<% If "NO" = "YES" Then %> <h1><%=MyTitle%></h1> <% End If %> <% If "YES" = "YES" Then %>
<% End If %> <% If "YES" <> "YES" Then %>
<% End If %> <% If "NO" = "NO" Then %> <h1><%=MyTitle%></h1> <% End If %>

One responsibility required of the Internal Control Program is to implement education and training efforts to ensure that employees have adequate awareness and understanding of internal control standards. As all employees have a responsibility for and play a role in the University's Internal Control Program, it follows that they should receive appropriate training on internal controls.

The Internal Control Team at UAlbany uses several methods to help educate employees on and promote internal controls.  Informational brochures are mailed to all faculty and staff periodically and are also distributed to all new employees in their welcome packets and at new employee orientation sessions.  Pens with internal control messages and contact information are also distributed at orientation sessions and training sessions. 

Different instructional sessions on internal controls are given across the University to employees.  The Internal Control Coordinator and Assistant Internal Control Coordinator first worked with each campus unit in the fall of 2005 to train the managers on internal controls as part of the process of assessing its vulnerability to risks. This is a cyclical process which will be repeated periodically.

The Internal Control Officer provides an overview of internal controls and a status report on the University's Internal Control Program to the Senior (executive) Staff members every year.  Such information has also been presented to the University Council and other management teams as requested. 

Currently, another ongoing process designed to train all University employees on internal controls is underway. The intention of this training process is to enhance each employee's understanding and awareness of internal controls and the part that he or she plays in the University's Internal Control Program.  Employees are divided into two groups based on their job responsibilities on campus: Managers (for all Deans, department chairs, center directors, supervisors or administrative office managers) and Employees.   Both groups are expected to participate in either a live or online training session every two years.

Please see the links on the left for the appropriate training program.