\documenttype{html} % This is "tdem.glm"; it was used to make % http://www.albany.edu/~hammond/teaser/tdem.html \newcommand{\hc}[2]{\h#1[align="center"]{#2}} \newcommand{\ua}[1]{\ah{#1}{\kbd{#1}}} \newcommand{\ah}[2]{\a[href="#1"]{#2}} \newcommand{\i}[1][]{\dt{\strong{#1}} \dd} % These are used in the arguments of the preceding, so must come after them. \newcommand{\gweb}[1][]{http://www.albany.edu/~hammond/gellmu/#1} \newcommand{\moz}[1][]{http://www.mozilla.org/#1} \title{GELLMU: A Few Anchors} \begin{body} \hc{1}{A Few GELLMU-Related Anchors} \p One can use \em{\\newcommand} \b{with arguments} for editing HTML today. This part of GELLMU is now stable -- except that there may be further enhancements to \em{\\newcommand}. There is no limit to the number of \em{\\newcommand} arguments. \p While the use of the GELLMU syntatic translator (which resides in the Emacs Lisp program corresponding to the file \ah{\gweb{gellmu.el}}{\kbd{gellmu.el}}) for editing HTML comes under \em{basic} GELLMU, and in some sense, is a side show compared to the program for \em{regular} GELLMU, it is nonetheless a way to begin to become familiar with the way that LaTeX-like markup can be used to make HTML and other document types under either SGML or XML in a completely reliable way. Of course, one does need to know the vocabulary of that document type. \p Substantial customization of the syntatic translator is required to bring \em{regular} GELLMU to bear on a document type other than the GELLMU didactic document type. See the variables in the Elisp variable "gellmu-public-vars", which are the variables open for user configuration. \begin{dl} \i{Demo of HTML written with LaTeX-like markup} A simple example of the use of GELLMU markup to write HTML \begin{ul} \li the demo as \ah{htease.glm}{source markup} \li the demo as \ah{htease.html}{HTML} made from the source using the Emacs Lisp program \ua{\gweb{gellmu.el}}\br For batch handling the command line is \center{\kbd{emacs -batch -l gellmu.el -f gellmu-html }} (And, yes, GNU Emacs \b{is} available for Windows9*/2000/NT:\br \ua{http://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/windows/}. To mimic a well known national TV personality: ``It's a good thing.'') \end{ul} \br\br \i{\ah{tdem.glm}{GELLMU Source for this page}} \br\br \i{The Teaser Demo} The previous item, which uses \em{basic} GELLMU, is ``documented'' in a short \em{regular} GELLMU article. \begin{ul} \li \ah{\gweb{teaser/teaser.dvi}}{DVI} \li \ah{\gweb{teaser/teaser.html}}{HTML} \li \ah{\gweb{teaser/teaser.xml}}{XML} (served as plain text) \li \ah{\gweb{teaser/teaser.glm}}{Source} \end{ul} \br\br \i{The Mozilla Project} \begin{ul} \li Mozilla overall: \ua{\moz} \li MathML in Mozilla: \ah{\moz{projects/mathml/}}{\kbd{projects/mathml/}} \begin{ul} \li Moz 0.8 with MathML, SVG, and XSLT for Windows can be found currently on the \ah{\moz{releases/}}{Mozilla Releases} page. \li MathML \ah{\moz{projects/mathml/start.xml}}{first demo page}. \li MathML \ah{\moz{projects/mathml/demo/texvsmml.xml}}{demo/test page}. \li Paul Gartside's \em{New} Mathzilla site:\br \ua{http://pear.math.pitt.edu/mathzilla/}. \li \ah{http://www.mozillazine.org/build_comments/}{Guide to the nightly builds}. \end{ul} \end{ul} \br\br \end{dl} \end{body}