Mbukushu (K.30)

Anonymous (1973) Mbukushu taalkunst en rekenkunde terminologielys. Pretoria: Central Orthographical Committee.

Cooke, G. (1970) The Hambukushu of Ngamiland. Botswana Notes and Records 2, 24ff p.

Larson, Thomas J. (1977) Kinship terminology of the Hambukushu of Ngamiland. Botswana Notes and Records 9, 85-89.

Larson, Thomas J. (1966) The significance of rainmaking for the Mbukushu. African Studies 25, 23-26.

Larson, Thomas J. (1963) Epic tales of the Mbukushu. African Studies 22: 4, 176-189.

Larson, T. J. (1965) The political structure of the Ngamiland Mbukushu under the rule of the Tawana. Anthropos 60, 164-176.

Larson, Thomas J. (1971) The spirits of the ancestors and the mandengure ceremony of the Hambukushu of Ngamiland. Anthropos 66, 52-70.

Moehlig, W. (1967) Die Sprache der Dciriku : Phonologie, Prosodologie und Morphologie. K�ln: Diss., 278 p.

Wynne, R. C. (1980) English-Mbukushu dictionary. Amersham, England: Avebury Publ., xxxiii, 615 p.

M�hlig, Wilhelm J. G. (1981) Geier und Erh�rnchen: Eine Tiererz�hlung der Dciriku. In I. Hofmann (ed. ) Festschrift zum 60. Geburtstag von P. Anton Vorbichler. 2Vienna: Afro-Publications, 127-164.