other when navigating through fearful and uncertain times
* techniques for bringing both comfort and peace to those who mean so much to you

Voices from the Forest will appeal to a diversity of audiences. Children will find themselves transported to a magical world full of easy-to-understand messages from delightful animals. Parents will be grateful for insights into their children’s thoughts about family, friendships, and life’s challenges. Participating in reading and discussing the poems and creating artistic works together will help parents and children form deeper emotional bonds.

Grandparents will treasure the bonding experiences sharing the poems will provide. They will love how the discussion questions and activities will trigger their own memories to share with their grandchildren. Caretakers will appreciate the guidance this book brings to them in helping to create a meaningful, calm, and happy climate when caring for people with mental and physical challenges. Teachers will find lots of opportunities to utilize the poems and activities in their daily instruction as they fit into all subject areas. Creating a well-oiled, cooperative community of learners results in successful, happy learners and teachers accomplishing their educational goals.

Kindle, hardcover, and paperback versions of Voices from the Forest can be purhased on If you have any questions, please send an email to Barb (Currey) Wood.



The class of 1973 will celebrate its 50th-year reunion during the weekend of September 9-11, 2023. Mark your calendars. Plans are being discussed for a casual gathering in Albany, a tour of the Milne building, and a dinner at an upscale location. To learn more, contact Peter Bulger.


Please note that I rely upon and input from other alumni for this information, so if you become aware of someone who has passed away, please let me know. If a name is underlined, it represents a link to the obituary. Many obituaries are available free for a limited time only.

No sad news of which I'm aware this month.


Thanks to all of you for your interest in Milne Alumni activities.

Judy (Koblintz) Madnick, '61

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