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<% End If %> <% If "YES" <> "YES" Then %>
<% End If %> <% If "NO" = "NO" Then %> <h1><%=MyTitle%></h1> <% End If %>

To underscore managerial ownership of the University's system of internal controls and to ensure broad coordination of the campus' internal control program, oversight of the program is rested in the Internal Control Steering Committee.  The Steering Committee is chaired by Kevin Wilcox, Internal Control Officer. Following is an excerpt from the initial charge to the Committee.

Since the internal control plan is ubiquitous to the campus and is everyone's responsibility, particularly that of management, a successful internal control program needs broad buy-in. This can best be accomplished by directly involving a small group of highly placed personnel with a broad knowledge of campus operations and policy and strategic plan objectives, and the ability to effect change.  The committee role is to assist in shaping all aspects of the campus approach to the internal control program, including organizing, educating, testing and reporting, and to champion the ideals of a strong internal control program in its representative areas.

The Internal Control Steering Committee currently consists of the following members:


Member Represents
Kevin Wilcox Associate VP for Enterprise Risk Management
Jon St. Clair Internal Control Officer/Director of Risk Management
Weisu Fudge Internal Control Coordinator
Cynthia Riggi Student Affairs
Gerard Koloskie
James Dias Research
Steven Galime College of Arts & Sciences
William Hedberg
Provost / Academic Affairs
JD Hyde
Fardin Sanai University Development
Martin Manjak Information Security
Janet Thayer Counsel's Office
James Walser Audit and Management Services