Math 4242 : Applied Linear Algebra

Fall 2014

Vincent Hall 2, MWF 12:20-1:20

Instructor: Michael Lesnick
mlesnick [at]
Office: Lind Hall 358
Office Hours (tentative schedule): Wed. 1:30-2:30, Thurs. 4:30-5:30, Fri. 11:00-12:00, and by appointment
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Assigned Homework

Linear Algebra Resources

Exam Dates:
Fri. Oct. 10,
Fri. Nov. 14,
Wed. Dec 10 (last day of classes).

About this Course:
Linear algebra is everywhere in modern science, mathematics, statistics, and engineering.   A solid knowledge of the subject is essential for doing serious work in most quantitative fields.

The main goal of this course is to help students develop a strong theoretical foundation in linear algebra.   Though our focus will be on fundamentals, we will also discuss some applications and touch on computational questions.

Students should already have had some exposure linear algebra at the level of MATH 2373 or MATH 2243.   We will review the basics, but will quickly move on to new things.

Required Textbook:
Meyer, Matrix Analysis and Applied Linear Algebra.   We will cover most of chapters 1-7.   Here is the errata.

75%: Three midterm exams (25% each)
25%: Weekly quizzes.   Lowest 2 quiz scores will be dropped.

Homework will be assigned each week but not collected.   Instead, the weekly quizzes will consist of problems very similar to the homework problems.   If you can do the homework problems, you should have no trouble with the quizzes.