Milne Alumni July Newsletter
July 15, 2022

by Judy Koblintz Madnick, '61

Dear Milne Alumni and Supporters,

In this issue:

* Class Contacts
* Announcement From Anita Harris, '66
* Sad News


Thank you to Frank Ward, '56, who has agreed to become the class contact for the Class of '56.

If you believe that either I or your class contact no longer has accurate contact information for you, please email one or both of us. See the class contact list. Also, if there isn't a class contact listed for your class and you would be willing to fulfill that position, please let me know. It would be good to have at least two class contacts per class. Your responsibilities are minimal and consist mostly of being the person your classmates will contact if they have changes in contact information and, if you wish, to (help) plan reunions.


"I’m ecstatic to report that my new book, The View From Third Street, is, at long last, available on Amazon. It’s an unconventional memoir of my experiences cofounding, with Cornell friends and others, a weekly alternative newspaper called the Harrisburg Independent Press (AKA HIP).

We started HIP in conjunction with the 1972 trial of the Harrisburg Seven. Long story, but in that iconic trial, anti-war nuns and priests were accused of conspiring to kidnap Henry Kissinger and blow up underground heating tunnels in Washington, DC.

"The memoir first focuses on the (often muckraking) reportage of the paper. It then gets into the trial, and ends with a massive flood. Written from the point of view of Ani, my 23-year-old self, it interweaves stories of a love relationship, poverty and social injustice, and HIP's reporting on topics ranging from dirty movies to slave labor, heroin sales, racial discrimination, a burgeoning feminist movement, and abortion rights. It shows parallels between the divisiveness in American society then and now–and, I hope, provides insight into individuals' responses to the clashing forces of history.

"Oh, and if you want to buy the book–click here! More information is available at


Please note that I rely upon and input from other alumni for this information, so if you become aware of someone who has passed away, please let me know. If a name is underlined, it represents a link to the obituary. Many obituaries are available free for a limited time only.

No sad news of which I'm aware this month.


Thanks to all of you for your interest in Milne Alumni activities.

Judy (Koblintz) Madnick, '61

For contact information, see the Milne Alumni homepage:

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