Causes of Climate Change

Different causes of climate change both human and natural numbered on a graphic of the earth

Nature and human beings, says Jeffrey Kiehl, Ph.D.’81, effect climate change over timespans ranging from years or decades to millions of years.

1. Changes in solar intensity (millions of years)

2. Greenhouse gases: changes in greenhouse gases (10,000 to millions of years)

3. Changes in Earth's position relative to the sun (10,000 to 100,000 years)

4. Changes in the position and height of continents (millions of years)

5. Burning fossil fuels that change carbon dioxide levels (years to centuries)

6. Changes to land cover (years to centuries)

7. Other industrial sources of greenhouse gases, e.g., methane (years to centuries)

8. Atmospheric pollution that affects sunlight and clouds (weeks to decades)


What can you do to help address climate change?

Kiehl suggests: 

  • reducing your personal carbon footprint by driving and flying less, and conserving household energy use.
  • becoming a “messenger” by learning the basics of climate-change science and talking to family and friends about the issue.
  • learning about the positions your elected representatives take on the issue of climate change and voting for people who have action plans on reducing carbon-dioxide emissions. “If the official has not stated a position on climate change, then ask what it is.”