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The Works of Phillis Wheatley and Albery A. Whitman

Call Number

PS 866 W5 1969

The Works of Phillis Wheatley and Albery A. Whitman. New York: 3m IM Press, 1969. Wheatley, Phillis, 1753?-1784. 

MIC FLM PS 866 W5 1969   1 reel. 35 mm.


            This reproduces copies of works by two major early Afro-American poets now located in the Schomburg Collection of the New York Public Library.

            Phillis Wheatley was born in Senegal and brought to the United States as a slave in 1761. She was purchased by a Boston tailor, John Wheatley, whose name she later took, and was given a strong classical education. She began writing poetry, basing her work on British models, and became the "best known American poet" of her day.

            Albery A. Whitman (1851-1901) was born a slave in Kentucky. Orphaned after the Emancipation, he worked as a farm boy. He received about seven months of elementary education, and studied for six months at Wilberforce University, where he began writing and publishing poetry. Although he became the "leading Afro-American poet of his day," his long narrative poems were "essentially imitative," following the models of Byron and Tennyson.


      I. Phillis Wheatley.

            A.  Prayer, June 13, 1779.

    B.  An Elegiac Poem on the Reverend and Learned   Mr. George Whitefield. Boston, 1770.

            C.  Poems on Comic, Serious, and Moral Subjects.   London, 1787.

            D.  Poems on Various Subjects, Religious and Moral. London, 1816.

            E.  Memoir and Poems of Phillis Wheatley. Boston,   1834.

            F.  Memoir and Poems of Phillis Wheatley. Boston,   1838.

            G. H. Wilson Armistead. "Phillis Wheatley."  Liverpool, 1905.

      II. Albery A. Whitman.

            A.  Not a Man, and Yet a Man. Springfield, Ohio,   1877.

       B.  The Rape of Florida. St. Louis, 1884.

            C.  Twasinta's Seminoles. St. Louis, 1885.

            D.  An Ikyl of the South. New York, 1901.



